I stumbled across gooninator v2 and thought it'd be the perfect thing for my barebones mantras. Us men have needs and I think it is important for us guys to take our time. The longer we take, the more in tune we become with our body and of course the more satisfying, rewarding, and relaxing the orgasm is. A bonus of masturbating is that we can turn off our brains which is perfect for a semi-trance... Perfect for suggestions being absorbed. So it's 2 for 1!
https://gooninator2.neocities.org/?sour ... rue&zoom=5
script: https://hastebin.com/iqucugided
pictures: http://hardtrainer01.tumblr.com/
If you find any other tumblrs with huge muscle men, then feel free to post the tumblrs here. But again, it has to be a pure stream of still pictures that only contain muscle/huge cocks otherwise a random picture would pop up and ruin the stroke-trance. I like hardtrainer01 because his content is:
muscle related pics without any "share this pic/post/etc" nonsense
all men are clearly above 18, which is a MUST imo
sex isn't the main focus for a majority of the pics... otherwise you'd cum too soon
cocks aren't the main focus for a majority of the pics... see above
I wanted to avoid the pure huge cocks or fetishy things only because I wanted it to be very basic and usable for all jocks or manly men. So hardtrainer is all I could think of... So again, if you have any tumblrs with mostly muscle focused things, even if it's artwork/alerted, then feel free to post them here!