Silent subliminals.

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Silent subliminals.

Postby Brokenwings » December 20th, 2018, 4:48 am

Anyone else had any success with purely silent high frequency hypnosis files?

Myself and my partner dabble in erotic hypnosis/brainwashing as foreplay.
As an experiment I put together several silent hypnosis files using audacity.
My partner was/is aware that she is being subjected to these files - However she has no idea what the subject of the files are, except that they are erotic in nature - or how I am playing them to her.
Usage is daily - For 3-4 hours +.

It should be stressed that she has fully consented to this - and that I would not condone usage of such files without the knowledge of the subject.

Effects i have noticed are as follows.

- She now always takes a "finishing shot" on her breasts, face or in her mouth - With intermittent swallowing.
Something that almost never happened before usage of the files.
This is almost always prompted by her. It should also be noted that she does not "Beg" for it or appear to be "Desperate" for
it. It is almost as if she has accepted that this is standard practice during sex now.

The files featured this theme heavily.

-She enjoys much rougher sex than previously - Louder- Hair pulling ,choking,spanking,degrading her ect.
Files featured this theme heavily.
Possibility that I am leading her into this by being rougher myself - And she is just enjoying the ride lol

- I have found her masturbating to porn several times since the usage began -something I have never caught her doing before - Could be circumstantial - due to general arousal from knowledge of the files being played.

- Upon usage of "Bimbo" files, after several weeks I noticed her forgetting things more often and dressing slightly differently.
Discontinued usage of these files - As This was not an effect that I found desirable.

All files are completely silent And have no audible noise whatsoever.
Results so far seem promising - As effects featured in the files seem to be manifesting - Even though she has no idea what the specific effects are.

I may update this thread if there is interest.
But I would be interested to hear from anyone else who has had results with other silent files.
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Re: Silent subliminals.

Postby EMG » December 20th, 2018, 9:09 am

Very interesting, I did a test a few years back that seemed to have decent success. What method did you use to make your subliminals silent?
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Re: Silent subliminals.

Postby Brokenwings » December 21st, 2018, 2:39 am

All files are encoded with audacity - Using a plugin to make them silent.
There is both a code and a plugin on the site - that can be found with a little digging.
The code ,however, produced a lot more hissing and popping sounds than the plug in.
Encoded as wmv files, Due to mp3 losing data during compression.

It should be noted that I used a frequency detector to check that the sound was being produced.

All the files I use are 1-3 hours long, Grouped into topics and played sequentially, using a mixture of edited files from this site, my own recorded files and text to speech files made by myself - with no more than three files on loop at one time.

While I have seen results - I must take the placebo effect into account, as she is aware of the hypnosis being present- If not the topics of them.
We have known each other for a long time- and it could be a case of her mind guessing the things i might put in the files.

The only exception to this is/was the "bimbo" files - As she began wearing more revealing clothes from her younger days, that she has not worn in years - this stopped when I stopped the files usage - But again this could be purely a co-incidence.
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Re: Silent subliminals.

Postby Calimore » January 6th, 2019, 12:46 am

I have had some successes using a 'Silent Sound' script for Cool Edit Pro 2.1, which is also supposed to work with the Adobe offshoot of that program. I have found that it does take time for the effects to become noticeable, often several days if not a couple of weeks but they do seem to be more effective than the traditional vocoding method for creating subliminal suggestions.

My usage has mostly been limited mp3s which do not seem to lose any 'potency' due to compression. In fact, the script I use can create the ultrasonic file as well as 'unmake' the file, demonstrating little loss in sound quality in the process at 128Kbps (although I now use 192Kbps unless otherwise requested). Wmv also uses compression, so I doubt that you are gaining much benefit from its use, but to each their own. As they say, "nothing succeeds like success".

The 'Silent Sound' technique has proven effective enough for the U.S. military to use in its most recent desert campaigns, so what's good enough for the Pentagon is good enough for me. I usually suggest continual play of the files, though. That's how the Army does it - usually riding on the enemy's radio carrier wave.
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Re: Silent subliminals.

Postby hexagon77 » January 6th, 2019, 9:59 am

I was thinking about getting into that with a friend who is curious.

How do you do the phrasing for the suggestions there? Have only been doing full hypnosis sessions with inductions and everything to it. I assume making and using those silent subliminals has to work in a different way. Can you give some examples of the wording.. or pacing that you used?
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Re: Silent subliminals.

Postby EMG » January 6th, 2019, 5:24 pm

Generally with subliminals you skip the induction and work with the body of whatever content you wish to use. I would recommend an increased use of phrasing along the lines of "I enjoy being my master's slave" using personal pronouns instead of words like you or your since the goal of a subliminal is to meld with the subjects thoughts.
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Re: Silent subliminals.

Postby hexagon77 » January 8th, 2019, 10:07 am

Thank you!

I have found a plugin, i hope it is the one you mentioned :) - so going to get started with my friend, who is quite excited to try this out.
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