Curse CCP

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Curse CCP

Postby confuseddabbler » August 31st, 2017, 9:05 am

I'd been listening to Curse CCP every other day for two weeks, and daily this week. I don't know why, but I assumed that "leak out on its own" would be akin to a ruined orgasm or prostate milking, with a full load just making its way out. All weekend I felt like something was happening, sort of similar to precum dribbling but not very intense, so I assumed it hadn't fully kicked in - I was wrong, it's working.

I exclusively wear black boxer briefs (basically, I found a brand/type I liked and bought a ton of them), and I glanced at them a few days ago and realized that they had a lot of very noticeable dried cum spots in them. I had sex late Monday night, so Tuesday my undies were clean for most of the day, but were peppered with spots by that night. Yesterday the spots were larger and more numerous, and by late evening all I could think about was how bad I had to go home and take care of myself, so to speak. I rushed home and blew a tremendous load (much larger than what was typical before I started listening to the file) before bed.

That was 10 hours ago, and I started feeling that slow, dribbling feeling again a few minutes ago. Curse CCP is absolutely working its magic on me.
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Joined: August 17th, 2017, 10:31 am

Re: Curse CCP

Postby pest » August 31st, 2017, 12:33 pm

Good to hear, if you have any more results would love to hear about them.
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Re: Curse CCP

Postby confuseddabbler » September 3rd, 2017, 12:02 pm

As an experiment, I refrained from any kind of release for 3 days. After 24 hours, I was feeling the dribbling feeling pretty steadily, and my boxer briefs were pretty heavily spotted. I listened to the file again that night (along with a custom version of Curse Penis Growth I layered with Donkey Dick Subliminal, Curse Muscle Bound No Hair Loss, and JackStock's Muscle Grown Stage 2). I woke up leaking pretty steadily and feeling a little achy in the general pelvis area. As the day went on, the leaking continued and the achy feeling increased a bit.

I listened to the same files again that night before bed, and woke up yesterday with the same leaking and achiness, but also desperate for release. Not horny, but just really, really wanting to cum. I listened to the same set of files in the afternoon, then watched some porn...mostly creampie videos, for inspiration. I was afraid I'd cum in seconds, but was pleased that it still took 5 minutes or so. Once I did cum though, the load was huge - 6-7 contractions rather than the usual 2-3 - and actually got some distance, which was awesome. When I was in my teens and early 20s, I used to regularly hit my chest and face and sometimes even the headboard, but as I've gotten closer and closer to 40, my loads have gotten smaller and have started dribbling rather than squirting out. So for it to land on my stomach now rather than just dribble down my hand is a massive improvement.

That was around 6pm. By midnight I was starting to feel very occasional leaking again, and this morning I woke up to dried cum spots in my underwear and the leaking feeling again. Curse CCP continues to be a resounding success! I plan to listen to the same playlist again this afternoon.
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Joined: August 17th, 2017, 10:31 am

Re: Curse CCP

Postby pest » September 6th, 2017, 4:31 am

Great results :)
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Re: Curse CCP

Postby confuseddabbler » September 18th, 2017, 7:21 am

Have continued to listen to Curse CCP 2-3 times per week, and have continued to have the same dribbling feeling and cum spots. Had sex Saturday morning and blew a tremendous load, but felt the leaking start again only 4-5 hours later, which was a pleasant surprise.

This morning while getting ready for work, I felt the familiar feeling and decided to take a look. I whipped my cock out just in time to see a drop of cum form at the tip of my penis...not only was it an unbelievably hot sight, but it also seemed to reinforce the power of suggestion for me. For the past two hours I've been feeling what I assume are the effects of the other files in my rotation (a handful of muscle & penis growth files) stronger than ever.

I considered rubbing one out but was running late, so I tucked it back in and left for work. Looks like I'll be leaking all day...not that I mind so much. Curse CCP continues to work as advertised!
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Re: Curse CCP

Postby confuseddabbler » September 18th, 2017, 7:54 pm

Leaked nonstop all day, felt achy around my balls and pelvic region, and rushed home from work desperate to masturbate. Had a big, satisfying orgasm and thought I'd bought myself 4-6-hours' relief...except the leaking start again after only two hours!

I think it's time to take a break from Curse CCP and work on some other goals instead. Fortunately, EMG was kind enough to word this file so that one is only compelled to listen to it if its effects start to diminish. I'm totally cool with that, because while I wouldn't mind if the leaking chilled out a bit, I certainly don't want it to stop altogether.
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Re: Curse CCP

Postby pest » September 20th, 2017, 10:26 pm

Great posts im glad you had so much success :)
Posts: 74
Joined: September 29th, 2010, 12:00 am

Re: Curse CCP

Postby confuseddabbler » September 20th, 2017, 10:41 pm

Thanks! It's a very powerful file...I never would've believed it could work the way it claimed to before I saw the results firsthand!

After making the conscientious decision to back off the file a couple days ago, the leaking has slowed down considerably. I only felt the dribbling feeling a few times today, and there are only a few dried spots in my underwear. I want to find a middle ground between today's weak effects and yesterday's out of control effects. I think I'll listen to it once a week and see if I that allows me to keep things at a titillating-but-manageable level.
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Re: Curse CCP

Postby confuseddabbler » September 26th, 2017, 7:54 am

I haven't listened to Curse CCP in a little over a week, and the effects have definitely slowed down more than I'd like. It's been five days since I last ejaculated, and the cum spotting was pretty heavy for a couple days. Two days ago, it was present but noticeably less. Over the past 24 hours, however, it's been almost nonexistent; I don't recall feel the sexy leaking feeling at all, and woke up with only two small cum spots in my underwear.

I plan to listen to the file today to kickstart the effects again. Hopefully consistently listening once a week will help maintain them properly.
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Re: Curse CCP

Postby confuseddabbler » November 3rd, 2017, 10:28 am

I decided my hypnotic goals needed some focus, so I've decided to concentrate on one thing at a time...first up, sexual performance. My routine now is to listen to a playlist composed of Curse CCP, Curse Penis Growth, and either Curse Porn Star Penis or Never Fully Flaccid (the latter when my gf is having her time of the month, otherwise the former), along with EMG's Suggestible.

I've been seeing only one or two faint cum spots in my underwear lately, but I still feel the occasional leaking feeling and my loads don't seem to have diminished since I first started seeing Curse CCP results. I wondered if my cum production has just slowed down so things aren't overflowing like they initially did...but then I whipped it out and took a look, and saw cum inside my cock. Then it occurred to me: it's quite possible that, due to the astounding results I've seen from Never Fully Flaccid and the minor (but quite noticeable) results from Curse Penis Growth, the leaking cum now has a longer way to travel and isn't making it out all the way.

The thing that matters most, however, is that my loads are still much bigger than they were before and I'm good to go for another round much sooner than I was before I started listening to this file. So in that regard, Curse CCP is a huge win!
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Re: Curse CCP

Postby goosechaser87 » April 18th, 2019, 10:32 pm

I'm really curious about this file but I'm apprehensive due to it being s curse.

Does anyone know if you can use the cursed keyboard curse to remove this curse? My thinking is if you could use cursed keyboard to remove this and then remove itself.

I definately donr have the funds to pay EMG for s remover while I'm studying :(
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