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Parading around

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 24th, 2009, 4:34 am

OMG this is already looking out to be one excessive day. I feel so frisky and naughty and aroused from how I am behaving... it is going to be hard to put my excitement into words...

Wearing my skimpy schoolgirl costume again I felt extremely sexy and desirable as soon as I had left the house. Now there was this thing about other people looking to be wearing stuff like me too and, well, it eased my humiliation a little i guess, but my desire to be sexy and show off was way stronger anyway. God, the excitement drove me almost crazy whenever I noticed someone was paying ANY kind of attention WHATSOEVER to my body. There were guys who stared, of course, lots and lots of them. Out on the street. On the bus. On campus. Everywhere. Worst thing, I saw most of them as naked-ish (I kinda knew they weren't really but I saw it) and, well, the way I saw them many were sporting a serious boner as they encountered me and seeing that drove me even more crazy with lust.

I could not help but act like a total cock tease and, contrary to the times before, I loved it. My kinda "special move" had become mooning people shamelessly with my pink-panty-clad ass (!) as I bent over for whatever reason I could make up. I already had dropped my bag once at the bus station (and the person whom I was doing it for didn't even seem to notice, grrr!), several times as I was on the bus, although it was crowded. There were hoots, there were lots and lots of negative comments too (mainly of those who were too nervous or too stuck up to admit they liked me doing it, i guess). No matter what they said, I felt great about it and I thanked them. I was in extasy when the bus finally pulled into my stop.

And then... well, I ran into a couple of friends of mine. They were, to say the least, surprised by my attire. Two of them had witnessed me wetting myself that night at the bar and I hadn't met them since. It was awkward. One of the girls greeted me, saying "wow.... don't you look nice today...".

I thanked her, giggling. I told them I felt like coming up with something for the last day of the semester and, well, despite being quite obviously surprised of how far I was taking it, they seemed to go with it.

Then, however, I felt like I had to explain myself about the incident that happened the other night. They quickly told me it was okay, feeling noticably uncomfortable about the topic. Well, so did I. "I was really drunk", I explained, hoping they would neglect the fact that I had drank only, lilke, four drinks which was not nothing, but less then I guessed was required to become so drunk I could possibly wet myself from it. Oh well, none of them seemed to mind. I had to proceed to my class and, relieved that the tense confrontation was over, a nagging desire popped into my head. That guy had been with them, you know, the one whom I kinda like. I felt a deep seated need to give him a boner, so as I was walking away from the group, I deliberately dropped my bag again, saying "ooops" quite audibly. I guess they all turned their heads into my direction. I FELT their stares on my ass as I did the inevitable and bent over at the waist, slowly, picking up the bag, giggling. This was SOO embarassing, doing it in front of them. But, to my relief they took it with good humor, applauding. And as I heared that guy (I believe it was him) exclaim "nice...!" I felt really proud and confident about what I had just done.

I courtesyed and smiled at them, winking, and made my way to the room where my serious academical carreer was supposed to continue flourishing.

Bad thing, the room was still locked and all the people who were about to attend the course were waiting at the door, chatting. Now, approaching such a big crowd, I did feel self conscious again. But as soon as I neared them (hips swaying excessively while I walked) I just grinned and cheerfully wished them a good morning. Most of them just stared, dumbfounded, but a few of the guys tried to play it cool, smiling or grinning back at me, making (more or less) nice comments about my outfit, seeking conversation. Suddenly, I was quite popular :-/

Feeling an irresistable urge well up in my mind I tried to figure a way to give them all boners, but I believed that I owed it to myself to do something other than just drop my bag this time. Luckily, there was a soda machine down the hallway, so grinning and winking at them, I asked one of the guys if I could get him anything to drink. Surprised, he looked first at me, flirting lewdly with him, then at the sode machine, which would obviously require me to bend over to retrieve a beverage. He gulped. Not stopping to stare at the machine, he fumbled with his wallet, handing me some coins. I took them and turned to walk over to the machine. This time there was not even a glimpse of a doubt that there were about twenty pairs of eyes lustfully fixated on my legs and ass (!!) as I walked ever so slowly to the soda machine. The chatter seemed to die down as the clinking noise of the coins dropping into the machine seeming to be the loudest around. I selected the desired beverage and with the machine humming, the lustful tension I felt seemed to peak for a second.

