Need help, serious

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Re: Need help, serious

Postby EMG » January 13th, 2019, 4:37 pm

Deprogramall, hypnotic reset, there are probably others. Good luck, but you may need more help than we can deliver.
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Re: Need help, serious

Postby Jackstock » January 13th, 2019, 8:16 pm

I'm not sure if any of those things are related, but I think you may do well with some tai chi and qigong exercises to get you going and clear your mind.
Best of luck, I hope you can get some professional help
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Re: Need help, serious

Postby outkast1728 » January 14th, 2019, 2:51 pm

My personal recommendation is to find someone on here you can trust to help you remove everything that may or may not be hypnotically induced in you via trance and have them go for a clean sweep. @EMG would be my first choice, @ViVe would be another. There are quite a few people on this site who are very skilled at what they do and are, more often than not, willing to help anyone in a situation like yours.
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Re: Need help, serious

Postby urquan » January 14th, 2019, 9:51 pm

It sounds like you've gone through serious trauma. I would recommend finding a therapist in your area and looking for PTSD, depression, and psychosis treatments. Antipsychotics might help with the voices and intrusive thoughts, but you definitely need more help than recreational hypnosis can provide. I know you said you can't afford a therapist, but a lot of them do sliding-scale so you might want to reconsider the affordability part. Definitely talking this over with a professional will be far more effective and much safer. Good luck.
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Re: Need help, serious

Postby JackDrago » January 15th, 2019, 2:48 am

Nothing in my files is known to do that in anyone else. If you are in a bad place psycologically use the Deprogram of your choice - Selective Deprograming is my offering. (Others have had good luck with cosmic Deprogrammer) and seek professional assistance if that fails.

If hypnosis is releasing things you are uncomfortable with, it might be a good idea to get psychotherapy on the material brought up. These things had to be lurking in your subconscious mind before they were released. Professional face to face hypnotherapy can sometimes correct things that files can't.

If you know the name of the file I can consult the script and try to figure out what went wrong. I wouldn't want anything else to get harmed in the event that it is a defective suggestion
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Re: Need help, serious

Postby hypnosisgonewrong » January 16th, 2019, 2:59 pm

JackDrago wrote:Nothing in my files is known to do that in anyone else. If you are in a bad place psycologically use the Deprogram of your choice - Selective Deprograming is my offering. (Others have had good luck with cosmic Deprogrammer) and seek professional assistance if that fails.

If hypnosis is releasing things you are uncomfortable with, it might be a good idea to get psychotherapy on the material brought up. These things had to be lurking in your subconscious mind before they were released. Professional face to face hypnotherapy can sometimes correct things that files can't.

If you know the name of the file I can consult the script and try to figure out what went wrong. I wouldn't want anything else to get harmed in the event that it is a defective suggestion

*edit: I forgot to mention I've already tried deprogramming files but they sorta made a mess for me

I'm the original poster, I used a throwaway email for the first post.
Thank you for the replies and @jackdrago, I absolutely didn't mean to blame you, I'm really sorry if it sounded like that. The file that started this doesn't seem to be around any longer and I don't know who the author was. You probably just have a memorable name. About the file, I just remember there being a part with the words "until you never leave". It also was a compilation/remix of a couple of scripts but read by one guy. I'd like to create my own file to counteract the accumulated effects of the various files I've listened to. That way I'd circumvent any suggestions to listen to other files or repeatedly listen to the file.

I have a few questions I hope you'll answer:

Is it a good idea to use my own voice and write the script myself? The "symptoms" are quite complex and I'd really like to reassemble my (fragmented sense of?) self that I feel like I've lost. I hope that, like in the way my brain sorta broke itself (and is continuing to) after the files I've listened to, I can sorta tell it to fix itself. I stayed away from hypnosis for 2 years but after trying many other things I'm starting to think it might be the only way to unbreak myself.

I almost feel like I need to rewrite my personality, honestly.

