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PostPosted: September 18th, 2007, 4:34 pm
by Cwolf_FA
Oh, great news man. Interestingly enough, this is the first file that I've really had success with. Other ones I'll listen to for a couple months or even more with no real results. This one just seems to work really well. I've still been listening, and feel ready to tell one female friend I have who is bi. I just wanna catch her while she's around rather than use an e-mail though. But yeah, let us know what happens with that.

PostPosted: September 19th, 2007, 5:44 am
by Rico605
Happy to see that you are going throught the same thing as me. I do feel better and better dealing with my homosexuality. Yesterday, i started to chat with gay guy and on forum. The friend who i told i was gay, is going to help me with somebody with who i work. Is gay and single :D It's just that workplace is not the place for a coming out. So she's going to talk to him a little bit. More and more i listen to this file, the more i wanna tell everybody and the better i feel. So keep posting. Tell me what's happening on your side since we are up the same point.

PostPosted: September 19th, 2007, 10:43 pm
by dickdodger
Gentlemen do you believe you were gay all along and this helped you too accpet it or do you feel that you were straight and this file changed your life.

PostPosted: September 20th, 2007, 5:46 am
by Rico605
Frankly, i knew i was attracted by men at the start, althought i was able to deal with women, so this file helped me to come out. I would never have done a coming out before. I am proud of it now. The link between listening to it and the results are clear. That's for me. Some here, where straight and became gay. I think everybody is different in hypnosis.

PostPosted: September 21st, 2007, 4:34 pm
by Cwolf_FA
Well I was bi before, and listening to the file has pretty much made me gay. I wouldn't say it completely changed my life but it did work amazingly.

PostPosted: September 28th, 2007, 6:23 am
by Rico605
Well the last days where a bit tought. I tried to stopped to listen to this file because my girlfriend announced me that she is pregnant, that i am going to be a father for the first time. 8O I had a mix of emotions, really happy cause i tought i would never happen to me, but sad because i felt that i am more and more gay and that i could not back up on this one. So i decided to stop, but it's not easy. A little voice in me wants to listen to it. So i hope it's going to wash up and fade away. I didn't listen to it for the last 3 days. I am going to try "train sex woman" to reverse this one. Life can be surprising... I'll keep posting.

PostPosted: September 29th, 2007, 2:48 pm
by allison_in_love
there is what i like to think is a nice but very intense
file that attempts to induce bisexuality on a presumed
hetrosexuale male (or feminized male)...that is, it
creates an attraction to and desire for men, along with
the need to have an emotionally close relationship with
a male lover...

it might be helpful to anyone interested in this tread.

note that it does not attempt to reduce presumed interest
in women, but presumably wanting men would be a good
first step to being gay :-)

comments on the file are very welcome if anyone does
listen to it

PostPosted: October 30th, 2007, 12:56 pm
by Blankslate235
Thinking about trying this file, to see what effect, if any, it would have on me. Think I should?

PostPosted: October 30th, 2007, 7:25 pm
by Cwolf_FA
Well to Rico yes that might be a good decision to go back on it. Seems like a bit of a surprise but that's life. I stopped listening to it a little while ago. I just don't need to anymore, it's taken its effect. I'm actually getting ready to tell some friends and family myself. Having a kid on the way though, that is a different story. And for blankslate I actually would reccommend giving it a shot. Only thing is you should be ready to accept any consequences because as far as I can tell it's extremely effective. But if you wouldn't mind the results I'd say give it a shot.

PostPosted: November 12th, 2007, 12:29 am
by hypnomeister2
I've listened to this a few times, for awhile after listening it's hard to get hard when looking at women. After listening I was kind of curious about looking at gay porn, and instead of looking away, I was pretty much indifferent. If I don't listen for a few days the effects go away, but when I do listen to it again, the effects come back stronger than last time. This is scary, so I haven't listened for awhile, but I still can't stop thinking about the damn file.

PostPosted: November 14th, 2007, 3:41 am
by hypnomeister2
I cracked and had another listen. I know I do not want this, but I can't stop thinking about it. This morning before I was fully awake, I fantasized about a naked man, I didn't even realize it a first.

