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How long to wait for a file to work?

PostPosted: January 5th, 2023, 2:00 pm
by thomas432
Like if I want to do curse force gay or a feminization file. What’s the longest it usually takes for a file to work?

Re: How long to wait for a file to work?

PostPosted: January 10th, 2023, 10:20 am
by cardigan
Impossible to say. Depends on the listener. If your subconscious mind thinks the file is the best thing ever, it might be enough to listen once. But it also depends on how hypnotizable you are. You might be able to tick off that you really, really want this to happen - but if you suck at going into trance then it won't happen straight away. So it depends on you and your subconscious desires.

Re: How long to wait for a file to work?

PostPosted: January 11th, 2023, 8:00 am
by Jackstock
Depends on a number of factors:
First, it depends how good the file is. I remember listening to a file years ago for making it easier to go into hypnosis. I listened so many times and it never worked. It just said stuff like "you will find it easier to be hypnotized". Why would that work? Theres no reason for it to work, and plenty of reasons it wont (future tense, unimaginative, not inspiring, not descriptive...)
It depends how easy you are to hypnotize. A small percentage of people can be hypnotized by just about anything.
It depends on the goal. Changing your body will take more dedication. Changing your mind could take half a session. Unrooting deep mindsets could take multiple files, or a strategy that is beyond any of the files you currently see. It may take a customized file, or a mental therapy treatment of some sort. It could take lots of practice.

Like if I want to do curse force gay or a feminization file. What’s the longest it usually takes for a file to work?

For those files, if you're not noticing any effects at all after a couple listens, it's not going to work on you.