Phrasing in the files / Listening while sleeping

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Phrasing in the files / Listening while sleeping

Postby Ys » March 24th, 2006, 12:09 pm


I just found out about your fun site yesterday and tried out some of the files (notably the PenisGrowth stuff [train/trig], the telepathy trig, dryorgasm and some other that I can't think off right now).

Mind you I'm coming from a strictly NLP background.
So what I'm wondering is: Is all this OBEYing in the files something only to be found in classical hypnosis?
Because my subconscious really hates those.
I fell asleep while listening (partially because I wanted to) and woke up 3 hours later, being totally annoyed.. Needless to say the ones I was listening to then weren't really affecting my beliefs.

When I'm listening to the files being awake there is a much better effect.
I think because my conscious mind tends to filter out all those OBEY OBEY OBEYOMGWTFBBQ commands into what they are meant to be.

I noticed you used the "just listen and obey" phrase to take the effect of the general induction into the part with the actual content, so it may be hard to replace those easily :)

My subconscious reacts better to being drawn to something by feelings rather than being told to obey.

Are there any files that don't include the "OBEY OBEY OBEY"?

Having my conscious mind have to translate the annoying stuff for my subconscious isn't really what a belief-changing session should be about, now is it? :)

Just my two (euro-)cents,
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Postby mille » March 24th, 2006, 1:39 pm

hehe that anoys me to, but it does not "turn me of". But it seems a bit missplaced, from some domme it would be okay.
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Postby nuit09 » March 24th, 2006, 2:05 pm

the files are available with the inductions separate from the script itself. there are many different types of induction available. the body of the script normally has fewer "Obey" type statements. though you cannot get away from it completely. you could also take the concepts that you like and even parse the text selectively into grok or virtual hypnotist programs.

As you know; your mind has the ability to ignore commands that you feel uncomfortable with. Hypnosis works mostly by permission of the subject excluding eriksonian misdirection and manipulation and similar NLP techniques that can convince an unaware subject to come to want something they might not otherwise have wanted thereby bypassing the original will of the subject and effectively subverting them. In that regard there is more to fear from non classical hypnosis at least in the hands of the wrong hypnotist.
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Postby Ys » March 24th, 2006, 2:07 pm

Hehe, yeah maybe.

My subconscious doesn't like it which is why it doesn't work too well :)
It's pretty tough getting your subconscious to understand the concept of something if you have to translate consciously so it doesn't get angry ;)


edit: Me rationalizing this while writing it down here seems to remove the (partial) effect I was getting from the tapes ;)
And as for the curses: My subconscious immediately goes "BULLSHIT!" when it hears the thing about curses, especially since they are supposed to be only removable by EMG ;)
Guess my bad tonality / suggestions filter is working too well.. Not that this is a bad thing hehe :)
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Postby nuit09 » March 24th, 2006, 4:00 pm

But i suspect the people who use cursed scripts want the effect to be permanent. they want to feel the changes are beyond their control. they want external permission for things that they secretly want to do but feel guilty or inhibited about doing it on their own volition. So the curse thing acts as a release from responsibility. a shallow conceit (IMO) but it appears to be quite popular and probably effective under those circumstances. additionally the more avenues of reinforcing the desired change the more effective it will be. mutiple channels engaged=more power transmitted.
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Postby Ys » March 24th, 2006, 5:02 pm

Ah ok, this really makes sense :)

I figured the three categories are:
- curses: ever reinforcing and strengthening beliefs (A => B, B => C, C => A+B)
- triggers: triggered behaviours (generally) which may or not be only under your control
- trains: ever reinforcing beliefs without the cursing part.. kinda like curses without EMG ;) or a darker side to its content

Anyways, really nice site (and forums) :)

I just wished there would be more "make the subconscious drawn to xyz" content :)
From my experience that's more effective than forcing something.. unless (and there's your point) the listener wants to be forced.

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Postby Jack » March 24th, 2006, 5:05 pm

You must remember that EMG is a dominant male. All of the "Obey Me"'s are in there because of that, and for some people it actually allows the effects to be stronger.

If you don't like them, you can always edit them out using some mp3 editing program.

Or, if you're too lazy for that, you can apply some personal programming. "From now on I will only hear, and accept those commands which are acceptable to my conscious mind while listening to any file or files that are hosted at warpmymind dot com." Or some such other command. Remember that your subconscious will say "Holy shit! I can do that! What else do you want??"

And yes your bad tonality/suggestion filter is working, you just might want to tweak it in the aforementioned manner since it hadn't been working in a manner which you found completely acceptable. Otherwise the files would have a more deeply profound effect on you.

Now, I don't know which of these options, or any others, you are going to follow, but I do know you will choose to do something. And, remember this, nothing is something too.
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Postby Ys » March 24th, 2006, 7:06 pm

Yeah, it's just his style that doesn't quite fit for me.. The technique itself is good IMO :)

I was thinking about editing, but thought I should just use the script and narrate ;) it in a way my subconscious can accept them more easily since the final result will probably be more clear (at least to my subconscious).

And about the filter needing some tweaking: Sure, it was just a rather rough outline to keep out negative suggestions (or ones that won't be what I really want to do). Thus tweaking may be in order.

BTW: Why is it that NLP patterns seem to seep into everyday language more when you know about that? ;)

I usually rewrite my posts to keep the suggestive / commanding stuff out (or make them ridiculous so it will rather create a subconscious laugh than actually accepting them) ;)


edit: Or is it just that I'm conscious about the patterns and thus see them easier? Probably a mix of both :)
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Postby cardigan » March 25th, 2006, 9:35 am

I have made a file called Cardigan - Enhancement and acceptance. It is a complete induction - without any OBEY me's. In a matter of fact my style is to make the listener want to do certain things. After the induction it lets you listen to any other files from WMM or elsewhere and to hear them as one file spoken in one voice (mine). When using my file, you are programmed into a higher level of acceptance, than you would normally experience, so maybe this would make your subconscious ignore and/or accept any commands to obey something?

You could always try. The file is right here for download.
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Postby Ys » March 25th, 2006, 11:48 pm

Hehe thanks for the hint, I'll definitely give it a try :)

In the meanwhile I found a shortcut (the usual one?) to my problem.
AKA Reframing (Imagine you ...) ;)

Worked pretty nicely, only I'd have to keep it up while listening or otherwise would snap out of it.
Which will go away with getting used to it of course :)

Anyways your file might be a good helper in the meantime.


edit: Oh noes, it's a pay file ;).. I'll try what I can get from reframing for now :)
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