I shouldn't have listened to the file in the first place... :oops:

PostPosted: November 15th, 2007, 7:07 pm
by Cwolf_FA
Why did you decide to originally?

PostPosted: November 16th, 2007, 6:46 am
by hypnomeister2
Let's just say I was "tricked" :oops:

PostPosted: November 16th, 2007, 7:39 am
by loony28
hypnomeister2 wrote:Let's just say I was "tricked" :oops:

Well if you were tricked then it shouldn't be having this much effect on you. Did you know the name of the file when you listened to it the first time?

PostPosted: November 16th, 2007, 7:48 pm
by boomsmee
It sounds like he listened to the "trick" file by EMG for Halloween, If the Halloween trick file made him listen to it, he probably had an interest or desire in the curse gay file that he wasn't consciously aware of.

PostPosted: November 18th, 2007, 3:37 pm
by Renata
After several months this file made me completely gay. And I don't want to remove it... At first I've started with feminisation files, then I realised that I want to change more things in myself... So now I'm completely feminised gay crossdresser, or transsexual :D

PostPosted: November 18th, 2007, 11:46 pm
by hypnomeister2
Yes, it was the halloween file named trick that got me. :oops:

PostPosted: November 19th, 2007, 8:30 pm
by Cwolf_FA
Ah, well that explains it. Hm, if you wanna stop the effects though, you'll need to take some counter measures, because it works quickly. If you don't mind too much either way keep listening, but if you definitely want to keep your current sexuality you should do something about it.

PostPosted: November 25th, 2007, 6:05 am
by BobbyS
Ah, well that explains it. Hm, if you wanna stop the effects though, you'll need to take some counter measures, because it works quickly. If you don't mind too much either way keep listening, but if you definitely want to keep your current sexuality you should do something about it.

Or, like all hypnosis - just don't listen to it again and the effects will fade. Even the 'Curse' files will only last so long without repeated listening before the effects fade of their own accord.

PostPosted: December 6th, 2007, 5:13 am
by hypnomeister2
The effects of the file aren't going away... in fact when I look at women, I don't feel much, the temptation to listen to it are getting harder to ignore each day. Also my choice in pornographic material has altered also.

PostPosted: December 7th, 2007, 7:32 pm
by Cwolf_FA
How do you feel about it though?


PostPosted: December 13th, 2007, 8:30 am
by angelcraves
I have became obsessed with this thread . I get excited at the thought of being gay . But i do not have gay thoughts . I am not attracted to men . And nor do women excite me sexually . Can someone please explain this to me and what i should do. Thank you

Started listening to file today

PostPosted: December 14th, 2007, 10:45 am
by angelcraves
I definately feel different but no changes to report . I feel a little humiliated to post on the board but will discuss privately

PostPosted: December 18th, 2007, 6:45 am
by jim
anyone can send me the trick file?? im curious to try it

PostPosted: December 18th, 2007, 11:04 pm
by LDark
Actually, I was about to ask the same thing - if someone would be so kind as to send it to, that'd be wonderful, thanks - I wasn't able to access a computer on Hallowe'en to get it for free. )=

PostPosted: December 20th, 2007, 2:53 pm
by dan_01

Re: Intrigued

PostPosted: December 21st, 2007, 6:42 pm
by Cwolf_FA
testuser wrote:I have became obsessed with this thread . I get excited at the thought of being gay . But i do not have gay thoughts . I am not attracted to men . And nor do women excite me sexually . Can someone please explain this to me and what i should do. Thank you

Well some people are technically asexual. They don't get excited by men or women. I'd say if you don't have any previous commitments and you find this file intriguing, you should give it a try.

PostPosted: December 22nd, 2007, 10:01 am
by jim
send me the file plz at

PostPosted: January 4th, 2008, 7:14 am
by Rico605
Hello everyone, well i took a pause of this thread since a few weeks, since my girfriend told me she was pregnant. I tried by keeping my distance with hypnosis to let the effects of this curse fade away, but it's not. Like others, the thought of becoming gay is a real turn on, maybe more than man. I was down in Florida last week, and was unable to stop staring at man on the beach, getting excited by the idea that i could flirt them. that i could be gay. I wasn't like that before. I tried at first the train sex woman to reverse the effects, but i wasn't able to listen to that one, without having panic attack, wich i never had before. So i dont really know what to do... Listen to the file and accept that things have changed or just keep resisting to listen to it again. It is strong... Any advice somenone?

