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Hypnosis file to stop swallowing?

PostPosted: September 10th, 2019, 8:25 pm
by hooplajunkie
Hi, i'm decent as a hypnotic subject but whenever i have to keep still in order to experience full trance i find myself swallowing a lot i've tried everything and i can't managed to stop swallowing after ever 1-2 minutes. It hinders me with files here, but also hypnosis on Youtube where being completely still and not distracted is of the utmost importance (guided lucid dreaming)

Is there a hypnosis file to make you stop swallowing while listening to any hypnotic session/trance? or a file that doesn't mentally distract you whilst your body naturally swallows?


Re: Hypnosis file to stop swallowing?

PostPosted: March 17th, 2020, 2:39 am
by wavelightcat
The key is not worrying about swallowing. If you have to swallow, scratch yourself, cough, just do it. It's better to end the distraction then try to bare it. You should find yourself falling quickly back into trance. This tip helped me immensely.