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Hypnotic troubleshooting.

PostPosted: April 17th, 2005, 6:33 pm
by n00b
I've been trying off and on for about 8 months now, and I can't get any latent triggers/effects to sink it. I think I'm able to get into a trance but I seem to get vaccinated to the triggers. I've been trying a number of sample files from various places and found the following:

"Normal" talking doesn't seem to work, the voice has to be noticably different. (ie: in EMG's files he emphisizes words)

Someone had mentioned that some files try to steer people away from other hypnotists (ie: cause pain), the only one I've found is on Lady Lita's place. (just recently) You might want to avoid that one if you want to experiment. I'm hoping that it didn't sink in. But if it did, that'd be the first.

I tend to stop "hearing" the words if they repeat, or the tone of the voice doesn't change. My mind just kinda wanders off, but will return if something changes. Often on EMG's files I can hear a difference between the induction and the meat of the file, which will change the consciousness.

For me, female voices tend to work easier than male voices. I can still go under with EMG's files, but female voices don't require as much "work".

EMG's effects intially sorta-worked when I started listening to them, but the more I listen, the less able I am to feel the effects. Seems kinda counter to what I think is supposed to happen. (ie: I can no longer even imagine a plug at all for the cursed plugs)

Binaurial effects and louder background music don't help at all, they distract and make it difficult to go into a trance.

What I (am guessing) is indication that I'm going into a trance: My body feels like the limbs, including my face are falling asleep, but my mind is still paying attention to the words. Decreased willingness to move, but I find I can snap out and move whenever I choose to.

Toning out outside sounds doesn't seem to work, it always feels like half of my mind has to go somewhere else. I've always felt like my mind always has to be in two places at once.

Is there any tips for making triggers or effects stick?

One thing to note, is that my head will feel kinda fuzzy for a day or so after a good trance.

PostPosted: April 20th, 2005, 4:02 pm
by n00b
I had some partial success last night, after listening to four different files from different sources in a shortish period of time (an hour and a half) I was getting in a very deep trance. I tried the tickletorture and felt a difficulty in moving, kind of like having the lead apron at a dentist's office, and a tingling feeling. But no absolute movement or actual tickling sensation. And man has my head felt weird all day.

PostPosted: April 20th, 2005, 4:11 pm
by Cubeguru
dude of you want any to work, stick to one file, listen to it for weeks on end.....your gonna get a result....i had and still have the same problem to some extent :D

PostPosted: April 20th, 2005, 4:50 pm
by n00b
The other files weren't much more than just inductions. No special effects involved.

PostPosted: April 20th, 2005, 6:30 pm
by loadedkaos
As far as listening to files that don't let you listen to other hypnosis files I wouldn't be to affraid of those. If your like most people then you would reject if it is against your beleifs, or ideals. That and also if you only listen to hypnosis once or sometimes even twice it wont stick with you. If you did listen to and you are feeling uncomfortable or any pain I would suggest just putting the whole hypnosis thing up for a while. The subconscious mind is used to people changeing their mind so it doesn't always stick with a behavior unless you keep bugging it to stick with a certain behavoir.

My personal advice is I wouldn't rush anything it sounds like your doing good with experimenting but I'm noticing that alot of people who are claiming problems with being hypnotized or with what to expect seem real anxious, although I could be misjudgeing. Just take it easy, tell your brain it's no big deal. The subconcious doesn't work well under pressure.