Careful what you ask for

PostPosted: January 4th, 2008, 8:12 am
by angelcraves
I have also stopped listening to the file but have noticed similar to you . I stopped listening because i had noticed a real effect and then i was going under it felt like i was being held there by someone. I still am not sexually excited by men but find myself browsing pictures of them when i masturbate now. I read somewhere that hypnosis effects fade in time but i believe this file is a double whammy as the more you think of these thoughts the stronger it gets . I dont think this one will fade if you have taken to it and i myself congratulate e m g for a very good file .Update i have not listened to this file since this post . The feelings have not gone away . I was out with friends and felt an attraction to someone i was talking to and became conscious of the fact i had to sit there and concentrate on not kissing him . We0then want to a lap dancing bar i did not have a dance i felt no interest in the girls at all and they were beautiful . I listened to this file less than a dozen times it is very powerful and if you listen to it even from simple curiosity be warned it works . But then again you will listen to this file because you want it to work.

PostPosted: February 13th, 2008, 11:47 am
by angelcraves
Update i have not listened to this file since this post . The feelings have not gone away . I was out with friends and felt an attraction to someone i was talking to and became conscious of the fact i had to sit there and concentrate on not kissing him . We0then want to a lap dancing bar i did not have a dance i felt no interest in the girls at all and they were beautiful . I listened to this file less than a dozen times it is very powerful and if you listen to it even from simple curiosity be warned it works . But then again you will listen to this file because you want it to work.

PostPosted: February 24th, 2008, 11:11 am

PostPosted: March 11th, 2008, 6:34 am
by Rico605
For the last 2-3 month, i didn't listen to this file because my girlfriend is now pegnant and i wished that it would fade away. Unfortunately, i was draw back to this file yesterday, i wanting more than ever to become gay. Afer listenning to it again, i went to work. One of my co-worker is gay and i told him to i was too when i a private place. We have kiss and i never felt something that intense. So i feel gulty about kissing him, and i really dont know what to do cause i dont feel like listening to force straight, no i want to be gay. Is there a reverse file for this one?

PostPosted: March 12th, 2008, 5:19 am
by Rico605
Each time i want to download curse straight, something stop me from doing it and i listen to the file curse forced gay... Now after listenning again, i realise that althought i didn't listen it for 2-3 month, the effects are still greater than when i stopped listenning. A part of me really wants to become gay. Still another part feel guilty and want to stop that. Yesterday, i chatted on a gay site. I am really stuck on this one. Before i didn't believe in a permanent curse, but now, i dont know what to do, embrace it or fight it.

PostPosted: March 23rd, 2008, 10:43 am

PostPosted: April 5th, 2008, 8:14 am
by djmgpsp

forced gay

PostPosted: April 6th, 2008, 10:09 am
by sleepy134
became interested in this file after reading forum letter about it. Just
curious, I thought I could listen and just find out what it was all about.
I still don't know what's in it but I slept through it twice. Later I started
in the middle just before the count down and evidently I am easier to
trance than I thought. and I still don't know the entire content. Will try
again. Can someone tell me some specifics of this file? sleepy134

Re: forced gay

PostPosted: April 6th, 2008, 12:50 pm
by adriana
sleepy134 wrote:became interested in this file after reading forum letter about it. Just
curious, I thought I could listen and just find out what it was all about.
I still don't know what's in it but I slept through it twice. Later I started
in the middle just before the count down and evidently I am easier to
trance than I thought. and I still don't know the entire content. Will try
again. Can someone tell me some specifics of this file? sleepy134

Basically after you listen to this file you will change into being a gay man. You will start to crave cock and want to have sex with men. Women won't appeal to you anymore. You will need sex with men only. The file is addictive so if you listen once you will need to listen to it again and again, and it is a curse file. It works well :D

My progress so far

PostPosted: April 15th, 2008, 5:01 pm
by becoming_chloe
Been a while since I posted in this thread. As I've said in other posts, I feel becoming gay is part of my path in feminization. A girl should like boys and I like to be girly so.... I should like boys. I am also married to a woman I love but who no longer wants to have sex and does not look attractive to me. The sex is gone at home. But I'm finding now that I am "flexible", I can get it quite easily everywhere else.

