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Is this considered a legit trance?

PostPosted: June 19th, 2012, 8:41 am
by arcanecandycane
My usual experiences with hypnosis was that my mind was still conscious, but receptive of the suggestions. For instance, during my sessions with TTJ1, I was consciously accepting the suggestions, and I felt my thinking degrade I as I continued to. I knew what EMG was saying, and I just accepted them as the session went along. I was completely aware of my surroundings, and the file. My body was all numb and tingly, but I was still mentally able to pull myself out of the file when I had to. I was there, thinking, and floating, listening to the file while my body falls asleep except for my mind.

However today I listened to TTJ4, it felt different. My whole body felt heavy during the induction, and I just found myself drifting off, like I was falling asleep. Eventually the next thing I know I was at 3/4's of the file, then I spaced out again, then all heard then is "Now it's time for you to wake up."

I still felt effects though. My penis was hard, and I had this urge to watch the NBA playoffs tomorrow. And I still do until now (LOL THE PLAYOFFS, not the boner HAHA), so I guess the file's worked.

So then is the latter supposed to be what a trance is like?

PostPosted: June 19th, 2012, 9:26 pm
by Jeshi
Both are just as well and fine. There's no real way it's "supposed" to be, just what's typical. So long as you accept the suggestions it's all working.

PostPosted: June 20th, 2012, 1:36 am
by Knitted
I always complain that I 'feel conscious' under trance... But my master says Im supposed to apparently.

His way of checking if Im in a trance is to ask me if I can move my legs. I dont exactly remember how he did, but whenever I trance, I just cant move myself now. Pretty useful if you ask me.