Is this true?

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Re: Is this true?

Postby whatthe75 » March 2nd, 2008, 3:51 am

Urban wrote:

The Subconcious controls everything about us, and a few sources and one person tell me that it's an area where you can program your body to do anything and even change your physical appearance.?


Urban wrote:I asked them if it could make me shorter for example as I'm very tall, they said that if you can unlock and control your subconcious, and bring it to the same level aas your concious, you can do anything physical or mental to yourself.

Is this true??

Dont know.But there is more evidence to suggest yes than no.

Urban wrote:Also, if you create a file with yourself doing all the speaking, since in the whole everybody trust themselves would the file affect you or not?

Yes definately.I can quote this one through experience.I make all my own voice hypnosis and i have had many successes. The good one with this too is you can make in exactly the way you want it.
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Postby BobbyS » March 2nd, 2008, 10:50 am

I asked them if it could make me shorter for example as I'm very tall, they said that if you can unlock and control your subconcious, and bring it to the same level aas your concious, you can do anything physical or mental to yourself.

Use common sense here. It's one thing to suggest it can make your penis bigger (a. I've yet to witness any proof of that EVER working and b. if it did, we'd ALL be doing it).

However, using hypnosis to grow tissue is one thing, if you wanted to become shorter, you'd have to destroy tissue. Quite a different thing altogether. Aside from it being INCREDIBLY dangerous (what if too much tissue was destroyed? what if you couldn't control what was and wasn't destroyed, despite clear language?), it's also impossible.
Even if you believe you can make your body change its growth and/or development, the body does not ever tell things to shrink. Muscles atrophy through lack of use, not because the body tells them to wither up.

There has been proof of hypnosis affecting the immune system and other psychologically-linked physical conditions - e.g. reactions to heat and cold induced purely through hypnosis.

Things like hypnotic anaesthesia in operations you could argue is more psychological - you're not producing pain inhibitors, you just don't pay attention to it - like when you haven't realised you've cut yourself.

That however is as far as hypnosis has ever been proven to go.
Sure, you can SPECULATE about whether it could work or not, but if you're asking "do you KNOW if hypnosis can alter my physical appearance?" the answer is NO.
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Joined: April 11th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby BobbyS » March 2nd, 2008, 10:52 am

Oh and on a separate note, I'd go so far as to say files recorded by yourself (assuming you use a half-decent technique) should work better than any files on WMM. That's because they're tailored to you, and are voiced by the person you trust more than anyone in the entire world. ;-)
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Postby busboy » March 8th, 2008, 12:34 pm

while files you make yourself have the benefit of being more "trustworthy" in terms of feeling comfortable and accepting toward the speaker, your mind may distrust the loss of control that comes with trancing itself, regardless of the speaker. I've had a devil of a time going from light trance to deep trance . . . every time (until very recently) I started to slip over that edge, my mind would reflexively give my body a shot of adrenaline, despite my wanting to go into deep trance, despite the speaker being me.
If you're "new" to hypnosis and looking at delving into it, let me suggest (with absolutely no disrespect intended to the other excellent tists and their files) Cardigan/Carsten's Deep Trance Induction. It is almost devoid of any references to "obeying" the tist, and as such I found it a very, very non-threatening Induction. Should you use it (or any of the other induction files here or on hypno-files. com, really) a few times and find that you seem receptive to hypnosis, then worry about the next step -- making your own custom files. You'll find the people in the community here are more than helpful and supportive with tips and assistance.
A second suggestion would be to go slow. I (and I assume everybody here) completely understand the desire to jump straight to the maximum triggers and effects, but the levels of trance required for those effects are almost impossible after a few brief trances . . . especially if you're trying to direct your mind to literally re-structure your body. That may well be possible (then again, it may well not -- removing bone is a hell of alot different than burning fat), but what you're attempting to do resides at the absolute pinnacle of hypnotic effects. Practice light trancing, then deep trancing. Then work your way up the ladder of effects -- rigidity, anesthesia, all the way up to positive and negative hallucinations. Then, if you can get all the way there (some people just can't), you might be in a position to undertake something like what you're describing. Another benefit of the slow system is by the time you get to that point, you'll be in a much stronger position to evaluate and/or create files.

p.s. welcome to doing freaky shit with your mind! While the legwork and training are a drag, the payoff truly rocks.
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Joined: January 16th, 2008, 1:00 am

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