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PostPosted: September 26th, 2008, 2:19 am
by unheard
Has anyone had success with the TrigPicture file? I looks like it could be fun but I haven't seen anyone commenting much on their experiences.

PostPosted: October 13th, 2008, 2:19 am
by unheard
Been listening to this file for a little while now. I have tested the trigger every couple of days with little success.

Today after listening to the file and testing the trigger without noticeable result I figured that maybe I should be in a more trance like state when I hear the trigger. So I played EMG's "Induction", followed by the trigger a couple times, while looking at the picture I'd chosen.

I got a decent trance going and then the trigger fired like 5 times. I could feel it working. Everything began to fade away, and not in the way things fade away when you stare at something too long. Started to feel my conscious mind sink into the picture, and then my heart began beating too fast.

I had a similar problem the first couple times I began entering trance. Whether through excitement or fear or something else entirely (and it doesn't help that my mind is over-analyzing the whole thing) my heart begins racing and screws up and good effects I've got going.

I suppose I'll have to try the induction + trigger in a few days when I have more time. It'd be nice to get the trigger to work alone, but if I have to juryrig it for it to work initially, I'll do it and hope that the trigger starts to work on its own after I get used to it.