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Attraction to People Forum

PostPosted: October 23rd, 2014, 9:46 pm
by lew897
I was kinda wondering if it would be possible to make a forum devoted specifically to being attracted to women, attracting women, attracted to specific type of women and becoming an all around ladies man/woman. I sorta feel like it would be a ton more easier for there to be a forum specifically tailored for that versus being bunched together with all the other success stories, so that its easier for people to find, read and interact with. I wonder if having the gay side be on the same forum must be par take, but still I would like a forum where all the attraction stuff was put into one section so its easier for people to par take.

Re: Attraction to People Forum

PostPosted: October 23rd, 2014, 10:02 pm
by EMG
I don't believe I'll add an entire forum for that, but I will consider adding one for people looking to meet irl, online, etc if enough users think it would be a good idea.

lew897 wrote:I was kinda wondering if it would be possible to make a forum devoted specifically to being attracted to women, attracting women, attracted to specific type of women and becoming an all around ladies man/woman. I sorta feel like it would be a ton more easier for there to be a forum specifically tailored for that versus being bunched together with all the other success stories, so that its easier for people to find, read and interact with. I wonder if having the gay side be on the same forum must be par take, but still I would like a forum where all the attraction stuff was put into one section so its easier for people to par take.

PostPosted: October 24th, 2014, 12:01 am
by lew897
I would just like a forum that dealt with sexual control dealing with other sex genders. I don't know what the proper name would be. Since the gay post seems to make up an entire forum by itself why is it still in success stories when obviously its become like a self help group for people wanting to become gay versus a gay success story. This is the same for the straight file series. As well as any post on wanting to be attracted to cock. Versus being feminized and then attracted to cock which has its own forum. It seems like there is a forum for everything else except this basic warpmymind type of stuff. Why is that?

PostPosted: October 24th, 2014, 10:48 pm
by lew897
Maybe a sexual section like the files categories would be better suited.