I listen to the tape every Tuesday and Friday at lunch and try to listen three times as a rule. Its on my calendar and I look forward to the reminder going off. I find it calming and it really helps with stress. Of course the primary reason to listen is to get over my prudish male tendencies and get me to where I can enjoy a man anywhere any time.

I find the effects last longer and longer as I continue to listen. In the beginning I would listen, then think about men strongly for maybe a day. Sometimes look at men with lust while at a mall or store, but never at work. Then men at work started to look interesting and I would think of being with them. I finally tried and became a huge fan of bathroom sex, dressed in my stall partially as Chloe. Doing that so publically and with men as they aren't my natural sexual orientation induced a lot of guilt. The tape really helped me get over that.

Next step was joining a man in the next stall and kissing for the first time. HOT HOT HOT! But guilt was overpowering and I would punish myself for days after - that first time I actually threw up after making out and cumming. But that shame itself became a turn on (is there a tape to feel the lusty shame I felt that day?) and I would crave a man's kiss again and again.

How different it is now. I have been with at least 10 men face to face either as Chloe or my male self. More often now I go out and meet as a male because I can do it at the drop of a hat. Each time I listen to the tape over and over ahead of the date to give myself the motivation and courage. I rarely feel guilt and am getting the male attention and love I need to feel like a real woman.

I would say I am now 80% gay. I still look at women, but really only in admiration and wishing I could be like them. Cocks are definately my thing now and the men attached are getting dreamier and dreamier. I dont know what else is in store for me, but i really like being/becoming gay!

PostPosted: April 15th, 2008, 11:37 pm
by FrozenRose
Gee's lol no wonder there's no good guys anymore, they all going gay lol.
Soon the world will end, no one will have sex with us women and make more people. Haha. The world will end. J/k. Whatever makes you happy

If you pay EMG you can get a file to change the afects and take the curse off you, he does for other files. I havn't checked if he has one or not for this file.

PostPosted: June 27th, 2008, 8:45 pm
by angelcraves
so now i get so excited and horny at being gay, but have no attraction to males... can someone please help!

PostPosted: July 1st, 2008, 5:44 am
by PeppermintT
testuser wrote:so now i get so excited and horny at being gay, but have no attraction to males... can someone please help!

Try to use your imagination, as that is a powerful tool, as well as your powers of observation. For example, when a man is talking to you study his mouth & lips carefully. Then try to imagine him kissing your mouth with his and what that might feel like. If you shake hands with a man and he has a firm handshake imagine his strong hands touching your body. Would it feel good? Go to a beach or pool and look at guys bodies. Join a gym or check out guys doing sports. Think about what kind of bodies they have and which you prefer. Watch the forthcoming Olympics on TV and check out the bodies of the athletes, swimmers etc. Examine them carefully and decide what type you like best. Then imagine touching their bodies and what might feel like. Also considers the personalites of guys you meet. Do have personality traits that attract you? Do this daily as well as listening to the file and maybe watching gay porn. Keep a detailed journal of your observations (preferably on the WMM site so we can all read it!) Good luck and keep trying- you will become what you practice!

curse forced gay

PostPosted: July 1st, 2008, 9:34 am
by sleepy134
I played this file after I listened of Hypno loss and now I wake up in my
BE GAY, I think Who wants that and go to the computer and It's playing and
it just started. I'm forced to conclude I just heard it and then I think that
cant be. I don't this will affect me as I have no idea what it says. sleepy134

PostPosted: July 17th, 2008, 6:02 pm
by angelcraves
I have not listened to the file again.. But now my penis wilts if i try to arouse myself to a womans image. The opposite happens for male i do not even have to try . Seems to be the cheerful males . Yet i still feel no attraction . Thank you for the reply pepper mint .