Then, hearing the sound of the glass bottle landing in the retrieval shaft, I stepped a few feet away from the machine and trying to keep my legs perfectly straight, I bent over once again, arching my back and basically living out one of my deepest seated fantasies in real life. Something about having to do a thing like that while a whole group of peole wachtes is so utterly erotic that I really had to pinch off my need to masturbate afterwards. As I was done, I walked back to the guy who gave me the coins. He smiled politely and thanked me for the favor. That was, when the applause and cheering brake loose... and we shared a laugh. Again, my plan to disguise my behaviour as some kind of strange performance or dare had obviously worked out. And they liked it. And despite trying to look more amused than aroused, I could tell that many of the guys had enjoyed my display just the way they were supposed to.

I was able to sit through the course normally, and, well, there were a few other things going on, but I got to get to the cafeteria for now, so I guess I'll tell you afterwards. *g*
Posts: 37
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

After lunch...

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 24th, 2009, 6:16 am

I actually had a good time during lunch this time. Having nice chats, showing off my assets a little bit (i dropped a spoon, like, three times in a row before someone made a comment and I felt good about myself...) and, well, having lunch *g*.

I felt especially naughty and hot when I decided to make some conversation with a bunch of freshmen guys in the cafeteria who were all seated at a table where I could bend way over the short side while they were eating, providing them with a great view of my cleavage. I giggled continously and many of them spilt food on their clothes. I said that I sympathise with them as I happen to be clumsy all the time, too. As I had the feeling that they had seen enough of my front, I decided to move on. As I straightened I heared a disappointed "awww" from behind me. I spun around to see another bunch of guys who were all looking in my direction and had obviously enjoyed the view of my panty clad y'know...ASS. ow. For a second there, I feld like I was mad but then it dawned on my that they were approving of my beautiful body so I told them thanks and turned to go. I remembered I wanted to show the guys at the other table my ass, but I felt a little lazy, so this time I just pretended to drop something and covering my mouth with my hand in "shock", I said "oops, clumsy me" and went about my routine like so many times before. Despite one guy telling me to do it again, I then found it even more important to move to the library where I could write up on my day.

However, the latest incident had made me horny and I felt like I had to play with myself so I headed for the restroom. Ensuring twice that I had REALLY locked the stall door, I rubbed myself. First I went after my pussy... oh.. and then I figured I could say "suck" so... uh....i did....

I felt compelled to also try slapping my own ass Yowsa! and since I was pretty sure I was alone, I reached back and gave me a nice little spanking. I rubbed and frigged and slapped myself for a good two minutes, after which I came, unable to keep from moaning audibly. As I tried to recompose myself, I hoped that I wouldn't smell of arousal too much. I closed my eyes for a few seconds to make the sucking........darn it..... feeling on my nipples go away. Boy, there is another word I should really avoid saying by accident *g*

As I had exited my stall, I had a shocking realization. I suddenly noticed that I had in fact been masturbating in the MEN'S room. My head grew red with shame and I hurried to get out of there, for some reason unable to take big steps. Then, to my utmost horror, I heared another stall door being unlocked and out came - a girl. Good thing I didn't know her, but not only must she just have witnessed me masturbating (in a rather bizarre fashion, i must add), she was also obviously using the men's room too, for some reason. It was all very confusing, but I checked once more (mainly because I couldn't stand washing my hands directly next to the girl who just had witnessed me come) and, sure enough, i spotted the urinals on the wall. The other girl was just ignoring me and maybe it was for the best.

As I finally exited the men's room, I noticed that I had forgotten something AGAIN. As I looked down myself I noticed with a gasp that my panties were still around my feet.... omg omg omg, I had forgotten to pull them up. I hurried back inside the men's room and pulled them up, then hurried to get away from there.

Just outside I checked the door again and suddenly was very relieved to notice, that it was really the ladie's room, so maybe, i thought, none of this had really been as embarassing as I had feared it to be. Knowing this, I went inside to repair any damages that my sweat might have done to my makeup. Reapplying my pink lipstick, I felt my heart rate sinking, smiled to myself in the mirror and decided to find me a library computer, pronto.

