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Hypnosis and different voices?

PostPosted: October 18th, 2015, 1:14 am
by sachamagne
hi there,

i'd like to know if using several voices is working, i.e. using one induction file voiced by x, then a 'core' file voiced by Y and another one voiced by z then a wake up file voiced by myself.

How the brain will react in case of "Follow my voice only" kind of instruction ?
Will all the others instructions using a different voice be ignored or downplayed ?

Just curious.

Thanks for your enlightenment :)

PostPosted: October 18th, 2015, 7:00 am
by MN_FriendlyGuy

You've asked:
How the brain will react in case of "Follow my voice only" kind of instruction ?
Will all the others instructions using a different voice be ignored or downplayed ?

It's understandable that you want to logically analyze this. But there's an additional factor that needs to be included in your analysis. The subconscious mind communicates in a language all its own. It's an amazing language! It's amazing because:
    - It's a language of wishes and cravings, dreams and images, emotions, hopes and fears.

    - It's a language of hormonal responses... adrenaline, serotonin, oxytocin to name a few.

    - It's a language that always tells the truth; incapable of telling a fib.
Now you know the additional factor that needs to be included in your analysis. And now that you know that the language of the subconscious is different from the language of verbalization, you can understand that the hypnotic verbal instruction "Follow my voice only" is usually meaningless to the subconscious mind.

If you were to hear a voice you recognize... the voice of someone you know and love, then yes... the words "Follow my voice only" would be processed by the subconscious. Those words would be processed because of the emotional and the memory connections you have to that person. And you cannot consciously control those connections, can you?

Isn't it GOOD to know you can trust your subconscious when it hears the verbal command "follow my voice only"? You can trust your subconscious to do the appropriate thing - and sometimes ignoring the command is what's appropriate.