Woof! - Log of my strange experiences after mixing files

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Woof! - Log of my strange experiences after mixing files

Postby sylvaniancoywolf » July 31st, 2021, 6:51 pm

So, today has been strange, and I've decided I'm going to start keeping a log here in this thread as a result!

As I said at the end of an unrelated journal earlier this week (found there > https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=UserBlog&action=ReadJournal&id=5869 ), I've been listening to dog hypnosis from here on WMM lately. I was originally trying to steer clear of anything particularly permanent, like Dog Brain by EMG, but I kind of wandered off of the path a bit.

It started just before I posted the journal a few days back. I had been on the site reading other canine hypnosis success stories and owner for petplay requests, and it lead me to desiring something like that for myself. Knowing though that I'm not really in a place in my life where I can go full dog safely, I decided that it was probably best to put those desires aside for now and instead try something lighter, something just for fun. I quickly settled on a file I had fun with in the past. ViVi's Masterbation Loop - The Dog.

OK, so, don't judge! I am a horny single young adult! So of course I am going to go for the one file that really lets me both get off and experience my desired canine side! It did as intended! But that is when I strayed from the path I had planned for myself.

So, you know how I said I had originally wanted to steer clear of anything particularly permanent? Well... I got curious, ok? What if I loop the Masterbation Loop every night as I am readying for bed and never cum as the file demands?

At first misusing the file this way only had the effect of leaving me really horny and craving more dog hypnosis, before gradually doing less and less in the way of making me feel my canine side. But turns out, that is all it needed to do. It knocked down my inhibitions enough to start making me seeking out more! I was finding myself craving letting my dog side out more and more, but having it happen from files less and less, until finally I couldn't resist it! I ended up giving in and listening to Dog Brain again. This is a file I've listened to once before, I didn't like the tone of it. I still don't. But I wonder if it isn't partly responsible for what happened next?

I found that even though I didn't like Dog Brain, I couldn't stop there. Over the next couple of days I listened to more looped Masterbation Loop, one run of AKA's Dog Subiminal Loop on its own, and then last night, ViVi's Dog 1 - The Dog Desire (found there > https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=HFiles&action=GetFile&file_id=6551 ). And this is where stuff gets strange...

I ended up falling asleep last night after listening to two loops of the Dog Desire file before stopping it. And this morning? I woke up feeling more dog brained than I ever have!

Like, I wasn't quite as lost as I sometimes get with the Masterbation Loop, which part of me wishes I could experience again. There was no inability to type. And I wasn't stuck on all fours. But it definitely had me doing things I wouldn't normally do. I was roleplaying out in every text chat I'm in my canine behaviors; Barks and tail wags and doggy kisses! And in real life? I wanted to bark! Though I refrained from doing so. I was struggling to communicate to those living with me some simple things; my mind was just elsewhere and I was finding words hard to keep track of. And then on my walk today... The strangest things happened...

I found myself with way more energy than I normally have on my walks. I was chasing after butterflies and grasshoppers when I saw them on the trail! This resulted after finally failing to resist the urge any longer after doing so for the first 30m of my walk; it had been on my mind the entire time since I saw the first grasshopper jump and fly away from me. And finally, I ended up, much to my embarrassment when it first happened, barking when I heard one of the neighbors dogs going off for some reason. That embarrassment didn't last long before I was fully dog brained for the remainder of my walk. Tilting my head at every new sound, wanting to chase everything else, and sniffing at the smells of my neighbor's barbecue and the nearby creek.

I'm worried I shouldn't be, but I am finding that I am actually craving more of this. It doesn't scare me like I think maybe it should and like I know it probably would others.

This all has me wondering what I should do next. I was thinking about mixing two of ViVi's files, one with orgasm control and the Masterbation Loop, then letting myself go full into it for a set time, to see what happens... But that was before I listed to Dog Brain and now I am also kind of tempted to listen to more of Dog Desire given what has happened to me today.

If I had premium, maybe I'd listen to Dog Brain w effects by Calimore (found there > https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=HFiles&action=GetFile&file_id=3751 ) and see if it is as potent as claimed.

I don't know where I will go from here, but given the surprisingly successful results of me fucking my own mind up to this point, as I have been the past couple days, I'm finding myself wanting more and more to give into and even fully identify as that dog me.

Is it really that bad to be left as a dog playing human on occasion instead of a human playing dog on occasion? I'm not sure I see the difference anymore. And I know I don't care to resist it anymore.

