How have your lives changed post-jock transformation

This is a place for the jocks to discuss the various files to make you more muscle bound, masculine, etc.

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How have your lives changed post-jock transformation

Postby yourboypancho » May 17th, 2015, 11:14 am

It's been 3 years and I've been on and off about the files. Part of me really wants to become a full blown jock but I guess I'm anxious about accepting the changes. But throughout those 3 years I've always at some point been pulled back into the files and out.

I wanna know how have our lives changed after becoming jocks? Like interactions with friends, people, interests, etc.? What are you struggling with after becoming a jock? What are improvements you noticed when you changed?

I think I really should jsut try to push for it. I recently got a job in an ad agency and I don't think I wanna be stupid, but I'd want everything else about being a jock. I know I've got some good thing going because of the intelligence but maybe I don't have to sacrifice one for the other? But tbh I think over time I'm willing to give up my IQ and everything else too, which long term I may be fine with, which makes it absolutely fine. I may need help lol and I guess friends that will help me keep at the training. I think the fact that I always keep coming back to this place is a good sign that I should at least give it a shot for a week.

What do you guys think?
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Postby OxyFemboi » May 22nd, 2015, 10:15 am

yourboypancho wrote
It's been 3 years and I've been on and off about the files. Part of me really wants to become a full blown jock but I guess I'm anxious about accepting the changes. But throughout those 3 years I've always at some point been pulled back into the files and out.

I wanna know how have our lives changed after becoming jocks? Like interactions with friends, people, interests, etc.? What are you struggling with after becoming a jock? What are improvements you noticed when you changed?

I think I really should jsut try to push for it. I recently got a job in an ad agency and I don't think I wanna be stupid, but I'd want everything else about being a jock. I know I've got some good thing going because of the intelligence but maybe I don't have to sacrifice one for the other? But tbh I think over time I'm willing to give up my IQ and everything else too, which long term I may be fine with, which makes it absolutely fine. I may need help lol and I guess friends that will help me keep at the training. I think the fact that I always keep coming back to this place is a good sign that I should at least give it a shot for a week.

What do you guys think?

Jocks seem to have gotten a bad rap in the "dumbness" department. It isn't that jocks are "dumb" per se; it's that jocks, like other specialists, have mucho information on a very specialized subject (building muscle), with specialties such as supplements, various weight-lifting programs {HIT, periodization, etc}, roids, nutrition, and also have their own language -- reps, sets, pecs, delts, abs, quads, etc. It's so easy to say what we mean in our language, but try explaining this to a layman in terms that he can understand ... it's hard.

If we think about it, we can explain what we mean to a layman, but if he wants to become a bodybuilder, weight-lifter, or powerlifter, or some other variation of a lifter, he has to do some reading and learn the lingo. And then he's one of us ...

We're using our IQ to understand biology, nutrition, supplements, muscle development, and a lot of other specialized subjects. We're not trying to understand the stuff normal dudes watch or think about ... like the Kardasians (or however you spell that name).

Our IQ is used to understand our specialty. It's not something many people want to talk about except in a general way. "I'd love to look like you do" until they find out it's a lot of effort, not just taking a pill or two and waiting till the babes or dudes want to ... well, you know.
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Postby manly_mage » May 24th, 2015, 12:36 am

I'm in the same boat as you. I really wish I could stay dedicated to a file. I usually do for a few nights and then the need to listen just falls away. I just think I haven't found the right ones and it'd be far too expensive to get a live session or a session over Skype 2-4 times a week to keep me on track.

I really hope you finally embrace the kind of jock you want to be. Being a jock doesn't mean you have to change your personality. It just means you become a guy who adds another obsession to his life. That always includes a healthy lifestyle and growing stronger. But there are always a few other obsessions like sports or clothing if you want too. Jocks are rarely dumb. Maybe a bit slow, but they are very knowledgeable when it comes to their health and how to live a healthy life.
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Re: How have your lives changed post-jock transformation

Postby slyfox » July 28th, 2015, 9:00 am

yourboypancho wrote:It's been 3 years and I've been on and off about the files. Part of me really wants to become a full blown jock but I guess I'm anxious about accepting the changes. But throughout those 3 years I've always at some point been pulled back into the files and out.

I wanna know how have our lives changed after becoming jocks? Like interactions with friends, people, interests, etc.? What are you struggling with after becoming a jock? What are improvements you noticed when you changed?