Here's what I'd like to achieve with some notes. Maybe you'll have some suggestions, things I missed or maybe redundancies. Can this be done within one file?

- counteract the percieved dumbing down effects (almost to a thinking with my dick degree with renewed interest, motivation and enjoyment in studying, especially languages, science. (I'm an intern in the field and was planning to study computer science but whatever the learning center in my brain is, is completely fried.)

- regain my sense of self (I felt like I kinda kicked myself or the "good" self out during a file and really need to reassemble the fractured remnants. I felt as if some other identity suddenly came into being and actively tried to change me. I could only sit by and watch. Things were undescribably scary when this all started. It isn't a good one. Basically I just want to be/feel like myself again and get rid of or reintegrate the "alter" or whatever it is. I felt totally disassosiated at times and to this day can't identify with many of my actions and thoughts.)

- fix my language center both in what language I think in and regain the ability continue my studies (My mother tongue is German but I grew up attending an International School. I rarely speak English, but do almost everything with it. After listening to the above mentioned file, German sorta got kicked out. I no longer think in German and switched almost exclusively to English. It was around 40/40 before. The other 20 was Korean. These days, it feels like Korean is my "sanest" language. I can't describe how much I miss studying Korean and listening to music. Everytime I do these days I feel like something goes wrong.)

- Fix my relationship with music. Pretty sure this will not be an actual suggestion. I hope this just happenes organically through the other things I've written above. (It went through some really weird phases. Some time ago I felt like it was actually trying to kill me, at others I felt like the lost part of me was trying to communicate with me, these days I tend to be reminded of trauma and my thoughts just completely take some downwards spiral. I have to do some really weird form of mental yoga when I rarely listen to it: constantly redefining things, tring to get a grip on myself interpreting lyrics in really fucked up ways etc. I even had some really messed up physical symptoms.)

- forget about the "trauma" and stop the effects it seems to subconciously have on me (I noticed them way too late on mind-altering substances)

- reprogram my sexuality (this is a weird one, I never listened to anything related to forced straight etc. but I felt as if I was being forced into something akin to that. I've tried listening to a forced gay file when things were really bad but it included things about older dudes. Sorta had a stockholm phase, basically feeling threatened with my life through music, to go see that disgusting older male again that couldn't just ask after that file. Some part of me also thought I should just get it over with and things might go back to normal. They didn't. Somethings got a lot worse:/) I don't know how to go about that at all, probably should include some part about dudes around my age tho when I think about it.

- stop being paraniod, anticipating the worst, crippling anxiety about all sorts of mostly stupid things (confirmation bias is the worst, but actually had some bad experiences.)

- regain lost freedom, stop feelings of judgement (not sure if I did that to myself by examining the workings or no-longer-workings of my mind too closely)

- get rid of sick and intrusive thoughts (the file I listened to included suggestions about "your mind is a master at creating unlimited mental fantasies" and most of them really cross all sorts of lines. I don't want to go into this too much. It's exhausting. Probably tell it to stop generating and repeating the fucked up ones. Not sure how to accomplish this)

- get enjoyment from the things that used to in the way I used to: reading, games, music, tv shows etc.

- get rid of voices (basically tell them to stfu)

- regain creativity (I wasn't the most creative person to begin with but it's almost gone these days)

- undo curses (eg. the lucid dreaming one seems to be turning life into a total nightmare and no lucid dreams still, I'd use a laughing smiley if it wasn't so unfunny.)

I hope the social problems will sort themselves out by fixing the above which is where a lot of them come from.

This might be a lot to ask, but would someone experienced, maybe JackDrago, be willing to check the body-script for any signs of self-sabotage once I've written it? I can't really trust myself these days. Also for bad wording or something that could be interpreted in a bad way, I've gotten scary good at that. I might also miss something important or "power-words" if they exist. I'll educate myself on the subject before tho.