PostPosted: September 6th, 2008, 2:35 am
by angelcraves
I have now tried train crave cum the thought of drinking my own cum is so exciting but i cannot get past the barrier of drinking it . The glass goes to my lips and then i stop i have also noticed i find more and more men attractive and sometimes think how it would be to kiss them but that is all . Can anyone help . I only listened to this file because i craved trance and this was the one people wrote about as having most effect . What about curse win lottery :-)

forced gay

PostPosted: September 6th, 2008, 2:59 pm
by sleepy134
I can relate to your problem, I listened daily for about three weeks, some
times two or three times a day. I don't see much use in drinking your or
someone else's come. I enjoyed the file but quit, mainly because it began
to affect my feelings for my wife of 43 years. I do some of the slave files.
Currently shrinking my dick and balls. You say all you want is a really good
trance? I can recommend EVIL01. It's the first time I really knew I was
hypnotized. You are unable to move when challenged. It doesn't make
any difference what you do, you can't move anything. I lay there thinking
(bull shit) this time I'm going to move, but it's not possible. I've played it
probably thirty times and it started working after about three. I keep
using it, waiting for EVIL02 to be free. It's a great way to blow about
twenty minutes. Let me know how you like it. Yes I am a cheap bastard

Re: forced gay

PostPosted: September 6th, 2008, 4:54 pm
by EMG
Quick note, Evil02 through 8 are free on Hypno-Fetish via my profile. Oh, and glad you enjoyed the file.

sleepy134 wrote:I can relate to your problem, I listened daily for about three weeks, some
times two or three times a day. I don't see much use in drinking your or
someone else's come. I enjoyed the file but quit, mainly because it began
to affect my feelings for my wife of 43 years. I do some of the slave files.
Currently shrinking my dick and balls. You say all you want is a really good
trance? I can recommend EVIL01. It's the first time I really knew I was
hypnotized. You are unable to move when challenged. It doesn't make
any difference what you do, you can't move anything. I lay there thinking
(bull shit) this time I'm going to move, but it's not possible. I've played it
probably thirty times and it started working after about three. I keep
using it, waiting for EVIL02 to be free. It's a great way to blow about
twenty minutes. Let me know how you like it. Yes I am a cheap bastard

PostPosted: September 16th, 2008, 12:20 am
by sissyboyoxford
Hiya All!!

Wow I can't belive my little post took so much interest! Also that's it's been well over a year since my last post!
I've really enjoyed reading all your stories, updates and questions :-)

I suppose i'd better tell you a bit about what is happening in my life - Well i'm soon to be Mr Quinn! I've been with my boyfriend for about a year and a half and next year we've decided to have a civil partnership, which is really awesome!
I've moved out of my boring old life and we now live in london together, living the gay lifestlye and i love every minute of if! I've told him about this website and what's happened to me, although he is interested we've not tried any of the files together as he is a bit skepical, which is fair enough. He does however enjoy me crossdressing, which is cool and nice because thats how i stumbled on this site.

Honestly i'd say to those who have listened to this file and are worried about what is happening to them to just relax and enjoy it, as you never know where it may lead you. It really is a great adventure.


PostPosted: September 16th, 2008, 4:13 pm
by PeppermintT
sissyboyoxford wrote:Hiya All!!

Wow I can't belive my little post took so much interest! Also that's it's been well over a year since my last post!
I've really enjoyed reading all your stories, updates and questions :-)

I suppose i'd better tell you a bit about what is happening in my life - Well i'm soon to be Mr Quinn! I've been with my boyfriend for about a year and a half and next year we've decided to have a civil partnership, which is really awesome!
I've moved out of my boring old life and we now live in london together, living the gay lifestlye and i love every minute of if! I've told him about this website and what's happened to me, although he is interested we've not tried any of the files together as he is a bit skepical, which is fair enough. He does however enjoy me crossdressing, which is cool and nice because thats how i stumbled on this site.

Honestly i'd say to those who have listened to this file and are worried about what is happening to them to just relax and enjoy it, as you never know where it may lead you. It really is a great adventure.


Congratulations! :D

PostPosted: November 4th, 2008, 4:42 pm
by girlycockslave
this file is first i would fast forward it to the sexy bit..but now i take in the relaxation part and it really helps you change your preference..i used to be into girls only..but since this file i cant stop thinking about cock and being with horny sexy guys...