Has anyone ever successfully changed their gender identity?

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Has anyone ever successfully changed their gender identity?

Postby thomas432 » August 9th, 2018, 8:02 pm

From files from this site?

I know there are the feminization/maculinization files, but I'm not quite sure how they work. Can they change someone's gender identity, like make a male identified person feel female, or vice versa?
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Re: Has anyone ever successfully changed their gender identi

Postby ProfessorPig » August 10th, 2018, 3:23 pm

thats a complicated question. there are certain files, like the Bambi Sleep files, that are powerful enough that if you stayed the course with them you would begin to identify as female, but that comes with new problems. one might argue that if it worked it only brought out some latent desires in the listener, so it becomes really hard to prove one way or another. even if the listener later says they were not being totally honest before it would be hard to rule out that their revised memory is not a false one created by the files they are listening to because that kind of memory revision is popular in feminization hypnosis.

if you do not identify as female you are likely to get a bit freaked out when you start to identify as female, and thus stop listening to the files (being an airheaded bimbo is a nice vacation, but you probably wouldn't want to live there). most people are aware to one degree or another of how hard a life being trans is, so the realities of that experience would likely encourage someone to stop listening to a file before more permanent changes occur.

part of why this is a challenging question to address is because we would need to define what constitutes a change of gender identity? if you make someone believe they are a woman while in trance that would be incredibly temporary, but it could be interpreted as a change of gender identity. i suspect most people would be thinking about more long term changes though. but the long term changes become much harder to prove that the change is the result of the hypnosis specifically.
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Re: Has anyone ever successfully changed their gender identi

Postby thomas432 » August 10th, 2018, 3:30 pm

ProfessorPig wrote:thats a complicated question. there are certain files, like the Bambi Sleep files, that are powerful enough that if you stayed the course with them you would begin to identify as female, but that comes with new problems. one might argue that if it worked it only brought out some latent desires in the listener, so it becomes really hard to prove one way or another. even if the listener later says they were not being totally honest before it would be hard to rule out that their revised memory is not a false one created by the files they are listening to because that kind of memory revision is popular in feminization hypnosis.

if you do not identify as female you are likely to get a bit freaked out when you start to identify as female, and thus stop listening to the files (being an airheaded bimbo is a nice vacation, but you probably wouldn't want to live there). most people are aware to one degree or another of how hard a life being trans is, so the realities of that experience would likely encourage someone to stop listening to a file before more permanent changes occur.

part of why this is a challenging question to address is because we would need to define what constitutes a change of gender identity? if you make someone believe they are a woman while in trance that would be incredibly temporary, but it could be interpreted as a change of gender identity. i suspect most people would be thinking about more long term changes though. but the long term changes become much harder to prove that the change is the result of the hypnosis specifically.

that is very true, there is not much information about how effective hypnosis really is for that. I'm FTM transgender and listening to feminization files does make me feel more female, but of course I might not be completely male deep down. just wondering how it's effected other people.
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Re: Has anyone ever successfully changed their gender identi

Postby survivor99 » August 11th, 2018, 9:37 am

Your identity changes all the time, usually slowly. Why couldn't you think you were a girl?

From what happened to me listening to sissy hypnosis, yes you can change your identity into a girl. Just like you can change your sexuality.

It was pretty bad, actually. On demon girl I was extremely attracted to guys. After sissy forever I became asexual. Both files fucked with my identity as a man, and I almost transitioned. Now I'm fixing it.
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Re: Has anyone ever successfully changed their gender identi

Postby Jackstock » August 13th, 2018, 7:17 am

You can become whatever you want to be. ;)
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Re: Has anyone ever successfully changed their gender identi

Postby Alien4420 » August 22nd, 2018, 9:52 am

I don't know of anyone who had done that but I've listened to some sissyfication files and they were really powerful, so I'm sure it's possible.

