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interesting question

PostPosted: April 19th, 2015, 6:50 pm
by kunoichi
would it be possible to drive a guy boy crazy without making him lose his attraction to women. I would realy like this. to go gaga over cute guys but still leaves me able to like girls. also a feminen personality wouldn't bad ether.

PostPosted: April 19th, 2015, 10:30 pm
by ParanoidLord
Sounds like garden variety bisexuality to me; I think there's plenty of files on that subject here. For instance, EMG's "Curse Forced Bisexual" would probably do the trick. People seem to have had good results with that one, although it's not as popular as his other orientating forcing files.

PostPosted: April 20th, 2015, 1:14 pm
by kunoichi
cool just one problem I am already pansexual so that will not work for me.... ty though.