cardigan wrote:Unless you are really of a very bisexual nature. Then the files would make your bisexuality swing in either direction and make you more pronounced gay while listening to ForcedGay and more pronounce straight while listening to the other file. But if you are strictly straight, I think it would take MUCH more than a month to change that into being homosexual. (And vice versa).
But please keep us informed! :twisted:
Exactly what I think when reading the reports of people who claim they were straight, then became gay, after listening to the ForcedGay etc... Awesome stories to read indeed, but also I'm pretty sure they were bi to boost.
Speaking of which... actually per definition 95% of the population is bi. Only 5% are 100% hetero or homo. It's psychology research, argue against it if you wish but it's there, and even the scientists trying to undermine the results had to give up when it was valid to almost any group tested...
So what I'm aiming at is the fact that since 95% are bi even if they don't know it, these files can have a tremendous impact on a WHOLE LOT of people including so called straight (or gay).