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Can I listen to dumbing files without becoming dumb?

PostPosted: January 21st, 2019, 5:48 am
by Conco
In a weird situation - find dumbing files, and the idea of them, super hot, but don't actually WANT to be dumb, or even experience feeling like an idiot. Don't care for trigger files etc either because of that, the mindless feeling holds little appeal for me. I just like the various files which detail how stupid I am or tell me I'm getting dumber/will get dumb.

Hypothetically, if I listen to those files - say, dumb jock files - and gave into the pleasure they gave me, even while not wanting to be stupid, will they dumb me down over time anyway, or will my subconscious keep me safe? Cheers!

Re: Can I listen to dumbing files without becoming dumb?

PostPosted: January 21st, 2019, 8:51 am
by EMG
Most likely your subconscious will keep you safe. HOWEVER if you subconsciously wants this to happen that could change the results. If you are worried, you could always skip the induction and just listen to the body of the file.

Re: Can I listen to dumbing files without becoming dumb?

PostPosted: January 21st, 2019, 9:53 am
by Conco
Hmm. I'm afraid that deep down I may actually want to be dumb, so that's kind of a problem... I want to be intelligent on a rational level, but how can I tell if my subconscious feels something different? Is the fact that they turn me on so much an indicator that it may be dangerous for me?

Re: Can I listen to dumbing files without becoming dumb?

PostPosted: January 21st, 2019, 12:17 pm
by EMG
Yes it is, so there is a chance they will work for you. Of course your subconscious is also likely to work to protect you so it's unlikely you'd become so stupid you wouldn't be able to say, do your job but you might discover other aspects of your life do change(or not, the subconscious is twisty maze of conflicting desires)

Re: Can I listen to dumbing files without becoming dumb?

PostPosted: January 22nd, 2019, 7:55 pm
by JackDrago
My advice: don't bet on failure. This is likely your subconscious trying to trick you into dumbing down.

100% of the subjects who say "this will never work" become spectacular success stories. It's happened repeatedly with Shattered Heterosexuality and Demon.

If that doesn't change your mind, look in the Teenie Weenie success thread for guys who say "this won't work" and note the final dick size of those guys.