If anyone has questions about how bad a mind can get, I'd be willing to answer them. I'm probably oversharing anyway:/
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Re: Need help, serious

Postby JackDrago » January 18th, 2019, 12:02 pm

Honestly, man, as someone who has a split personality, I can say that it tends to Resist correction through hypnotic means. It sounds to me like you had a low grade personality split that became a full fledged dissociative disorder as an abreaction to hypnosis. This is exactly how my alter Butch was born. (The file in question in my case was Manhood Blessing)

Re: writing your own suggestions. YES. I do it all the time and find my own voice easy to trance to. Sort out exactly what you want and make a list of positive statements for them like "the voices in my head have less and less influence over me" or "I find that my mind is slowly returning to the mental state that existed in 2015" be careful to avoid stating things in the negative as the subconscious mind is often unreliable about it.

Re: counteract dumbing... This is what my Smart Jock series is for.

Re: forget trauma. Yes, its possible to do this with hypnosis but this is why you have trouble in the first place. You need to process the trauma and come to terms with it in order to heal the personality split causing the voices. This will require a good support system. If you can't afford therapy, quit drugs and work the steps in Narcotics Anonymous. The 4th and 5th steps worked honestly with a sponsor will help you come to terms with it. Alternatively, get a good therapist.

Reprogram sexuality: we have a ton of files on Warp My Mind for this. My series is called Shattered Heterosexuality. Again, this would likely be better resolved with a therapist.

Stop self-judgement. I have a file for that, it's called Shameless.

Re: script review. I am 100% willing to review and comment on scripts.
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Re: Need help, serious

Postby Casey » January 19th, 2019, 1:47 pm

I made a deprogramming File that may help with the hypnosis part of it.
I do encourage professional therapy and counseling.. if you do not want to physically go to the doctors look up Telemedicine you can recieve help by phone or internet call sessions as in a chat room.

I also recommend joining a site called Udemy... which has free courses. has paid too..
I suggest you to take courses in the topics NLP, CBT, and REBT.... meditation and mindfullness.... it has martial arts well.. I saw one recommend this... I or researching videos on this to help you learn different therapeutic coping skills with your traumas... I also recommend ... finding support chats.. For depression look up The Depression Sanctuary make sure you follow the rules and do not troll. I used to work there but stopped do to computer issues... If you just need someone to listen and talk to I recommend a site I also volunteer at sometimes called 7cups .... they both will walk you through exercises to help you.... Keep in mind thought if you go to 7 cups and Depression Sanctuary you may only discuss non sexual.. topics as both sites do have minors and make sure to follow strictly the rules of each. If you feel that learning coping skills are not working well. You can go to your normal family doctor and tell them what you are struggling with and ask them for a referral to a psychiatrist or other type of therapist... I know you may be like me and think ugga counseling therapists yuck i don't want to do that... But... I can tell you now. Had I not gone to therapy in my preteen years I would not be here right now... I would be imprisoned or dead.. I was in such a bad severe state of depression with my DID and PTSD as well.. For Traumas I never consciously new I had. This is what I think happened.. I think you were already mentally emotionally at the edge of a bad way and when you did the file it made you consciously aware of it.... Mixing Drugs, or alcohol with hypnosis also does not end well.... The Drugs and Alcohol can alter how the brain processes and receives the triggers, and can even take a totally safe file and session and turn it into something really dangerous.... One of my instructors, Karen E. Wells. Also cautions not to do hypnosis with anyone on even just anti depressants, who has had psychotic disorder, or schizophrenia.... without proper doctor, or medical professional consent, they usually want to know the scripts.. so if you decide to treat with hypnotist they may require this.... You often see I put a disclaimer on my files about not using them while under the influence of things. This does not mean a person with these disorders can not still enjoy and benefit from hypnosis... they just need to learn how to safely do so, and do it with a hypnosis specifically trained in doing files and working with these types of illnesses. You had the courage to come here and ask for help.. I recommend seeking out a professional that does screening for illnesses.

Here are links to deprogramming Files:
Here is the one I wrote:

This is Jack Dragos deprogramming file

This file goes way deep...

