Unexpected success

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Unexpected success

Postby demigraff » April 14th, 2005, 11:20 am

(Sorry about bad spellng, I'm on a public internet PC in a cafe while I wait for my train, and half the keys are stuck together with something that looks like chocolate)

Hi folks!

I've been trying various files from this site for mor than a year now, with no oticble results that I could say weren't just wishful thinking. Usually I would either start trying to analyse the words, thinking about how its supposed to work rather than paying attention, or I would distract myself with random thoughts.

Then last week, I found unexpected success. I was listening to a file when the phone rang, so I answered it. It was a wrong number, but anyway... I decided to read for a while before trying the file again.

[Aww... my time is up. I'll finish this message on my own PC at home]

Anyway... I left the CD player on, and started reading. I could just about hear the voice from my headphones, but I couldn't be bothered switching it off. I figured that when it got to the end of the file it was currently on, I could listen to the next one and have a random selection. (My cheap CD player always starts with track 1 even when it is on 'random' mode)

I don't quite remember clearly... at some point I started confusing the words. I was reading an article on inheritance in javascript, and hearing EMG telling me to relax. But then I couldn't tell which one was on the page and which one I was listening to. I've always had a problem with multitasking, listening to two people at once or talking when the radio is on gives me a headache. But this time, maybe the confusion stopped me getting distracted. I'm not sure.

But even though I missed the first 3-4 minutes of the TrainSusceptible file, it seems to have affected me very deeply. I tried TrigArousal afterwards, one I'd not listened to before, and even though I didn't pay much attention (I don't remember most of the words in the file), it seemed to work the first time.

Is this just me being weird, or does focusing on two things at once sometimes help when trying to acheive trance?
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Postby BobbyS » April 14th, 2005, 12:35 pm

I guess it depends what kind of person you are. I'm analytic which makes it very difficult for me to go into trance, except with self-hypnosis, weirdly. Maybe subliminal stuff is just what works for you.
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Postby danmalara » April 14th, 2005, 6:09 pm

Well, there is such a thing as a confusion induction (it's pretty self explanitory). I have not tried a confucion induction before, but hey, it does exist, so it must work for other people, so maybe you're not so weird.
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Postby jodysub » April 15th, 2005, 12:51 pm

I tried and tried and could not get under correctly with EMGs files. Then I was laying there and listing and hoping but not expecting it to work so I started thinking of something else that was on my mind and next thing I know I am hearing it is time to wakeup and feel refreshed.

Now that has happened I am attempting to do the same with the induction and deepening files to see if I can have it happen automatic. Once I can get that working good then I will pick one and work on it.

I can self trance so I know the difference between sleep and trance. I was defanitly in a trance. I was playing with the erotic dreams file and it did work, I remembered them in the morning but forgot them as the day went on.

I tried the confusion induction and all it did was tense me up and make it impossable for me to trance at all even self trance.

One more thing that may have helped was I turned down the volume mostly so I could just hear it. It was not being forced into my ears but was just there and I could hear it if I concentrated on it.

I cant wait until I can get some solid results over time.

Hugs Jody
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Postby BobbyS » April 15th, 2005, 1:19 pm

What does trance feel like? I've never gone under by EMG, but I have tried hypnotising myself in my head. By the stroke of one, I had a hyper fast run of random thoughts in my head before my mind went amazingly clear and I felt like my mind was no longer securely inside my head. It felt like my body was lying on my bed, but my mind was floating and bouncing. After an hour (I checked my clock, 'coz it felt like five minutes), I told myself to gradually wake and I snapped straight out of it and into the real world. Is that trance? 'Coz if not, it's creeping the f*ck out of me!
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Postby Downward » April 15th, 2005, 6:49 pm

When i go into trance it feels like someone threw my mind down an elevator shaft, then it feels as if my body is floating.
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Postby danmalara » April 16th, 2005, 12:33 am

When I go into a trance I cannot move, at all. and I am totally cued in on anything EMG says.
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Postby demigraff » April 16th, 2005, 12:51 pm

When I go into a trance... I really can't remember.

In the past, I found myself thinking about each word, why he chose that word, trying to remember what he would say next.

Mor recently, I just don't remember anything at all beyond the first minute.
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Postby CAINE » April 16th, 2005, 12:59 pm

demigraff wrote:More recently, I just don't remember anything at all beyond the first minute.