The files I listened to changed behavior and dress and made me want to be a shemale rather than changing gender identity, but if you can find a file that specifically changes your gender identity I'm sure it will do the trick. Just listen to it twice a day. The key with permanent change is repetition, the longer you listen to a file the more permanent it becomes. It should be pretty well entrenched after a few months and if it starts to wear off, you can just refresh it. Eventually the change will be permanent.

The question is which files have suggestions that do this. I just looked at some transcripts and the ones I looked at focused on behavior and dress and body rather than gender identity. You probably want something that makes you a transsexual and then you want to choose a file that has side effects you're OK with, e.g., one might make you a shemale, one might make you a bimbo slut, etc. So I'd read the file descriptions and then use a trick, which is to listen to the file *without* listening to the header that puts you into trance to make sure that the suggestions are suggestions that you want.

I'd also resist the urge to listen to multiple files that have conflicting suggestions, in my experience when suggestions conflict it reduces the effect.

You might want a file with amnesia suggestions so you discover that you really have a female gender identity. Or you might want a file that forces you, like a curse file.

If you're serious about wanting this change, you might want to pay one of the hypnotists here to write a file that does exactly what you want. Since this is going to change your life, you want to get it right! (Unless you're just on a masochistic lark and want people to screw you up.) I mean, do you want to be a pre-op or a post-op, do you want to be interested in men or women or both, that kind of thing.

Finally, note that going into trance is a skill. Some people get it right away, others never do. Most of us are somewhere in-between and we get better at it as we listen to the files here. There are files like Bubble Induction that can help you master the skill if you're having difficulty.
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Re: Has anyone ever successfully changed their gender identi

Postby daugo » September 1st, 2018, 9:39 pm

Hypnosis really can't make you do something you don't want. There has to be something there, even a minute amount, willingness. At least subconsciously.
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Re: Has anyone ever successfully changed their gender identi

Postby survivor99 » September 2nd, 2018, 8:02 am

Listen to the bubble induction file enough and any file will work on you whether you want it to or not. Subliminals, given enough time, will also work on you... whether you want it or not. I can't believe people keep saying stuff like that. It's just bullshit to comfort people. To an extent it's right. But if you're in trance a skilled file or hypnotist can do a lot of shit you "don't want to do".

Be warned. Be aware. Only listen to shit you actually want because believing that could get you results you don't want because "oh it has this suggestion I don't want, but it doesn't matter because I don't want it so it won't happen"... yeah, right.
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Re: Has anyone ever successfully changed their gender identi

Postby Alien4420 » September 2nd, 2018, 4:07 pm

What survivor said. The myth that hypnosis can't make you do something you don't want to do is dangerous. In the hands of a capable hypnotist, it most certainly can -- not always, but often. So never listen to something or let someone hypnotize you in the belief that you'll be able to ignore the suggestion.
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Re: Has anyone ever successfully changed their gender identi

Postby daugo » September 2nd, 2018, 7:36 pm

well that bubble induction never worked on me, it is the least effective one for me, and I've snapped out of trance whenever there is a suggestion that I find distasteful. This is due to the The Hidden Observer effect. Your brain monitors what comes in and puts a stop to things. There is a possible way to bypass this by nudging the person into wanting the effect. So I agree that you should be careful, it still works on what you want/will to happen, but many people do know know what they actually want so 'suggestions' can end up taking effect that you thought you were adverse to but deep in the mind there is a grain of wanting it.
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Re: Has anyone ever successfully changed their gender identi

Postby JackDrago » September 5th, 2018, 4:34 pm

what survivor said. The myth that hypnosis can't make you do something you don't want to do is dangerous. In the hands of a capable hypnotist, it most certainly can -- not always, but often. So never listen to something or let someone hypnotize you in the belief that you'll be able to ignore the suggestion.

The saying is only true of subconscious desires. If your conscious mind wants one thing and your subconscious something else, you can wind up in deep trouble. A lot of people are unaware of a subconscious self destruction streak until it's too late.
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