I don't know, what do you, readers, think I should do next?
Last edited by sylvaniancoywolf on August 1st, 2021, 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby sylvaniancoywolf » July 31st, 2021, 6:54 pm

I just wanted to add an additional comment after I posted this...

A file making me want to temporarily lower my inhibitions and play dog is one thing... But me going on one of my usual hikes and finding myself, the instant I am alone, sniffing down the neighbor's barbaque, tilting my head at every new sound, barking a few times along with a neighbor's dog, and wanting to run after things... That was a new experience to say the least!

But I am finding that I don't dislike it!
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Re: Woof!

Postby outkast1728 » July 31st, 2021, 10:19 pm

I'll happily hypnotize you and help you explore being a dog more fully in a safe and manageable way. Outkast1728@gmail.com
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Re: Woof!

Postby sylvaniancoywolf » August 1st, 2021, 9:30 am

outkast1728 wrote:I'll happily hypnotize you and help you explore being a dog more fully in a safe and manageable way. Outkast1728@gmail.com

Thank you Outkast, but I must unfortunately decline. I appreciate the offer, and I genuinely do want to take someone up on this kind of an offer at some point. But I am sorry Outkast, after some consideration, and taking some time to review your posting history before making a decision, I don't believe that you and I would be compatible.
Last edited by sylvaniancoywolf on August 1st, 2021, 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Struggle of my day without Dog Desires or Dog Brain

Postby sylvaniancoywolf » August 1st, 2021, 9:40 am

So, last night, I remembered that I had a friend coming over today to stay the night... Yeah, that is a slight problem... For one, instant disappointment! My fun has to be put on hiatus! But two, no dog-brain for a whole day!

Last night I though, 'You know, this'll be easy! Just paw off to clear my thoughts and reset my libido, and tomorrow, do normal human things with a friend! Easy!' oh boy was I wrong... I can definitely resist it. But the dog desires and dog brain are not gone. And they want to come out to play! I woke up this morning, horny all over again, and my entire focus on this dog hypnosis I've been doing. The problem is, I think I've been enjoying it too much to suppress it.

I am writing this before my friend has even shown up. But I know already what I am in for if this doesn't work out like I am hoping it will. Best I can hope for is him showing up and being enough of a distraction that this doesn't end up being as bad as I fear it could be. Last thing I need, since this isn't a friend I know all that well, is to be chasing after butterflies or barking again! I'll be sure to update this log / journal tonight.

Oh! Before I go though! I just remembered! After thinking about it! I think what caused what happened yesterday was the combination of listening to Dog Brain and then Dog Desires... I think they played off of each other scarily well. Dog Brain is apparently potent, and while I don't like it's tone, Dog Desires makes up for that, having a much gentler tone easing you into things. Maybe avoid listening to both if you like being human!
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Frastration! Urgrr!

Postby sylvaniancoywolf » August 1st, 2021, 9:49 pm

So, laying down to go to bed finally. - Sorry if I lack my usual pep in my writing. I am tired and stuck writing this post on my phone tonight. - Dog brain was successful kept at bay... Well, sort of. Dog brain wasn't acted upon rather. The desire to act upon it is still there, ever present. It was super hard to ignore all day.

I don't know how to describe it, it is like a new love or fascination, I can't stop thinking on it, it is just ever present at the forefront of my thoughts. I can't tell if this was from the hypnosis, or if the hypnosis just was the first domino and my own libido and interest in animal transformation took over from there.

Regardless which way it is, it had me wanting to growl out in frustration all day that I had to surpress the urge to bark and instead had to play human for a full day! After surpressing the desire to act on the canine urges, that I was having all day, for a full day, I think I'm in need of some release! Tomorrow, I'm going to find some time in private to let my dog side out and act on every canine urge and desire I get!
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A full day to myself, and I started it off with dog hypnosis

Postby sylvaniancoywolf » August 2nd, 2021, 9:41 am

I feel really light headed and spacy right now as I am writing this. It feels strangely good though. This morning, once I had the house to myself again, I took a moment to listen to both Dog Brain and Dog Desire.

Er, I wrote a thing right afterwards to a fellow wanna-be-pup friend... But I ended up deleting it as soon as my head cleared some... But... After briefly thinking about it... I figured for the sake of keeping this log pure and complete, I needed to save what I wrote and share it...