I think your going too deep in a trance... Listenen to the deepening's, they help you not go too deep. And also you may be falling asleep.
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Postby jodysub » April 18th, 2005, 12:37 pm

Every person feels something different. If I go into a light trance I tend to fight what I am being told unless I really want it. That does not seem to work well. If I go deep then it is almost like being asleep but not quite. I know the deeper I go because I remember less of what is said. The difference is when I come up and out of trance. If I was asleep I would feel one way, out of trance is very plesant and I feel much better. Also time is different, durring trance time will fly, I may be under for an hour and it will seem like minutes. Sleep I still feel in real time.

If you can self trance it is great, because you simply need to learn to allow someone to guide you into trance.

Hugs Jody
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Postby demigraff » April 19th, 2005, 1:32 pm

Today I listened to TrainSusceptible again, and didn't feel anything at all. Maybe my success was just short-lived. I'll try listening while reading again and see that makes a difference. As an experiment, maybe I'll try reading one of the script files from the old site, while listening to the tape.

Wish me luck :)
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Postby jodysub » April 20th, 2005, 8:40 am

You may be trying to hard, I know I did for a while. I would concentrate on the words so hard that they simply did not work.

Last night I listened to two curse files, one to make your nipples larger and curse Milky. I listened to each 3 times alternating them. When I woke this morning up my nipples were so hard they almost hurt. They relaxed as I got ready for work and I do have one problem with them. When I slid on my shirt they were so sensitive it was increadable. Now as I move around the shirt rubs them and I feel every thread. I know by the time I get home they will be hyper sensitive if this keeps up all day. If they are at least I can change shirts and put on a bra to give them some protection tonight untill bed time. I will have to remove it then or the wife will get upset.

With the files finally starting to work for me there is no way I am going to quit. I want to see how far I can take this. I do not need the files to tell me I am a crossdresser, I know that. I want some of the modifications to help my pass some.

Hugs Jody
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Postby aliceangel » May 18th, 2005, 5:16 am

So what is better, playing them loud so that you cant hear anything else, or playing them softly so you can only just hear them?
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Postby sandy82 » May 18th, 2005, 8:22 am

aliceangel wrote:So what is better, playing them loud so that you cant hear anything else, or playing them softly so you can only just hear them?

It sounds like a cop-out, but I suppose the optimal volume level varies from person to person.

Everything else being equal, if you live in an apartment of recent construction (with walls between units made of tissue paper), I would suggest low volume...

...unless you want your neighbors to think you have a new friend, who seems to keep telling you that you're becoming a house cat. :wink:
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Postby danmalara » May 19th, 2005, 12:08 am

aliceangel wrote:So what is better, playing them loud so that you cant hear anything else, or playing them softly so you can only just hear them?

Play it at a regular volume. That's what you should do. As if someone were talking to you not to loud, but very quiet either. It's not a subliminal file or a brain wave file, where turning down isn't so bad. It's more like someone is talking to you in a tone that is comfortable. I could talk about the volume forever. :lol: I've already writen too much!
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Postby pengy » May 18th, 2006, 9:16 pm

woah dood thats weird, today i got a phone call and it was a wrong number...well..sorta...it was more of a loud screeching sound and the rest of the day i felt like crap Dx like massive headaches
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Postby demigraff » May 19th, 2006, 5:18 am

Hmm... I'd forgotten about this topic. Maybe a bit of update is in order... I've been transcribing files, writing while listening to them, and that seems to be the best method for me.

I seem to be getting some effects after listening to a file just 1 or 2 times, so now I've been going through different ones, trying each just for a couple of days before letting it fade away (with one exception - a hybrid file made up of bits from TrainNippleOrgasm, TrigArousal, TrigStrip, TrigBimbo, TrigWhore and TrigSlave, all tied together with the same trigger - I'm listening to this one daily, and have the script for it on subliminal blaster as well, in the hope that it will be really deep in my head by the time I can find someone to trigger me)
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Postby OMGWTFBBQ » May 21st, 2006, 5:05 pm

sandy82 wrote:
aliceangel wrote:So what is better, playing them loud so that you cant hear anything else, or playing them softly so you can only just hear them?

It sounds like a cop-out, but I suppose the optimal volume level varies from person to person.

Everything else being equal, if you live in an apartment of recent construction (with walls between units made of tissue paper), I would suggest low volume...

...unless you want your neighbors to think you have a new friend, who seems to keep telling you that you're becoming a house cat. :wink:

I generally tend to use earplugs with the files... Don't wat anyone walking in, as it were :)
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