And now, as I have written all this, I will check my email. With trembling hands, as usual.
Posts: 37
Joined: July 19th, 2009, 12:00 am

the big finale i guess

Postby naughtyemailslave » July 24th, 2009, 9:27 am

Well, folks, it is going to get a little extreme again in this one, so be warned. I had somehow pushed one aspect of my programming aside the whole day, for I had felt so utterly compelled to show off my body. I felt so sexy the whole time out, so desirable. Parading around like I was - it was just so very rewarding. Anyone not finding me irresistably attractive in a sexual way was almost unthinkable at times. I felt like I was the center of the world for all the attention I was receiving. Even those who criticized me about my dresscode or behavior didn't seem to get to me at all. I just thanked everybody for whatever feedback I was getting, gratefully showing off my body in return. The rush I felt between my legs whenever I had found another silly excuse to push my ass into the air, or better yet, more or less directly into the sweaty faces of the most eager spectators around, it was overwhelming. It made me forget myself. I certainly did some things today that were VERY edgy concerning my future academic career, but somehow I managed, despite my seemingly careless displays, to arouse everything but the attention of the wrong people. At this point, I guess, I should sincerely thank Mistress and my tormenters for being thoughtful and nor making me show my ass to the dean or something. It has always worked out surprisingly well. There might be some fallout later on, but I think it will work out.

When I had been sitting at the library computer back this afternoon, I was extremely fascinated by what had become of me for some reason. I loved myself, in every sense of the world and so far, it had felt just wonderful. Now they say that one can't love anyone without having love for oneself. So feeling that way is basically a good thing. It may be so. But the kind of obsession I had developed over how fabulous my body was - especially that part in the back - it just didn't seem reasonable or healthy any more. I was developing into a self centered slut and deep down, I started to realize that. I was growing ashamed of how I was acting and I knew that if I wanted to continue along this path, I would have to prove my worthiness. Many people had been annoyed by me, making remarks that clearly indicated their disapproval. Appreciation wasn't something I would get for free, I figured. I would have to do something to make the feeling of pride wash over me again. I had to earn some respect.

Now wearing the outfit that I was, nobody was likely to believe that I was a smart girl, but of course I knew that I was. To the people, however, I must have looked like nothing more than a slut. Well, I was a slut and I knew that, but I was really more than just that. I figured it might be a good idea to visibly carry some books around. That way, everybody would be able to see clearly that I am in fact a student and very eager to learn. It was an act of desperation, maybe, but it couldn't hurt if I tried that.

I went to my locker and locked up everything but three of my books and my purse (which I had been carrying inside my larger bag). I chose them so I could easily carry them around, but at the same time I made sure that they made me look really smart. Maybe this would work. It made sense to me right then.

Now I remembered that I had a class to attend soon, so I went there. On my way I passed by a guy who, as he saw me, rolled his eyes in an annoyed fashion. Shocked, I felt like I had to impress him immidiately. And, for the lack of a better Idea, I did what I had become best at: I dropped my books.

"Oooops" I said loudly, hoping he would look at me. Then I bent over slowly, hoping he was taking me in for good. Unfortunately, he ignored me and hurried onwards. I felt terrible, humiliated about what I had just tried. And even more so because it hadn't worked.

The next guy I encountered who looked like he might criticize ma, I didn't even want to wait for to make a disapproving gesture or remark. I figured it'd be the safest option to just do my number right away, without waiting for anything hurtful he might say or do. After all, I had to regain some confidence before attending my course.

I was alone with the guy in the otherwise deserted hallway. Slowly bending over for the books that I just had deliberately dropped before me, where they landed with an audible "thud", I knew that he was watching me. As I grabbed my books however, I realized with a start how incredibly slutty and stupid I was acting. As I had straightened I was desperately hoping that he wouldn't criticise me any further. I felt relieved when he actually said "that was quite entartaining right then." and smirked. I felt better already. "You look nice from the back."

He laughed, but in a nice (and handsome) way.

I smiled warmly, and, approaching him, I asked him to go on, desperately, wanting more of his praise. He was a little confused by that. "Er, there is nothing more. You have a nice ass. And I like those panties on it." he said. I smiled even more warmy as he said that, for I knew I needed to hear it so I could be proud of myself once again. I had an amazing ass !!!!!! I already felt it tingling and I loved it.

