Bulking Up? (Looking for a Trainer)

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Bulking Up? (Looking for a Trainer)

Postby Kurokotsu » February 24th, 2015, 4:29 am

Hey there. I'm a gay male, 22 years old. 6'4, 320 lbs, pretty much all fat. I'm looking to get into shape. I'd like to stay a 'big guy', but a lot more muscle, definitely wanting to fit into the bear/muscle bear ideology. I don't have access to a gym, just a kettlebell, some dumbbells, and floor exercises. To complicate this, I have high blood pressure, and so I get dizzy if I try to bring my head toward heart level, such as for push-ups or planks.

With this in mind, I really want to get in shape. I've been told for years that I have the body to get big, REALLY big, I just need the diligence and the know-how to do it. The first one is very difficult for me, because I'm a fat guy, always have been, never really got into exercise much. I need some help with keeping a schedule, with exercising on time. I'd like to find someone who has knowledge of hypnosis, to help me get the drive to work out constantly.

My ideal partner would be a man who is good at creating files or doing hypnosis over Skype, who is willing and able to help me bulk up, as it were. Someone with heavy knowledge of fitness who could give me a workout regiment, along with hypnosis to help me follow it. While I enjoy the thought of the files here along those lines, I require more of a personal approach than a premade file. I need a man who I can trust enough to be hypnotized by, who has patience with someone who has very little experience being hypnotized, and who can give a good enough regime to help me get big.

I live on the east coast, US, and am only really available to exercise or attempt hypnosis between 11 pm and 6 am for that time zone. I understand that all of this makes for a very difficult fit, but I'm very hopeful that I can find someone here who can do all of this for me. I'll respond to any and all messages placed here, as well as all private messages on this subject. In the event I find someone, I will then use this topic as a place to discuss my successes, as well as my worries for the future.

Edit: My motivation. I have thought of myself as a power bottom of sorts for years, but had issues with submissive urges, and lack of true knowledge on what I wanted. Recently I've come to terms with my nature, which is a powerful but kind dom. I don't do harsh punishments, only punish at all when it is called for, and would much rather make sure my sub has fun. In many cases, a man I call a sub, pup, pet, or son would be someone I'd protect and care for. I wish to have a body to reflect this, one that would be considered appealing by those I'd be seeking.
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Postby bbchain » February 24th, 2015, 5:17 am

I can tell you one thing man, if you want to get big and built rather than cutting, you're probably sooner or later going to have to find access to some sort of gym. You can do a lot with bodyweight but powerlifting and exercises of the like just cant feasibly be done without some heavy ass weights. That said, to paraphrase a wise man, welcome to the pantheon of people who have decided that normal isn't good enough. Taking that first step in deciding to change your life is big, and i look forward to seeing your progress. As well, as long as you take it slow, i believe getting into exercise will help you lower that high blood pressure.

I can't say i'm too good personally with hypnosis but i could def help you plan some workouts and i'm here if you need advice or support.
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Postby Kurokotsu » February 24th, 2015, 5:21 am

My problem with a gym is that the nearest one is a good eight or so miles away, and I don't drive. I also got laid off recently due to things outside my control, so until I get another job, I don't have the funds for a gym. My goal, if it's possible, is to get a bike once I have a job, then use that to get to the gym. But that's not currently possible, so I'm hoping to find a solution for the meantime.
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Postby bbchain » February 24th, 2015, 9:07 am

Gotcha. Well yeah, in the meantime, get a foundation on bodyweight and kettlebell/dumbbell exercises, cause you can still do a lot with those. How heavy do your weights go? and what is your weight range that you can already do?
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Postby Kurokotsu » February 24th, 2015, 12:51 pm

They both are 30, I do believe. I still have trouble with that weight, a tiny bit. Was waiting to be more comfortable with that before I got heavier.
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Postby bbchain » February 24th, 2015, 2:18 pm

great, that's not a bad start at all! Start doing some stuff with those until you're able to access a gym. You can create several workouts with just those weights.
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Postby slyfox » February 27th, 2015, 9:16 am

Try using the You Are Your Own Gym program. I have a copy if you can't get one. It's a good bodyweight program that'll help you get the ball rolling until you can get in a gym. I also recommend getting some cardio, maybe jogging or whatever you prefer. The Couch to 5k program is great for that.

Consistency is key if you want to get fit. You must stick to something for a while in order for it to work. Do the work even on days you don't feel like doing it; your body will thank you in time.
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Postby Kurokotsu » February 27th, 2015, 1:23 pm

Okay. I try to walk every night for at least a half hour, to get some form of exercise for now. I've just started a diet, and so my energy levels are at an all-time low, pretty much. Other people who have taken it have said that lasts for a week or two, before the feeling of always being tired goes away.