I think I really should jsut try to push for it. I recently got a job in an ad agency and I don't think I wanna be stupid, but I'd want everything else about being a jock. I know I've got some good thing going because of the intelligence but maybe I don't have to sacrifice one for the other? But tbh I think over time I'm willing to give up my IQ and everything else too, which long term I may be fine with, which makes it absolutely fine. I may need help lol and I guess friends that will help me keep at the training. I think the fact that I always keep coming back to this place is a good sign that I should at least give it a shot for a week.

What do you guys think?

I've probably got one of the biggest success stories in jockification on this website. I started my transformation about three years ago, and I'm proud to say that I've undergone a nearly 180 degree turnaround in my life.

I used to be full-on nerd. I was a history major, not into sports at all, chubby, bisexual, and often depressed. Aside from my perfect 4.0 GPA in school, I was unsatisfied with myself. I hated being overweight, I was confused about my identity, and I was very submissive and passive in nature.

I originally wanted to just lose weight and get more fit. My hypnotist helped me get the motivation to do just that, but I resisted his suggestions to be more of a jock. But then, I fell in love with weightlifting; and this was a genuine love, not something induced by the hypnosis. I liked how I felt when I lifted: powerful and strong. I wanted more of that, and I knew that through being a jock, I could get more of it. I started listening to my hypnotists's jock suggestions; I forced myself to watch football games, I started really taking control of my diet and taking weightlifting seriously, focusing hard on that.

My mind began to change, and not just because of the hypnosis (though heavily influenced by it). The more fit I got, the less depressed I was. Feeling strong and powerful and seeing my muscles grow led to feelings of dominance and pride. My identity became rooted in being masculine and I found myself losing interest in many of the nerdy things I used to enjoy, only to find them replaced by football and other sports interests, nutrition, and exercise. I changed my major as I realized I didn't want to be a history teacher any more. I wanted to do something related to my newfound passion; I chose physical therapy. Even my sexuality changed; no longer submissive, I found myself wanting to dominate, and I lost interest in guys. My friends have noticed the changes, my girlfriend has noticed the changes, and all of them are accepting of it (though my gf hates how obsessed I am with football :P). In fact, my new obsessions have allowed me to connect to several new groups of friends, both on and off the internet.

I'm still changing into more of a jock, but the progress I've made thus far has been staggering. In just three years I've turned from a bisexual, nose-in-books, chubby nerd to a sexy, straight, sports-obsessed, exercise-obsessed jock. I'm still just as intelligent as I used to be, but my focus has changed; my knowledge base has shifted from history to sports, exercise, nutrition, anatomy, physiology, anything that is related to the human body and how it works. I've never EVER felt better about myself than I do now. I'm proud of the direction my life has taken, and I'm thankful and proud of what my hypnotist has done for me. I'm proud to be a jock! It's the best feeling in the world and I hope you can find a way to experience it!
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » July 29th, 2015, 10:39 am

    OxyFemboi wrote:Jocks seem to have gotten a bad rap in the "dumbness" department...

    ...Our IQ is used to understand our specialty. It's not something many people want to talk about except in a general way. "I'd love to look like you do" until they find out it's a lot of effort, not just taking a pill or two and waiting till the babes or dudes want to ... well, you know.

OxyFemboi, I'm calling out your response from last May. I'm calling it out because the response you posted is intellectual. It's correct. But, damn! It's almost clinical. And that ain't you. At least... it ain't the YOU that's described in your LiveJournal profile (Your WMM profile shares the link).

So, I'm challenging you to answer again... answering the question asked by yourboypancho... because your journey has been intense, hasn't it? Your life has changed bigtime as you've discovered your truth! So, I'm challenging you to open up. Answer again.

To confirm the challenge to you is real, I'm going to do what I'm asking YOU to do... opening up... answering how my life has changed.
    At the age of 24 (before hypnosis), foundations in my life crumbled... money problems, relationship problems, career problems. To keep sane, I joined a local YMCA and started lifting. I was the smallest guy there - an ectomorph extreme - barely weighing 120 pounds (54 kg).

    I began eating with purpose. And about the time I began busting out of my clothes, people began complimenting the change.

    I stopped trying to be heterosexual. The honesty of being attracted to muscular and athletic men changed my personality. It made me happy and, again, it was change that people noticed.

    I learned about the existence of bodybuilding hypnosis in a FLEX magazine.. I pursued bodybuilding trance - first as a subject and then as a hypnotist. That change has put me in contact with men around the globe. It allows me to make a difference for them. And when I make a difference for a competitive bodybuilder... Wow! It's still a source of pride.

    There you have it. My life transformed through becoming a jock.