So, here were those messages from right after back to back Dog Brain and Dog Desire. >.< (I can't believe I'm going to share these blushes)

I listened to both dog brain and dog desire again! tail wags! I'm so horny and - Well, I forgot what else I was going to write. - Wroof!

I'm a good dog!~ tail wags.
This time they were almost back to back! - I only paused to make sure I was alone and
And strip! Clothes were pointless to dog. And uncomfortable. Collar is comforting though.

Is it strange that I really enjoyed that headspace? I can't wait to do it again! I was tempted to right before deciding to update the journal, but I decided that might not be the best idea. I shouldn't go full dog, I unfortunately still need to play human. :/
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Re: Woof! - Log of my strange experiences after mixing files

Postby Sammybossman » August 24th, 2021, 2:22 am

Hey puppy. How are you getting on?
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Reply to Sammybossman

Postby sylvaniancoywolf » August 24th, 2021, 6:50 pm

Woof Wroof!~

So, yeah, I don't know where to begin! First, yes, thank you! I am alive, well, and not completely dog brained! Thanks for the reply! Tail wags!

So, a lot has happened since I last posted, but rather than really diving into all of that, I think I should explain something. I deleted the original journal, though I may repost it, as in retrospect that may have been a mistake. But more importantly, I kind of dropped this log here, as you probably noticed. A couple of things happened, during my time logging things here and after, which lead to that. For starters, I had some human things to deal with that got in the way of dogging out for a little while. But beyond that I kind of started to feel a bit guilty for posting here, constantly keeping my own thread at the number one spot. I felt, given the lack of anyone else's involvement in this thread, that it was kind of like me bumping my own post, and that it wasn't fair to others. Another realization that hit me, and caused me to back off a bit, was the realization that I don't think that I am going to get what I am actually after, not here on the WMM forums anyway. I still don't really know how to get what I am really after; this was something covered in my now deleted journal entry. The reality is that the point in me logging things was only secondarily to keep track of changes. Primarily, I wanted, rather still want, to find someone to share this with. A mate or an owner.

That all said, there is some mixed news with regards to my progress down the path of becoming a dog, or maybe more accurately letting out my inner dog! Around the time that I first started this log I met someone on the WMM Discord who quickly became a friend. The fellow pup-want-to-be I mentioned in an earlier post! Together, after a lapse in my independent path towards doghood, we started a sort of fun thing to log it between the two of us on Discord instead of here. Um, I won't go into detail on that though without their permission. ^^;

I still love something they said once though! Another friend of mine asked them in a Discord chat once if they broke me because I was like 100% more doggo now. They replied "More like [SylvanianCoywolf] broke themselves and asked me to put the pieces back together, preferably into a dog shape!" which is 100% true!~ So far, that mission has been going slow, but has been yielding results!

My tail wags to and fro, thumping against my bed as I lay there finishing this reply.

Again! Thank you so much for taking a moment to check in on things! I appreciate the reply! If I could give you a big doggy kiss I would!

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Journal Link

Postby sylvaniancoywolf » August 25th, 2021, 10:58 pm

Also, here is that journal entry that I mentioned I deleted. I decided to repost it today.


Tail wags!~
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Re: Woof! - Log of my strange experiences after mixing files

Postby otmen » October 14th, 2021, 12:23 am

I would listen to a subliminal type file on repeat as much as possible. Maybe find a tame one for when you are in public and a more devious one like the masturbation loop. I suggest looking into this one:
https://thisvid.com/videos/puppy-play-b ... -hypnosis/
This video is very intense and will have you pleasuring yourself until you cum over and over to the video. It’s more of the sexual side of pup play which you will probably like although is extremely gay. You might also consider this:
https://www.warpmymind.com/index.php?ga ... le_id=1259
Which is again extremely gay but well worth the pleasure. It doesn’t make you a dog in any way, but it sure helps you as a dog. I would also look for physical transformation files that make you see yourself as a dog or other animal (wolf, fox, etc. you really should broaden your horizons, even switching between dog and other animals on spot). I have not had as much luck with these but for some it’s as real as putting on a VR headset. I suppose it’s just my skeptical nature which prevents me, you really have to believe because “Believing is seeing!” To quote The Polar Express. Also be careful with that friend of yours, he may be building you back into the dog you want to be but people who do that tend to have ulterior motives (which is probably him asking you to do the same to him when he’s done with you). Hope your pup play goes well!
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