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Hou can I see on what date somebody wrote a post?

PostPosted: October 10th, 2014, 7:48 am
by Kaygay
In most forums you can see when somebody did write a post.
But over here I get something like: kam143am14
Well, there is a difference in writing dates and time in the US or in the Netherlands but I have no idea how I can make a date out of this code.
So were can I find it?

PostPosted: October 10th, 2014, 9:20 am
by JackDrago
It displays just above the text in the forums, yours says " 10 October 2014"

PostPosted: October 10th, 2014, 10:26 am
by Endo
Have you tried multiple browsers? I'm a chrome guy, but I keep firefox lying around on my desktop so I can deal with annoyances like this on occasion.

PostPosted: October 10th, 2014, 2:27 pm
by Kaygay
I use Internet Explorer. So the browser that comes with this windows computer.
I don't want chrome since it's a Google thing and I'm a bit allergic to their spying habits and using this for others.
Well I can see if another browser change it.
thank you,