This is Vive's Deep Clean File

Nimja's Clean Reset

This is a pay file This is EMG's clean reset.

Sometimes you have to do the deprogramming files more than once.. I recommend to treat them like a habit forming or breaking files.. and do them once a day just before sleep or upon waking up.. for at least 21 days... but some people may need to do them less 18 days or as long as 208 days.. to fully break the mental habit... But when it comes to deprogramming unwanted post hypnotic cues that tends to go faster...

I hope what I shared helps you... I also recommend keeping watch on .... for files that may help you with improving other areas of your life. I know I am working on furthering my training to release quite a few helping ones there as well. And to look through the self help files...
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Re: Need help, serious

Postby hypnosisgonewrong » January 21st, 2019, 4:30 pm

JackDrago wrote:Honestly, man, as someone who has a split personality, I can say that it tends to Resist correction through hypnotic means. It sounds to me like you had a low grade personality split that became a full fledged dissociative disorder as an abreaction to hypnosis. This is exactly how my alter Butch was born. (The file in question in my case was Manhood Blessing)

Re: writing your own suggestions. YES. I do it all the time and find my own voice easy to trance to. Sort out exactly what you want and make a list of positive statements for them like "the voices in my head have less and less influence over me" or "I find that my mind is slowly returning to the mental state that existed in 2015" be careful to avoid stating things in the negative as the subconscious mind is often unreliable about it.

Re: counteract dumbing... This is what my Smart Jock series is for.

Re: forget trauma. Yes, its possible to do this with hypnosis but this is why you have trouble in the first place. You need to process the trauma and come to terms with it in order to heal the personality split causing the voices. This will require a good support system. If you can't afford therapy, quit drugs and work the steps in Narcotics Anonymous. The 4th and 5th steps worked honestly with a sponsor will help you come to terms with it. Alternatively, get a good therapist.

Reprogram sexuality: we have a ton of files on Warp My Mind for this. My series is called Shattered Heterosexuality. Again, this would likely be better resolved with a therapist.

Stop self-judgement. I have a file for that, it's called Shameless.

Re: script review. I am 100% willing to review and comment on scripts.

Hi, back and have to make this short, I'm in the middle of creating a list of suggestions which I then plan to turn into a "body" for some sort of "self-repair" file. Quick question: what personal pronoun would you use when you create a file just for yourself and want to make sure nothing like alters etc. could be created or don't want a split to occur, "you" or "I"? Would you use your name to address yourself? Using you and my name seems less weird but maybe "I" could work better in this case? Is it better to use the word "mind" or "brain" or do they differ somehow? Thank you for any help:)
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Re: Need help, serious

Postby JackDrago » January 22nd, 2019, 7:50 pm

I write my own files in the second person. Even in my own voice, my mind prefers "you" in hypnosis files.
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Re: Need help, serious

Postby hypnosisgonewrong » January 23rd, 2019, 1:13 pm

OK, I'll write it in second person and see how it goes. If it doesn't work I might try first person, tho that might just sound really awkward to listen to.

I found the file where I the split / takeover / brain just saying bye or whatever it is occur: Bodybuilder Supreme
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Re: Need help, serious

Postby JackDrago » January 24th, 2019, 2:08 pm

Glad to see you found which file messed you up. My friend @oxyfemmeboi actually speculated that that particular file might have been one of the ones involved. PM me when you have a script and I will be happy to give feedback.
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Re: Need help, serious

Postby hypnosisgonewrong » January 25th, 2019, 1:03 pm

That's pretty cool. How did he guess that file if I may ask? I'm just curious if he has any experience with it and might know something. I'm gonna put that file into a speech to text program and might check if there's some more specific way to reverse it. Or is that a bad idea? I have a rough draft ready but have to go over it a few more times. Thank you for your help:)

Edit: I'm honestly quite worried I could experience another split by using you to talk to myself. But on the other hand, I do it all the time in my head. Could be fine. This part is really tripping me up@.@

