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Evil Musings

PostPosted: July 25th, 2005, 12:48 pm
by EMG
A couple nights ago I had my slave transcribe a file from Iron Shackle and had some VERY enlightening results that I thought I should share here. The file was Cockslave and her task was to transcribe all of it(she volunteered for this duty). Anyway, the method she used was to simply play the file and transcribe what she could of it as it played(never going under). Then she'd go back and start from the beginning and try to catch more of it until the script is complete. The result of having her do that was VERY intense, the act of transcription while listening apparently helped fix the words and effects of the file more deeply in her mind than just simple listening would have done. By the end of the evening I had turned on my webcam and she was fixedly gazing at her screen begging me for more and shaking her head NO when my cock was taken from her view. The entire experience was VERY intense and I thought I'd suggest this as a possible technique for those of us having troubles with the files. It may(or may not) help you ingrain the file a little more deeply(and if nothing else it may get everyone a few more scripts)

PostPosted: July 25th, 2005, 2:16 pm
by Lord_Mizaru
That's along the same lines as I use when I trance people if they're having trouble, I'll tell them to mouth the words that they hear as I speak them just to double it up so to speak.

PostPosted: July 25th, 2005, 5:59 pm
by EMG
Exactly, and I have suggested that to people at times myself, it very much depends on the individual.

Lord_Mizaru wrote:That's along the same lines as I use when I trance people if they're having trouble, I'll tell them to mouth the words that they hear as I speak them just to double it up so to speak.

PostPosted: July 27th, 2005, 7:30 pm
by loony28
whoa_this_place_is_weird wrote:EMG gives me the willies

:twisted: Then go someplace else. :twisted:

Re: Evil Musings

PostPosted: July 31st, 2005, 6:21 pm
by MRV35
EMG wrote:I'd suggest this as a possible technique for those of us having troubles with the files. It may(or may not) help you ingrain the file a little more deeply(and if nothing else it may get everyone a few more scripts)

Sound like a good idea though I have been repeating what is being said in the files to try to enhance the effect. My issue right now is getting into trance to get these files to produce some results. I will add this if I keep having problems getting into trance.

PostPosted: August 11th, 2005, 8:54 am
by VeryGnawty
I was actually thinking of doing something like that myself. I'm quite the writer, and I'm also good with visual things. Aural presentations don't do as much for me. But if I write it down, it sticks. Maybe I'll give it a go someday.