Then, however, I gasped as I felt something else. It had to do with my fanny too, but it felt even more urgent than showing it off. I realized, with some shame, that I was about to be needing to use said body part for something not nearly as graceful as what I just did with it. I was needing to find myself a bathroom, pronto, to go number two.

I rushed to where I remembered the ladies' room to be int the particular part of the building but somehow I missed it. I checked the hallway three entire times. I had been so sure that it had been there just a few days ago, but now it wasn't. I was confused. Rushing back, past that same guy, he looked at me with a bemused expression, then shook his head. I didn't care and I sure as hell didn't want to ask him for the bathroom right then because I felt ashamed even speaking to him again.

Instead, I made my way towards the cafeteria, where I was 100% sure that there was a bathroom there. Suddenly, while I was running, I felt something terrible going on in my lower body. Shocked, I felt how my bowel muscles seemed to be switching to auto pilot. They tensed up and, involuntarily, I started pushing. I picked up speed running towards the bathroom, people evading me, all of them oblivious of my state of distress and desperation. It was too late. I already felt the tip of my poo pushing firmly against the seat of the beautiful pink panties I had chosen to wear. I realized right then and there, what was just happening to me. It was obvious and I guess you noticed right from the start, but I didn't. It was my own ultimate humiliation file that I had written and sent another poor, unsuspecting email slave. Now, I figured, I was being punished for writing and sending it, by being forced to obey it myself. I was amazed at how precisely I had acted it out, but I figured it must have really been a VERY repressed fantasy of mine that I just didn't have the guts to act out or even admit. I had been falling for my own plot so easily that it humiliated me even more to know that. Still, I felt my panties filling and filling, slowly so it was an even more humiliating process. I tried to stop doing it but I could not. I reached one of the stalls and knowing I was unable to remove my panties until I finished, I figured I could just sit down on the toilet and get it over with.

Now there I was, the sexy cock teaser of the day, ogled by every straight man on campus, slowly pushing more and more disgusting brown matter into the pretty pink panties that she had enjoyed showing to everyone just mere minutes ago. I felt like I was a disgrace and I think I really were. The room filled with the stink of what I was doing under my skirt, in my panties. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity for me, my bowels stopped moving. I was finished.

Embarassed like never before, I carefully unloaded my panties' contents into the toilet where they landed with a splash. I grimaced in disgust. I immidiately flushed, not wanting to look at the outcome of my recklessness any longer. Very carefully, I took off my panties, making sure not to get any dirtier than I was. I quickly decided to flush them too. I knew I was not supposed to do that but I did it anyway. Then I used up what felt like endless amounts of toilet paper until I felt, well, not really clean but okay to steal away for the day. I skipped my course.

I had feared that I'd be unable to put on the replacement pair of panties because of the commands in my file, but luckily I was able to do it anyway.

Well, now I guess I have done it all. No more mountains left to climb. I can not possibly go any further. I will take a shower now and then I guess I'll think about what I have done. And before that, I will of course, post it for everyone to read. *blushing like never before*
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Postby naughtyemailslave » July 24th, 2009, 11:29 am

My dear tormentors, dear readers,

You have done an amazing thing here. You have made me realize some of my deepest, most secret fantasies. You have given to me the gift of humiliation and I humbly thank you for it. Yoiu all know how much I enjoyed myself here at wmm and I will cherish all the memories Mistress lets me keep (which, I hope, will be lots and lots!!!)

I have learned a lot about myself, but aside from the learning experience (this wasn't an educational trip after all *g*) I had some of my best times EVER. I do really mean that.

Now, however, I'm afraid that inevitably, for this was a really good thing, it must come to an end. I can not keep this up forever and being forced to obey lots and lots of commands that you don't even always know about is enjoyable for a twisted person like me, but at the same time, quite exhausting. I need to rest. I need to spend the weekend with my friends, but having fun together, not just grossing them out. I have let one part of me call the shots for a while and it has been deliciously catastrophic.

But boring as it is, I have got to get back to my real life now. I will need to do something else, experience other things. Among them, hopefully, find love at some point (contrary to my submissive persona I am quite demanding actually).