I've never heard of the You Are Your Own Gym program, but if it's something that I could do, as in nothing that would involve head on floor triggering dizziness, I'd sure as hell try it.
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Postby joecomp2000 » March 1st, 2015, 7:05 pm

keep us informed ....I for one am routing for you ..!
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Postby Kurokotsu » March 1st, 2015, 9:06 pm

Yup yup. I'm rooting for myself too. I'm working hard on my diet. Although, due to said diet, my energy is low. Friends keep saying that's a natural part of this diet, will take a week to get back to normal. Unfortunately, I still don't have a good hypnotist, or a message from anyone interested in such a thing.
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Postby OxyFemboi » March 2nd, 2015, 6:01 pm

Coach Josh over at http://www.MuscleMesmerizer.com has some really great motivation files. Both Enjoy Working Out and Enjoy Bodybuilding are recommended; they are similar so you onjly need one of them. He has a lot of really great files. He also does Custom Files, though I have no idea what he charges. Most of his files cost US$20.00 each, though he has some free files available.

His motivation files can be found at: http://musclemesmerizer.com/motivation-mp3s.html
Peace Love Unity Respect

Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
Hypnosis & NLP are the install programs for fetishes and phobias.
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Postby Kurokotsu » March 2nd, 2015, 6:34 pm

First of all, thank you for posting, for giving ideas. Unfortunately, his site appears to be all pay to use, except for four. One of each, to enjoy trancing to him, to crave muscle, to crave being healthy, and to love the progress you've made. None of those free ones really fit well for this. And unless I've tried out a proper trance file from him, as in none of the free ones, it's quite difficult to shell out the money to try another one.
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Postby joecomp2000 » March 4th, 2015, 7:21 pm

Josh has a unique voice to say the least...I thought it was computer generated LOL,
I have had email conversation with him and listened to a few files...
he is quite reachable ...and trying to make a go of being a professional hypnotist ..
and mind warp-er if that is what you are after
and a couple files here on WMM ..
he has a couple sites . , he tells you what is in the files , and nothing ho-key
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Postby Kurokotsu » March 4th, 2015, 9:50 pm

joecomp2000 wrote:Josh has a unique voice to say the least...I thought it was computer generated LOL,
I have had email conversation with him and listened to a few files...
he is quite reachable ...and trying to make a go of being a professional hypnotist ..
and mind warp-er if that is what you are after
and a couple files here on WMM ..
he has a couple sites . , he tells you what is in the files , and nothing ho-key

Yeah, I tested one of his free files. His voice...nah. It takes a certain kind of voice, either deep and masculine or more melodic to work really well for me. And his sounds more robotic than anything, for me.
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Postby joecomp2000 » March 5th, 2015, 8:11 pm

I think Josh's goal is to set up a rhythm and cantor that helps create the trance?
kind of like the drone in the binaural
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Postby musclemesmerizer » March 11th, 2015, 6:43 pm

Definitely NOT computer generated. I do run a small effect over it, but it's not significantly changed. I've been told even in person that I tend to get into a monotone space when I do hypnosis, so it's not just a byproduct of using a studio mic either. I am not sure why it varies so much from my speaking voice, it's just how I start to talk when I am focusing so much on helping others focus ;) Though yes, trying to do a nice rhythm / cadence is part of it, trying to emphasize certain words for effect.

I've had a lot of guys comment to me that they love my voice & received great testimonials, but if my voice isn't for you though, then it's not for you. Besides voice, different hypnotists have different styles, techniques, etc. It's important to find ones that work for you. Hypnosis isn't a one size fits all area. I've tried MANY files myself for workout motivation including from more professional sites, and many of them, I wished I could have heard a full sample file first as I probably wouldn't have spent the money. That's why I feel it's important to provide a few free ones.

I will say that your best bet might be to save up for a trainer or something. I've said it before, but there are few hypnotists out there doing it out of the goodness of their heart. They either are getting off on their kink (so props if you find one that matches your own), or new to it and wanting the experience to get better but possibly not that good yet, or seeking financial - some of which hide it in files, compared to my stuff all being upfront (listen to files while awake to become aware of all the suggestions instead of just laying down first listen), or seeking a hot guy on cam to get off to. It seems like you are asking for a guy who can give you a lot of time... but then you have to ask, what is he seeking in return? This is no offense to my fellow hypnotists here because it makes sense ... why would people spend so much time hypnotizing people or making files, if there was nothing in it for them? I have encountered a couple exceptions to the rules, so maybe you will be lucky and encounter one of them.

The suggestion of the do it yourself plan is great. I would say find a motivational mp3 that works for you and listen to it on a regular basis, as repetition can be key to hypnosis results. But as for the doing better, there are so many things one can do with body and existing furniture such as push-ups, dips, etc. or with inexpensive equipment like a jump rope, bands, etc. You may also want to keep an eye on local classifieds and craigslist for used equipment. If money isn't an issue, an FID bench and adjustable dumbbells are a good start.

Without being sure what your diet is, be sure you aren't totally eliminating things like fats etc. Some healthy fats from foods like olive oil or nut butters can be good for you and aide in feeling full. Cutting down on sugar (including substitutes such as aspartame & sucralose) and processed foods though is good.

You may also want to consider other forms of motivation, such as doing it with a friend or a reward for when you reach a certain point. One year, I had an agreement with a friend that she'd throw me a big birthday party if I reached a certain goal, as an example.

Anyway there are more qualified websites than WMM or my own for the exercise & diet stuff, and I wish you luck finding with finding the motivation and with all your goals.
Get big with Coach Josh, the Muscle Mesmerizer http://musclemesmerizer.com
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