Now then... What's holding you back?
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Re: How have your lives changed post-jock transformation

Postby Rarg » July 30th, 2015, 6:31 pm

slyfox wrote:
yourboypancho wrote:It's been 3 years and I've been on and off about the files. Part of me really wants to become a full blown jock but I guess I'm anxious about accepting the changes. But throughout those 3 years I've always at some point been pulled back into the files and out.

I wanna know how have our lives changed after becoming jocks? Like interactions with friends, people, interests, etc.? What are you struggling with after becoming a jock? What are improvements you noticed when you changed?

I think I really should jsut try to push for it. I recently got a job in an ad agency and I don't think I wanna be stupid, but I'd want everything else about being a jock. I know I've got some good thing going because of the intelligence but maybe I don't have to sacrifice one for the other? But tbh I think over time I'm willing to give up my IQ and everything else too, which long term I may be fine with, which makes it absolutely fine. I may need help lol and I guess friends that will help me keep at the training. I think the fact that I always keep coming back to this place is a good sign that I should at least give it a shot for a week.

What do you guys think?

I've probably got one of the biggest success stories in jockification on this website. I started my transformation about three years ago, and I'm proud to say that I've undergone a nearly 180 degree turnaround in my life.

I used to be full-on nerd. I was a history major, not into sports at all, chubby, bisexual, and often depressed. Aside from my perfect 4.0 GPA in school, I was unsatisfied with myself. I hated being overweight, I was confused about my identity, and I was very submissive and passive in nature.

I originally wanted to just lose weight and get more fit. My hypnotist helped me get the motivation to do just that, but I resisted his suggestions to be more of a jock. But then, I fell in love with weightlifting; and this was a genuine love, not something induced by the hypnosis. I liked how I felt when I lifted: powerful and strong. I wanted more of that, and I knew that through being a jock, I could get more of it. I started listening to my hypnotists's jock suggestions; I forced myself to watch football games, I started really taking control of my diet and taking weightlifting seriously, focusing hard on that.

My mind began to change, and not just because of the hypnosis (though heavily influenced by it). The more fit I got, the less depressed I was. Feeling strong and powerful and seeing my muscles grow led to feelings of dominance and pride. My identity became rooted in being masculine and I found myself losing interest in many of the nerdy things I used to enjoy, only to find them replaced by football and other sports interests, nutrition, and exercise. I changed my major as I realized I didn't want to be a history teacher any more. I wanted to do something related to my newfound passion; I chose physical therapy. Even my sexuality changed; no longer submissive, I found myself wanting to dominate, and I lost interest in guys. My friends have noticed the changes, my girlfriend has noticed the changes, and all of them are accepting of it (though my gf hates how obsessed I am with football :P). In fact, my new obsessions have allowed me to connect to several new groups of friends, both on and off the internet.

I'm still changing into more of a jock, but the progress I've made thus far has been staggering. In just three years I've turned from a bisexual, nose-in-books, chubby nerd to a sexy, straight, sports-obsessed, exercise-obsessed jock. I'm still just as intelligent as I used to be, but my focus has changed; my knowledge base has shifted from history to sports, exercise, nutrition, anatomy, physiology, anything that is related to the human body and how it works. I've never EVER felt better about myself than I do now. I'm proud of the direction my life has taken, and I'm thankful and proud of what my hypnotist has done for me. I'm proud to be a jock! It's the best feeling in the world and I hope you can find a way to experience it!

Very inspiring man...

Gives me hope that I can have a similar experience. :D
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Postby rugbyjockca » August 2nd, 2015, 11:56 am

I'll say I'm a success story, even though I think there's a part of me that will always feel like I'm just starting, like there's more "jocking" left to do. For one thing, building muscle is a lifelong effort: I want to be a roided-out huge-ass musclehead...the guys who are built like I want to be have been lifting for 10-15 years or more. With that in mind, it helps keep me humble.

So, here's the biggest change in my life: I stopped waiting for the right time.

Here's the secret about life: there are ALWAYS reasons to stop. Always. You get sick, you break up with your partner, you start dating someone, work lays you off, you start a new job, yopu have school, you don't have school, you're too weak, you aren't weak enough, you're depressed, you aren't depressed and are kind of okay with things right now, your family is bugging you, your family doesn't support you, your shoulder hurts, the weather is bad, the AC is off, the gym is too expensive, a trainer is too expensive, you're anxious about working out in front of people......

Here's the secret of hypnosis and mind control: no one will MAKE you into a jock. You have to make yourself into a jock.

