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PostPosted: July 5th, 2005, 9:52 pm
by tudorrose


PostPosted: July 6th, 2005, 1:01 am
by tudorrose

PostPosted: July 6th, 2005, 4:29 am
by cardigan
Well, I would venture a guess that you are very submissible by nature. EMG's files are of a dominant nature. "Listen and obey...." I think that this is why, you are feeling these sensations. You have submitted to the voice in the files, and this kind of submission rings true to you. Possibly you didn't know beforehand that you had these desires? This being the case, You would probably enjoy a live B&D relationship with someone in flesh and blood that you could call master. Have you ever thought about that?
Pardon me for being a bit bold. :oops:


PostPosted: July 7th, 2005, 4:59 am
by tudorrose

Re: ...

PostPosted: July 7th, 2005, 11:00 pm
by sandy82
This thread has been declared a National Landmark. Assistance sought in re-creating missing posts.

tudorrose wrote:,,

PostPosted: July 8th, 2005, 8:47 am
by Kendai
cardigan might know more about the second, but the third was a firm denial of cardigan's theory, seemed a bit like sandy was throwing out the very idea without even considering it, or possibly in denial. . .

PostPosted: July 8th, 2005, 12:12 pm
by sandy82
Thanks, Kendai, but your memory is faulty. I have a verbatim copy of tudorrose's third post. Including the inadvertently retained subject line, and the time of actual posting. The denial of Cardigan's theory was made by tudorrose, to whom the theory had been addressed. I had no quarrel with the theory, but with the tone and contents of the denial.

Kendai wrote:cardigan might know more about the second, but the third was a firm denial of cardigan's theory, seemed a bit like sandy was throwing out the very idea without even considering it, or possibly in denial. . .

PostPosted: July 8th, 2005, 1:02 pm
by sandy82
tg812, you have a good memory. You have remembered the "key words" verbatim. :wink: Actually, the phrasing was more like this: "After I finish listening to one of his files, I feel like I have been... ." I wish you had been around for the others.

In a post dated Thu Jul 07, 2005, 11:03 pm MDT, that_guy_812 wrote:I only know post one, which was something about being fucked by EMG, but I wasn't around for the others.


PostPosted: July 9th, 2005, 9:52 am
by Kendai
oops, guess i got the wrong name in there. . .

i was actually referring to the origonal poster. . . but i guess i took a pretty quick look at the posts to miss something that big. . .

PostPosted: July 9th, 2005, 10:13 am
by sandy82
LOL, Kendai. I know the feeling. This thread has needed a NASA-quality camera to keep up with the changes from one nanosecond to the next. :) The original version was the most interesting of all: I wonder if Princess Di's step-grandmother ever wrote any x-rated novels as good as that one.

Kendai wrote:oops, guess i got the wrong name in there. . .

i was actually referring to the origonal poster. . . but i guess i took a pretty quick look at the posts to miss something that big. . .