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What is your favorite Induction

PostPosted: November 2nd, 2005, 12:28 am
by EMG
Which induction is your favorite? I may use it for future site files.


PostPosted: November 2nd, 2005, 11:38 am
by gork151
dark cage - seduction induction

PostPosted: November 2nd, 2005, 3:33 pm
by skot
Iron shackle "taken" induction.

PostPosted: November 3rd, 2005, 12:49 am
by missypuss
I voted for Elman .. but I go with Gork .... It wasnt on the list.. Seduction Induction.. Every time! :twisted:

PostPosted: November 4th, 2005, 8:42 am
by dgrade
GS's Resistance Induction is the only one that's worked for me.