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How does hypnotism effect the physical body?

PostPosted: February 16th, 2015, 5:40 pm
by Duravantesdelia
One thing Ive never been sure of is how does hypnosis actually effect our body? Now I really don't want to experience any body changes as I am quite happy with mine. However apparently it seems to have this power. For instance, it apparently does seem to shrink the human penis as seen in the shrinking penis thread on success stories. I don't even understand how this is possible, does the file somehow stimulate the brain to create more estrogen? I kind of seems physically impossible in my personal opinion. Anyone who wants to fill me in on this please do, and thank you.

PostPosted: February 16th, 2015, 7:38 pm
by Endo
What's typically taught is that the mind cannot directly alter the body, especially in terms of growth. It is very possible, however, for the mind to alter things that the mind and its related systems have control over. Re-absorption of tissue is something that seems rather doable, with all sorts of stories about shrinking penises (and spines, for that matter.) There was a thread recently that discussed penis-growth files, and I will maintain my stance from there: You're not going to get growth from a suggestion that says "Your penis is growing", but the suggestion that "You are hard constantly, sometimes you are so hard that it hurts" is perfectly valid and has been shown to work, because that's how your penis naturally grows, and your erections are things that your mind has control over. Similarly, a file that advertises weight loss would do better to focus on healthy eating habits and exercise routines rather than directly manipulating fat.

PostPosted: February 16th, 2015, 7:58 pm
by ProfessorPig
Let me preface this by saying i am not an expert on the subject. someone with a medical background may be able to give you a better answer. there is a lot of shaky info out there because of hypnosis relationship with holistic healing

I get the impression that this is a subject where there are still a lot of unknowns. some reports say that hypnosis can do very little to change your body and is more likely to change your perception of your body, but there are studies out there that indicate that there are some things that can be changed.

breathing rate, heart rate, and blood pressure are all well documented physical changes that you can experience through hypnosis. there is a ton of evidence that hypnosis can change your perception, which may be considered a physical change. there is some anecdotal evidence out there that hypnosis might be able to affect hormone levels or release other naturally occurring chemicals in the body.

there are a lot of interesting anecdotal stories here on WMM. one in particular that sticks out to me was a gentleman who was using the curse of the teenie weenie who went to the doctor, and the doctor said that the muscles in his penis had atrophied, and the doctor could not determine the cause. Is this an indication of hypnosis bringing out a physical change, or perhaps did hypnosis enforce a learned behavior that caused this change to happen?

PostPosted: February 17th, 2015, 12:31 am
by diode168
Speaking as somebody who used to be in the medical sector. Teeny weenie works by telling your brain to lower the supply of blood to the penis by constriction of blood vessels. Your brain has complete control over that as it's what allows you to get a erection. Without the constant blood supply the body will literally eat your penis.

PostPosted: February 18th, 2015, 5:58 am
by Duravantesdelia
I see, are there any other files that can affect other parts of the body?

PostPosted: February 19th, 2015, 12:07 am
by diode168
Most of the breast growth ones can.

PostPosted: February 21st, 2015, 10:15 am
by Duravantesdelia
I've alspo heard of files that supposedly increase one's intelligence. Do these files actually work? Or are they pipe dreams?

PostPosted: February 21st, 2015, 10:07 pm
by Endo
I addressed this specific question a few weeks ago, and no one else jumped on it, so here goes.

My personal take on the issue is that a person's intelligence can only be trained by USING that intelligence. IQ measures a lot of different things, mostly problem-solving, spatial/manipulation problems and whatnot, which are certain skills that come with time and experience. You can't boost your IQ just by listening to someone say that your IQ will be boosted.

HOWEVER! There have been tons of stories around the internet about isochronic tones and other similar "meditation tracks" helping people focus during their work, which will allow you to use what IQ you do have trained in a more effective way. When you are clear headed and can focus on the task at hand, you will be able to perform better, so even if you DON'T know something, you will still pick it up much more quickly than without.

But hey, I'd really love to see some convincing data using a massive test pool of people who listen to suggestions to boost IQ being effective or not. I think too many claims in the modern hypnosis community (at least this one here) go unchallenged, and so we get threads like "can hypnosis do X" all the time.

PostPosted: February 21st, 2015, 10:13 pm
by diode168
Probably increase concentration, focus and discipline which does a lot more for the perception of intelligence than people think.

PostPosted: February 22nd, 2015, 12:03 pm
by Endo
diode168 wrote:Probably increase concentration, focus and discipline which does a lot more for the perception of intelligence than people think.

Agreed, that's what I was trying to get at, but your version has a lot fewer words, haha.

Edit: Let me throw this video in here, I think it does a good job of summarizing the history of "intelligence"

PostPosted: March 1st, 2015, 4:17 pm
by lew897
Well, IQ was made so that a person can improve their scores. Even without hypnosis. I think hypnosis cuts through the leaky hippocampus and goes straight to the long term memory. A slower version is speed reading, but memory retention drops off after one week. Regular reading means losing 95 percent after two days. Hypnosis is tons better.

PostPosted: March 1st, 2015, 5:57 pm
by Wildsprite
how much hypno effects the body depends on several factors

the hypnotist's use of language and persuasive suggestion is a huge factor

trust in both yourself and the hypnotist. you shouldn't just trust any hypnotist without getting to know them first. lots of nasty people out there and the realm of hypnotism is no different.

belief is also important, if you have convinced yourself something absolutely won't work it likely won't(this depends more on the subconscious mind than the conscious mind as has been proven many times by people who claim not to believe but end up having things effect them anyway)