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PostPosted: August 17th, 2005, 3:09 pm
by wolfjacobs
I've been coming to this site for a couple of years now, and after curse breast came out I've been waiting and hoping for the curse breast male version. So now I've been checking back faithfully and Just before you finally make it you... get greedy or realistic or whatever adjective you feel is most appropriate to your capitalistic change to the site. And now the one file I want I can't have because poor shmucks like me can barely afford to pay for the connection to the internet let alone buy anything on it.

As the title indicates this short rant is not made in anger but in sad frustration. After all in a capitalist society making money off your ideas and talents is supposed to be laudible. I'm just sad that something that was once free and available to all is now available only to those who can afford it.


Will B.

PostPosted: August 17th, 2005, 4:45 pm
by Jack
If you're willing to wait a few months(I believe it's 4 months) then you will be able to download the file you want.

PostPosted: August 17th, 2005, 4:56 pm
by Ohka
It was added 8-02-05, so i guess 12-02-05, it will be avaiable for all. :wink:

Re: Sigh

PostPosted: August 17th, 2005, 6:35 pm
by sandy82
Wolfjacobs wrote: As the title indicates this short rant is not made in anger but in sad frustration. After all in a capitalist society making money off your ideas and talents is supposed to be laudable. I'm just sad that something that was once free and available to all is now available only to those who can afford it. Will B.

Will, I'm sure others feel your frustration. But at least the file will be free in four months.

Also, I doubt that that EMG, Incorporated, Limited, and Unlimited, is making a fortune off this. He's making the files free in four months. I doubt that he receives the same generous treatment from the electric company, the local water authority, the real estate tax assessor, and the grocery store. And the service station...followed by a rush visit to the emergency room.


PostPosted: August 21st, 2005, 4:44 am
by wolfjacobs
ug I must be dense I totally forgot that in just 4 short months it'll be available!!! Thanks all for reminding me. I've waited for more than a year I can wait a few more months!

Oh and as I tried to indicate I do not feel he's being at all greedy just trying to make some compensation for his ideas as is only fair. Also I should know better than to write something when I think it... I should wait and let emotions exit before trying to sound logical... thanks everyone for your quick response.