ADHD PI and these Self Hypnosis Files

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ADHD PI and these Self Hypnosis Files

Postby crash_matrix » March 2nd, 2008, 2:27 pm

I have a question for those better informed than me:
I have Primarily Inattentive ADHD, and am now taking Vyvanse to control the condition (though I'll probably have to switch to generic Amphetamine Salts next month due to the cost). Vyvanse is a form of amphetamine (Lisdexamfetamine is metabolized into l-Lysine and dextroamphetamine), and it affects dopamine uptake over the whole spectrum of the brain.
The medication works exceptionally well, but I'm wondering how it and my condition will effect my ability to trance, stay entranced and enter and maintain a hypnotic state.
I wanted to start trying the trance induction files last week; unfortunately, I've had too much work and didn't want to obstruct the flow. But, I'll [hopefully] be trying them this week and wanted some more expert advice before I started.

-- CM
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Postby Mino » March 2nd, 2008, 2:49 pm

What affect does it have on dopamine levels? If you have high dopamine levels while trying to go into a trance then it should greatly improve the chance of suggestions working, lower than normal will make you think that some suggestions aren't good ideas and make it harder to accept them.
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Postby crash_matrix » March 2nd, 2008, 5:19 pm

Mino wrote:What affect does it have on dopamine levels?

It doesn't increase the *production* of dopamine.
There pharmacology of d-amphetamine (the active ingredient in Vyvanse) isn't known with certainty, but the general consensus is that it blocks the reuptake of dopamine [and norepinehperine] in the presynaptic neurons (by clogging the dopamine terminal button thereby forcing it back into the synaptic gap) which increases their release into the extraneuronal space.
The biochemistry of PI ADHD is hotly debated nowadays, but the most popular theory is that there are reduced concentrations of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex (probably the chemical that limits dopamine life cycle becomes too active).
So, the short answer is that [active rather than dormant] dopamine levels are decreased with PI ADHD, and Vyvanse increases the levels in the prefrontal cortex (among other places). If I understand you correctly, that would mean that Vyvanse should also make it easier for me to receive hypnotic suggestion. Does that sound right?

-- CM
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Postby Mirehn » March 3rd, 2008, 4:11 pm

I also have PI ADHD (or just ADD as my psychologist calls it). I think the question is not what the drug (which presumably helps attention) will do, as it should help help rather than hinder, but rather what is the effect without it. I am sorry to say I have never been able to be hypnotized very well, I just can't concentrate for long enough. I am off medication, and intend to stay that way.
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Postby Mino » March 3rd, 2008, 5:38 pm

Mirehn wrote:I also have PI ADHD (or just ADD as my psychologist calls it). I think the question is not what the drug (which presumably helps attention) will do, as it should help help rather than hinder, but rather what is the effect without it. I am sorry to say I have never been able to be hypnotized very well, I just can't concentrate for long enough. I am off medication, and intend to stay that way.

If you have enough trouble concentrating then you should indeed be on medication, don't believe all that scientology shit that says that psychiatry is evil.
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Postby crash_matrix » March 3rd, 2008, 10:32 pm

Mino wrote:
If you have enough trouble concentrating then you should indeed be on medication, don't believe all that scientology shit that says that psychiatry is evil.

I second that!

-- CM
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Postby lizzie101 » March 4th, 2008, 12:47 am

I have ADD. I am on and off with my medicine, it doesn't seem to have much of an effect but anyway I do have a little bit of trouble concentrating and wouldn't say I've had amazing success with going under, but I have gone under quite a few times, and as long as you can concentrate you should be able to as well :)
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Postby Mirehn » March 4th, 2008, 3:00 am

Mino wrote:
Mirehn wrote:I also have PI ADHD (or just ADD as my psychologist calls it). I think the question is not what the drug (which presumably helps attention) will do, as it should help help rather than hinder, but rather what is the effect without it. I am sorry to say I have never been able to be hypnotized very well, I just can't concentrate for long enough. I am off medication, and intend to stay that way.

If you have enough trouble concentrating then you should indeed be on medication, don't believe all that scientology shit that says that psychiatry is evil.

I am a psychologist in training at the moment, so don't be concerned that I have an inappropriate view of the benefits of mental health therapies or drugs. They are certainly a useful tool.

However two factors hold me back:

1) The drug I would be prescribed would be Ritalin, which I know has problems for some people, with some very nasty side effects. Some people have even gone psychopathic on the stuff (the example I am thinking of is a ten year old kid!). A lot of professionals are wary about that particular drug, and a number in the wider family.

2) I LIKE my mind the way it is. A number of the traits that would be suppressed I like as a part of me. Like the ability to make lightning fast connections, that's a result of a part of my ADD. Although there are things I don't like, overall I wouldn't want to change my mind from what it is now. I can concentrate enough, when things interest me. Things that don't... why am I trying to concentrate in the first place? :wink:

However one of the bad things is that I have found it very difficult to be hypnotized, to use technical language: "I am bored out of my skull". Which, as you can imagine, is not conducive to a good trance.
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Postby whatthe75 » March 4th, 2008, 3:46 am

Mirehn wrote:

However one of the bad things is that I have found it very difficult to be hypnotized, to use technical language: "I am bored out of my skull". Which, as you can imagine, is not conducive to a good trance.

Bored out of your skull? Does that mean you get up and leave the file before it's finished? OR do u listen to the whole file but just think of other things?
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Postby Mirehn » March 4th, 2008, 6:34 am

whatthe75 wrote:
Mirehn wrote:

However one of the bad things is that I have found it very difficult to be hypnotized, to use technical language: "I am bored out of my skull". Which, as you can imagine, is not conducive to a good trance.

Bored out of your skull? Does that mean you get up and leave the file before it's finished? OR do u listen to the whole file but just think of other things?

It means I lose the state very quickly. And this is not using mp3s, but with hypnotists I know in real life. I can manage hypnosis fine, that bit is easy. I just can't maintain the mental state required for too long, it's just not a very comfortable state for me. I actively don't like staying there, it takes too much mental effort.
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