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PostPosted: June 17th, 2009, 7:48 am
by sleepy134
Using something like zap text to increase desire to be hypnotized and
great erections it is seductive and addictive. Has anyone else found
this to be true. Trigger is YOUR LEASH IS READY. I would like to be
triggered and ordered to play some other file and be commanded
to respond to it. Maybe I could pick the other file.

PostPosted: June 17th, 2009, 4:49 pm
by ftslave67
Sleepy, I enjoyed relaxing and letting myself trance to the SM2000 site. If you desire it, you can find that your leash is ready, and you can listen to Jekket's "curse" file for me.


PostPosted: June 17th, 2009, 5:36 pm
by sleepy134
Thanks for the note and the trigger. None of the files mention curse, so
I will listen to all of them. I may have to have someone else write a reply
after this. I am relatively stupid already. sleepy134

PostPosted: June 18th, 2009, 2:45 pm
by gdawg28092
I have seen a Zaptext file only one time ,but it was not the type of file I was looking for but I can see how it would be effective. I would love to try making this type of file does anyone know what type of program you need to make a Zaptext file? I have tried searching zaptext and I can't find any programs for making one.


PostPosted: June 23rd, 2009, 6:28 pm
by sleepy134
The programs effects don't have the same effect on me that I first
enjoyed. Can a person be hypnotized too ofter. I believed that
hypnotic effects were expected to increase with repetition. Can
anyone explain.


PostPosted: June 24th, 2009, 6:20 am
by MN_FriendlyGuy
How about a little fire, Scarecrow?

When a scarecrow is first placed out in a cornfield, it's effective. It causes crows to be wary.

But crows learn fast.

- They observe the scarecrow is stationary. It doesn't chase them or threaten them.

And if a crow can learn things like this, then give yourself credit. You're much more intelligent than crows.

- SlaveMaster2000 stays the same from day to day.

Yes, it's possible to select different options

But all the options - every one of them - remain the same day to day.

And none of them chase you. SlaveMaster2000 is unaware of you. It's unaware of you because it's just a computer program. And, your mind knows it.

When you're ready -

In your own time -

Maybe you'll find a hypnotist... someone aware of you.

PostPosted: June 27th, 2009, 8:05 am
by adarm
I've been visiting this site daily too and found it quite effective, if someone would also like to trigger me then send me a PM or email

I'd never seen 'zapnosis' before, but I think I like it :P

PostPosted: June 27th, 2009, 10:53 pm
by Jeshi
I'd find it strange that you would say the site works when the site itself says it doesn't.

PostPosted: June 28th, 2009, 5:54 am
by ftslave67
Ah, you are referring to the "legal disclaimer"--ha ha! :D

Of course it only works if you let it, but it might be difficult to resist.