
A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

Moderator: EMG


Postby hypnoman3232 » April 26th, 2019, 4:16 am

It seems like there are only posts on 4 files that people are listening to. There must be people listening to other files, anyone wanting to share their success stories for the thousands of files on the site?
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Re: Success?

Postby lauraparidae » April 26th, 2019, 9:49 am

I find it difficult to define what success is. I know I can go into trance and I know some files can enhance fantasies. Triggers don't seem to work much (and generally not at all a unless I'm already in trance). I'm new to the site and haven't tried all that many files here, so most of my experience is with files I got from Youtube or Patreon. I guess I could list hypnosis audio files that I enjoy and still use:

Campenelli Hypno (Youtube): Hourglass Figure, Feminine Face, Bubble Butt

I find that even though these are clearly TTS and very formulaic, a lot of effort has been put into the composition and the scripts use some interesting techniques. I guess others might find them too busy or simply disturbing and weird, but I've grown to like these.

Silver Hypnosis (Youtube/Patreon): Pregnancy (revised & instant versions), Become Someone Else (revised)

Very similar in content to files that EMG has on the site, but I found Silver Hypnosis months ago and have had more success with these. I have had some interesting experiences with his pregnancy file, but it doesn't always work. I have also found that the "someone else" file will occasionally work with FaceSwapLive even though it's not really designed for it. I was a patron for a while, but stopped it about a month ago. The inductions are longer and the triggers have more safeties than EMG's files. There's a low level background beat on these files, which probably works better for me than a plain audio file. Silver has potential to produce good files, but it seems he has a lot of personal issues to solve in order to overcome his creative blocks.

Fiona Clearwater (with Ultrahypnosis, Patreon & Youtube): Slutty Bimbo, Out of Body Porn Experience

These work pretty well for arousal for me. I listened to her "Little Girl" series and the first part was had an interesting effect on the first listening, but not much after that and the other parts simply didn't interest me much. I'm not into being dominated by people I don't know and trust, so most of their files are a "pass" for me.

My "augmented reality mirror" (FaceSwapLive) script:

Considering it's my own file, I have had pretty good results with it and FaceSwap Live. The app alone was probably already something that put me into a light trance just using it (at least judging by the hours that I put into it and the thousands of masks I have created in it), so that helps overcome the issues of listening to my own file. Especially early on when I was still in the editing phase, problems and errors in the files were distracting.

My file is still going to be a "premium" file for about 5 months and has only 11 downloads and no reviews. As long as it is like that, I think people are going to assume that it's just no good and not worth getting premium access for. I gave it to a hypnotist friend to listen to, but he didn't have time (or maybe no interest) and I have yet to get any real feedback on it from anyone (Nimja listened to it and had some questions, but didn't really give much of an opinion or feedback). I would really appreciate comments on it, if you are at all interested in hypnosis that makes you imagine that you are or look like someone else. If it just isn't something that anyone is interested in, I'll just keep it to myself and probably not develop it much further. If it finds and audience, I would like to develop it further and add more files like it. It's a configurable/extensible script, so I could make versions of it based on requests. The current file is very "bare bones" and generic as far as the transformation goes, but I have some ideas including transforming into specific people (celebrities etc), situations (transform into someone you know or into a scenario/situation such as being pregnant). The script was intended to work both as a hypnosis script and a transgender fantasy fiction opener.

Even comments on the technical quality (TTS, induction, script, trigger) would be useful. (If you do comment, please comment on the file or open a new topic - this is probably the wrong thread for discussing that file.)
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Re: Success?

Postby willingsubject » April 27th, 2019, 8:26 am

I've been using Curse Muscle Bound ( ... ile_id=507 ) for a while at one repeat/day.

From the description:

Intended for men. When triggered, this file makes the guy feel like his muscles are growing rapidly (like The Hulk but without the green skin) whenever he hears "Muscle Bound", sex drive exponentially increases, and his genitals feel unreasonably large. A revert to normal clause exists, but it also has effects when not triggered. His metabolism is increased greatly, his testosterone levels increase significantly, his genitals grow uncontrollably and permenantly, his muscles grow permanently as well, overall skin sensitivity increases, and all hair except for pubic hair and anything above the base of the neck falls out. Can be self triggered.

Looking at the two parts of it ( described as a "double-whammy" in the preface):

1) When triggered by the phrase "muscle bound", I really do feel huge...almost as if I need to go through doors sideways. :)

2) In the "Revert" mode, I (and others) have seen some real changes over time. I'm definitely compelled to the gym a lot more(I'm turning into a gym ape!), which is building muscle. WRT my metabolism -- I eat more, which is going much more to muscle than adipose. Skin sensitivity - I am much more aware of my clothes and have had to remove shirt tags. Loss of body hair -- It seems to be happening, but I'm also developing an almost overwhelming desire to accelerate that by shaving. (That may be an unexpected side effect. I'd be interested to learn EMG's thoughts on that.)

Overall, I'll call this one a real success.

Thank you, EMG!
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Re: Success?

Postby KhanShaar » April 28th, 2019, 5:36 pm

My all time favorite is definitely Wet Echo ... le_id=4714

It's fairly long, about an hour, very relaxing and it keep teasing you about wetting yourself, and oh boy, when you get to hear the trigger, there's no going back, you know you are going to wet yourself, and wetting yourself is what you do, and it feels soooo good to just release and let your urine flow out while so relaxed. Definitely one of the best files out there, would 100% recommend, wished there was more like that.
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