exciting or reckless?

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exciting or reckless?

Postby englishharry » January 4th, 2009, 11:57 am

i am very new to this site and have been visiting the chatroom. Someone from there added me on yahoo messenger and is now being very pushy about trancing me, even going so far as to try it on with the short line text in a PM. i realise i know little about him, and may therefore be being reckless, but the thought is very very exciting. i am like a fish watching a piece of dangling bait. Anyone got any advice please?
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Postby Ranger » January 4th, 2009, 2:05 pm

Sounds exciting :P

But it's probably best to find out what they want to do, and work out what interests you have between you
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Postby poetzero » January 4th, 2009, 7:31 pm

Please use caution when dealing with this person. For a tist to act in such a way strikes me as somewhat brazen. No respectable hypnotist would act in this manner. There should be discussion as to what you are looking for and what the tist can provide, as well as a level of trust between both parties developed before the initial session starts. I implore you to please be careful when dealing with whomever this is. Who know what this person has in mind for you.

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Danger Will Robinson! Danger!

Postby Flow123 » January 4th, 2009, 8:24 pm

Well, it's all dependent on a lot of things. You ARE new to this stuff, and it is nice to see you in the chat room. There are a lot of good tists out there. It can be a lot of fun, but never let the tist get pushy. That is a bad sign. You really need to have an open discussion with whoever you are talking to. Get to know them. See if you can find out what they are like. There are people who hop in the chat room for a little bit to try to fish for a new subject. I have seen you around there a few times, and it's better to get to know the people in there, or anyone you are interested in letting put you under for a while before you give out private information or screen names.

On the flip side, some people enjoy the aspect of not knowing what is going to happen. Giving themselves entirely to the control. If that is for you, go for it.

You have an idea of what this person is like however, in his actions towards you. And if this makes you uncomfortable, you will probably not be happy with your experience with him.
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Postby BeMine » January 4th, 2009, 8:29 pm

I heavily agree with PoetZero.

Someone trying so hard to do such a thing likely isn't someone you want to be involved with... Simply put, be responsible. While the thrill of losing control, losing who you are, being manipulated, and similar ideas might be a great turn-on to you, think about the risks to your life, your personal life. Your friends, family, job, even pets.

You should consider working with a hypnotist you know and trust, and experimenting with that person about these fetishes. It's a much better and wiser choice to make for you and all those around you. A controlled environment for new, risky things, that's what's most important.
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Postby englishharry » January 5th, 2009, 2:40 am

Thanks very much for your replies, and I have decided caution is more important than instant gratification. Hopefully, following chats etc someone else will show interest who is less pushy and less self centred. To be fair, this person did ask what I was interested in, and tell me what he was interested in. It was clear however that he was pushing me faster than I felt comfortable with.
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Postby Gannon » January 5th, 2009, 7:15 pm

I usually ask what they want out of it first. If their likes and mine are not the same then I don't go with them. I do like to broaden my horizon though. There are some things I just won't do. Age Regression is one of them.
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Postby projectevo5 » January 5th, 2009, 9:17 pm

if you are being pushed then its best you wait.

Though all of us are excited to meet someone who meets our interests, time is always most important, slowing down and taking time to see if you can trust this person is best.

Hypnosis is a powerful thing, don't place yourself in the hands of someone you barely know, let alone one who is trying to rush things.
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Postby englishharry » January 6th, 2009, 12:04 pm

Following all this good advice I have begun chatting to someone who has been "verified" by some of the people I chat to regularly, so hopefully things will work out now.
Posts: 22
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