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Resistance to Trances?

PostPosted: February 17th, 2010, 8:17 am
by SleepIncarnate
I was curious as to whether or not anyone knew if being ADD/ADHD made a mind more resistant to entering a trance due to an inability to focus? I ask because I've tried numerous hypnosis files, and while I can fall asleep to them and leave them playing on loop overnight, I can't enter a trance state, I just end up either wide awake, aware of everything happening, or asleep. I can feel my body get heavy, but generally when they start trying to take me any deeper, usually via the counting backwards, I stay there without going deeper or I actually come out of the state I was in.

same here

PostPosted: February 17th, 2010, 3:31 pm
by jmaster12
i do too, and the same things happen to me. someone post a reply

PostPosted: March 2nd, 2010, 2:48 am
by malroth
In general 95% of people can eventually reach a meaningful level of trance given practice, however people with abnormal psycologies often initally require differing methods of hypnosis than normal to compensate for the differing ways their minds work. While Progressive relaxation is by far the most common form of induction it certianly is counter-productive for a ADHD patient who by definition have trouble relaxing and focusing as well as an average person does.
Instead of attempting to relax thoughts out of your mind, I would capatilize on the stregnths of ADHD and attempt a confusion based induction that tries to overload your perceptions with multiple strings of unrelated information.

PostPosted: March 3rd, 2010, 6:49 am
by cardigan
Yes, a confusion type induction would probably work - or have a live hypnotist use an instant induction to enter trance, install a trigger to be able to instantly enter trance at will - and problem solved. But it requires the physical presence of a hypnotist to do it! You might look for one locally in your area.

Even if you need to pay him to do it, it would be worth your while in the long run.


PostPosted: March 3rd, 2010, 3:52 pm
by User517
You might also want to stick to files which have simple effects that don't require much of a deep trance. Get yourself into training with one of these files and you'll find that you can go deeper without problems. Having fair interest, but not too much interest in the effects can also help smooth things over.

PostPosted: April 4th, 2010, 3:21 pm
by Alien4420
It sounds to me like you are entering a light trance, because you can feel your body getting heavy. You aren't asleep during hypnosis, you're conscious. The sense that you've been asleep comes about when you experience amnesia as you come out of the trance and forget what happened. It's like waking up and forgetting a dream. But amnesia doesn't occur in a light trance.

Light trance is very useful for many types of suggestion. About the only reason you need a deeper trance is if you want to do something like hallucinate. Which isn't to say there's no reason to want to go deeper, I'm just thinking you may be a bit too pessimistic here!

Same problem slight variation

PostPosted: June 1st, 2010, 12:23 pm
by babyjhonny
i think i have the same problem, when i listen to the files (just started last night) i am aware, of everything the hypnotists are saying, the suttle changes in tones, and variations in volume and pitch, and the background sounds embeded in some of the files. I do feel very relaxed and heavy, but i am fully awake, and last night when itried this for the first time, i dident get any sleep at all i was listining to the same 7 files over and over again.
I dont have ADD or ADHD but i do have mild high functinining Autisim ((PDD)Aspergers Syndrome), as well as history of reactive depreshion, epilepsy, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, traits of OCD, ODD and mild dyspraxia.

Will confushion bassed induction work for me as well ?
I want to be a baby and compleatly incontinent of wewe and poppe

PostPosted: June 5th, 2010, 4:09 pm
by Fragtagonal
I got that there ADD and I have been hypnotised before. Here's the dealio that I realized. If you are on a medication for ADD, Concerta, Adderol, Rittalin, any thing of the sort, you cannot be hypnotised. The drug actually prevents you from entering a trance like state. If thats not the case then try having someone hypnotise you instead of using a tape. It worked for me.