So, if you're lucky, at some point in your life you will DECIDE that the excuses aren't enough and that it is more important for you to be a jock than ANYTHING else.

When this happens, the excuses, like magic, disappear.


So, 4 years ago this last October, I had my "fuck it, I'm doing this, I'm going all in" moment. I quit drinking and started going to the gym. That moment was a terrible one, one of the lowest moments of my life. I realised that if I felt any worse than I did then, I would kill myself.

Since then, my life has changed in the following ways:

- I have been to the gym consistently (3 or more times a week) for almost 4 years straight. My longest breaks have been no longer than a week, because of vacations or illness that was slightly more serious than a cold. Even on vacations, I bring a resistance band and/or use a hotel gym to at least get some kind of a workout.
-I have had a personal trainer for 3 years. I pay for this. It is my biggest expense next to rent. I live at or below the poverty line, so when people say they cannot afford a trainer, what they are saying to me is that the excuses are more important to them. I live with a roommate, I do not go out much, I have a food budget, I do not have cable, I do not spend on luxuries, I survive on less because my jock goals are more important than anything else and I am clear-eyed about that. If you SAY you want to be a jock but you spend your money and time doing not-jock things, you are either deceiving yourself or others.
-I quit my desk job and have been working as a personal trainer myself for 1.5 years.
-I can deadlift 450lbs. This is triple what I deadlifted 3 years ago.
-I play rugby as often as possible. If you live in a city of any size there are guaranteed sports meant for amateurs and adults. Maybe not your first choice, but joining a softball league makes you more of a jock than NOT joining a softball league.
-4 years ago I was 270lbs and over 50% body fat, wearing size 46-48 pants and probably heading into size-50 soon. My lowest weight since was 215lbs, and now I am 240lbs wearing size 36 pants. I could probably wear a smaller waist, but my legs are too big, so most pants are tight in the thighs but I need a belt for the waist. I'm about 20%bf right now. This means I went from being about 135lbs lean mass (meaning mass that was not fat) to about 180-190lbs lean mass. So, I lost a LOT of fat and gained about 50lbs of muscle over 4 years. <-- I just did the math typing this and am kind of amazed at myself for this. Holy shit. Okay, anyway.......
-I wear tank tops as often as possible. If anyone I know gets married, I'm going to have to buy a collared shirt. oops.
-I'm HAPPY. I struggle with depression and anxiety, and that hasn't changed, but my good days are much, much better than my good days used to be.
-Mentally....I'm a huge fan of the getting dumber bit. Obviously I'm not a complete lunk head cause I just typed all of this. BUT there's been changes on this front, too...mostly when I remind myself to not take it so seriously. So, mental changes that have come with time:
-I'm a better hypnosis subject. With the right tist I can go under pretty easily. Because I know what I want, I am able to tell pretty quickly if a tist and I will work well together, and I think we both find our sessions more enjoyable. I can definitely feel dumb, slow, stupid, dense, mindless, and empty-headed when I am worked by an expert at making boys feel like that.
-Thanks to some special skype tists and files like ViVe's and Major Pixel, I'm a lot less of a bookworm and newsie. I still get interested a lot more than I'd like in world events, but the last couple of years I've noticed that when I'm talking with someone who knows more about politics or whatever than I do, I lose interest REALLY fast. I start to tune them out. I want my politics and social justice stuff to be sound-bite sized. If |I get into a debate, I'm lazy with my sourcing and really just want to say my opinion and get out. This is the longest thing I've posted ANYWHERE in a long time, and I had to really focus to write all this, because there have to be better things I can do with my time.
-For me, the trick with being and feeling dumber is just letting myself relax and not worry about it. It's okay to be bored, it's okay to change the subject, it's okay to just smile and let someone else do the talking. And honestly this makes me happy. If I NEED to be the smart guy, I can do it, and I do it now and helps me at work to knowe about metabolism and psychology and to be able to hold a conversation, but when it doesn't help me, I don't use it. And honestly, the bigger I get, the more people want to ask me about my workout program and the less they ask me about my political views, so it gets better all the time.

So those are ways that my life has changed. I still have pretty much my old friends, my family hasn't disowned me, my partner of 7 years is supportive and even started working out himself, I don't have to explain anything to my facebook friends and old high school classmates, because to them I'm just that guy who started working out in his 30s and is showing some good progress. they have their own shit to worry about.

And excuses are what I use for getting out of chores or avoiding annoying social situations. I go to the gym the same way I brush my teeth and go to work each day, because going to the gym is something I DO.
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