No premium for files anymore?

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No premium for files anymore?

Postby tvsluti » May 28th, 2019, 7:50 am

I posted a file a week ago, and never got the month premium membership for it. Is that still a thing? Or is the time/length restriction (the one I posted was 3 minutes if that matters)? Is there an updated FAQ somewhere?

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Re: No premium for files anymore?

Postby EMG » May 28th, 2019, 8:01 am

The FAQ under help states it fairly clearly, files must be at least 5 minutes long to receive a free premium membership. I've gone ahead and verified your upload and given you one anyway but that is how the system works.
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Re: No premium for files anymore?

Postby tvsluti » May 28th, 2019, 8:14 am

Thank you. I see it now in the FAQ under help, its under Other. Not sure where I was looking before.

As an FYI, if you click the link it takes you to the "Do the files work for everyone?" answer, not the "Is there a way to get a free premium membership?" answer, you have to scroll to the bottom.

Anyway, thank you again and I'll keep the 5 minute thing in mind going forward!
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Re: No premium for files anymore?

Postby Jackstock » May 28th, 2019, 7:10 pm

I'm not that fond of the premium system because it encourages users to upload content just to get premium, regardless of the quality of the content
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Re: No premium for files anymore?

Postby EMG » May 29th, 2019, 12:58 am

Yeah, it has been abused in a variety of ways over the years, I am considering going back to a manual approval method as people have posted random content, music, and blank recordings in the past(including one hack that I will not mention here). I do want to reward users for posting their recording and stories but don't want people posting whatever they can get their hands on(40-80% of stories come off other websites) just to get something free.
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Re: No premium for files anymore?

Postby Jackstock » July 26th, 2019, 3:18 pm

I would like to see the whole premium system removed, because that would simplify everything and make sure there are no confused users.
Also, when I upload a new free file, I'd like it to be actually free. Users tend to think I am uploading premium files on purpose. Some users think that my paid files will become free at some point, causing further confusion, which also makes them hesitant to buy, because they think paid files will become free at some point
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Re: No premium for files anymore?

Postby EMG » July 26th, 2019, 10:31 pm


I understand your logic, but it's not that simple. Pretty much all that money goes back into the site and to keep Hypno-Fetish running(HF makes NO money of it's own). My development/support costs last year were fairly significant and the year before that when we were down and had to rebuild I was completely in the red.

Premium Memberships aren't going away, but I am reworking the new user process and will be happy to make sure users know why they exist when they sign up. That information does exist elsewhere already but I know there are a few things that confuse the users more than a bit and I'd like to make those less confusing. Most users figure out what premium memberships are for pretty quick and there are still several ways to get them free.

So, I'm sorry if you aren't a fan, but they aren't going away.
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Re: No premium for files anymore?

Postby drq » December 20th, 2023, 12:50 pm

Hey just checking to see if this policy is still in place, I can't find any mention of it in the FAQ.
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Re: No premium for files anymore?

Postby EMG » December 20th, 2023, 2:09 pm

You no longer get premium for posting new content of any type.
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