Edit2: @JackDrago I'm at around 1200 words for the "body" section. Would 2000 be too much? I'm thinking of specifically reversing some of the suggestions of the Bodybuilder Supreme file, which from what I've skimmed includes a lot of not-advertised effects. It's really quite creepy.
Last edited by hypnosisgonewrong on January 25th, 2019, 3:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Need help, serious

Postby lard » January 25th, 2019, 1:08 pm

I also had a similar problem about two years ago with one of Hypnosuperior files, and I felt like I wasn’t myself at all and I had persisting thoughts and fears about these thoughts. Sure it had to do with old tramas and bad perceptions and whatever else I don’t know, maybe these files weren’t for me, but I was really suffering. So I understand and I feel you. For a long time I’ve never heard anyone have problems with files and I thought that this is something that this site was lacking. After all,kinks and hypnosis has to do greatly with self and psychology.
Anyways, what seemed to give me relief for a short amount of time, was to write down in a paper all of these persisting thoughts every time I had them. You have to Believe that these are Only thoughts about yourself, Nothing more. The mind is a powerful tool but you are safe and all right. I believe you have to go to a therapist for one or two or three or four sessions just to be certain of what is your condition. Confide in him.
After sometime You will be OK.
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Re: Need help, serious

Postby hypnosisgonewrong » January 25th, 2019, 1:28 pm

lard wrote:Hi,
I also had a similar problem about two years ago with one of Hypnosuperior files, and I felt like I wasn’t myself at all and I had persisting thoughts and fears about these thoughts. Sure it had to do with old tramas and bad perceptions and whatever else I don’t know, maybe these files weren’t for me, but I was really suffering. So I understand and I feel you. For a long time I’ve never heard anyone have problems with files and I thought that this is something that this site was lacking. After all,kinks and hypnosis has to do greatly with self and psychology.
Anyways, what seemed to give me relief for a short amount of time, was to write down in a paper all of these persisting thoughts every time I had them. You have to Believe that these are Only thoughts about yourself, Nothing more. The mind is a powerful tool but you are safe and all right. I believe you have to go to a therapist for one or two or three or four sessions just to be certain of what is your condition. Confide in him.
After sometime You will be OK.

It's not quite that easy. My mind is REALLY fucked up these days. There are thoughts that could have me put away, or at least earn me a lot of punches to my face. It's exhausting to say the least. I'm gonna give me trying to hypnotize myself a try and if that doesn't work, I dunno. I'll try a few more things I guess. Pretty much at my wits (or what's left of it) end. I agree with you on the psychological aspect of hypnosis. It might be truly dangerous for some people. What creeps me out is that particular file not having a warning. It has nasty surprises. A certain attempt of trapping the listener even "Until you never leave". It's hella scary and I still remember how I felt when I heard that. Waiting for the speech to text program to finish and I'm not sure if I should even read the transcript of that file. But I might be able to reverse something so I should at least give it a try.
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Re: Need help, serious

Postby lard » January 25th, 2019, 6:06 pm

this is a recovery file from nimja: It felt mild and soothing.
What are your thoughts? Do you think they are reality?
Talk to someone, you will be fine.Have some anti-anxiety medication.
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Re: Need help, serious

Postby Casey » January 26th, 2019, 1:12 am

Yes, Nimja's hypnosis files are legit and... and work if you are using the right file for your style of hypnosis.. Nimja works well for me. In 2016 I was messing around with a group of friends pretending to be a mind control slave in chat.. and not knowingly we hit upon some real hypnosis triggers and programming I did not know I had.. I ended up a real mess for awhile.. the deprogramming files I shared really helped me as well as learning to write my own files and making specific trigger removing and changing scripts. I still have some things I run into at times I need to work on.. but for the most part I have it to the point where the worse I'd do is babble, getting mouthy and retreat and do some hand and arm signs signalling refusing an order.... has many good relaxing files ,,,and healing files,... I would recommend avoiding his strange ones until you recover....Be sure to check out warps self help section too....
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