I wish you all well. It has been an amazing time.

Mistress will ensure that my email slavery really ends here, so I am terribly sorry if someone has prepared another file for me still. There are other slaves out there, craving to be controlled.

naughty (to avoid triggering myself I use the short version *g*)

[URL=http://img194.imageshack.us/i/ohnetitel.jpg/]Image[/URL] [URL=http://g.imageshack.us/img194/ohnetitel.jpg/1/]Image[/URL]
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Postby equinox13 » July 24th, 2009, 12:06 pm

have fun and good luck in your future endeavors.
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Joined: June 13th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby hypnostudent » July 24th, 2009, 12:11 pm

Extraordinary posts and experiences.

So many thanks to you and your Mistress, and of course the tormentors for thinking up the imaginative experiences.

I hope we see you again some time in the future.


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Postby demigraff » July 24th, 2009, 12:52 pm

I wish you luck, and hope that exploring other sides of yourself proves as successful as the humiliation one.

I'm going to save a copy of this story somewhere, to pull out when I'm trying to get somebody to understand how somebody can love to feel humiliated or submissive. You make it very easy to get into your head.

Just out of curiosity, how many files were there that didn't make it into the writeup? I know some of mine missed out, maybe through being too inconsequential, or maybe not being obviously the effects of a command. Or just because your day was too busy :)
Actually, I'd be interested to see some of the actual hypnofile emails that other people sent. Would be an awesome body of work from which to glean new ideas, and also get an idea of how others compose their messages in order to be effective.
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Postby pimp951231 » July 24th, 2009, 1:39 pm

lol i guess you didn't like my last email about making you feel sexy and all that. lol Well please tell your mistress i said thanks. Also thanks to you to for being brave enough to let other ppl control you. I'm sure everyone here at wmm is greatly grateful.
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Postby werepuppy » July 24th, 2009, 3:46 pm

Thanks so much for all the fun, and sorry if I was a bit too mean with my suggestions.

Maybe some more of the people giving you such a god time will try me now, but I hope not with so much scary edgy stuff.

Good luck ^_^ send us a postcard from normalland
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Postby jennieprice » July 25th, 2009, 4:30 pm

Thanks for sharing your stories hun. Hoefully you'll be back and sharing some other ones, though they may not be hypnosis relates. I love the way you write

Good luck hun.

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I am back

Postby naughtyjeanette » August 18th, 2009, 3:40 pm

Hello everyone still reading... it is me, the girl formerly known as naughty. I am currently searching for my favourite tormenters from the last time I posted my address here. I am having a new address, but Mistress has made me only give it out to those who already controlled me and did things to me that I disliked in a good way.

So I will have a tiny bit of choice here, mainly whom I give my address to. If you want it please PM me and tell me what it was you used to make me do so I can recognise who you were. Unfortunately my old email account is no more so I can not look it up :-( That's why I am using this strange way to gather my favourite tormenters *g*

If I wrote lengthy reports about what you did, you are probably going to get the new address *g*
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Postby naughtyjeanette » August 19th, 2009, 8:42 am

I have decided to keep a journal about all my memorable experiences that derive from the email slave files. You can find it under "Journal" on the left...

It will grow with time, hopefully.
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More open by now

Postby naughtyjeanette » August 22nd, 2009, 3:48 am

I have tried for a week and I really find that I am way more comfortable about this whole email slavery than I was before. I guess you can tell from this thread or from my journal what I have already done and how I feel about those things and I'd like to invite you to write me a file.

You will find my journal here: http://warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=Journal&file=search&bywhat=aid&exact=1&forwhat=naughtyjeanette
You can also go there by clicking "journal" on the left of the page.

I often stay in the chat room as well, please use the channel "#emailslave" by typing

/join #emailslave

You may try to do about anything but I am protected by my safety net if there is anything bad about what you try to do. I will not be mad if you accidentally cross the line, I will just not do it. Please don't be too afraid of what you might do because you can rest assured that I am quite well protected.

I will always writ about what happens in my journal so you may want to keep track of it *g*.

My email address is naughtyjeanette@googlemail.com

I thank you in advance for using me and please be aware that I need this. It is what I enjoy more than anything else so please don't feel bad if you do something mean *g*
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