boycott the Califrnia lottery

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boycott the Califrnia lottery

Postby Tangy » August 30th, 2013, 11:11 pm

boycott the Califrnia lottery

boycott the Califrnia lottery Do not buy Tickets it is a Rip off you are Donating to a lose cause with no return the jokes is on you and me.dumbass
we are suckersOh Shitdumbass
Last edited by Tangy on September 2nd, 2013, 2:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: July 31st, 2011, 12:00 am

Postby Endo » August 31st, 2013, 8:29 am

You know what? I'm definitely coming out of retirement for this.

Tangy, what we have here is called an "internet argument". This is when you make some general, usually harmful or offensive statement with a loose explanation of your argument, often accompanied by insults and cusses. They also suffer from un-cited quotes and facts.

For instance, one applicable fact would be an estimation of a person's chances to win the lottery itself. A graph of players per $ of jackpot would also be advisable. This link, for instance, shows a rough average of a person's chances of getting proper number combinations to win the Ca Lottery.

And lookie there, the last draw resulted in 2 tickets that contained 5 winning numbers, but no powerball. Also, 92,875 OTHER people won something as well. Many of those were just able to break even with that draw, but some of them were probably able to recoup a few month's losses. There's the link for that paragraph.

Also, the Lottery involves Skinner's Box tactics to entice people to play. If you pushed a button, and money came out, there'd be a problem with society as a whole, and of course, the economy. But Skinner's experiments showed that people become interested in button pushing if rewards are given out in intervals of pushes, or at random numbers of button pushes. You can read all about Skinner's Box theory here:

And now Skinner leads to what we do here: Hypnosis/conditioning. Two different methods that lead to similar results. And since you yourself are a "hypnotist", you should see the irony in this entire thing. You can't break out of conditioning very easily.
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Joined: December 12th, 2011, 1:00 am

Postby Tangy » September 2nd, 2013, 1:17 pm

Endo wrote:You know what? I'm definitely coming out of retirement for this.

Tangy, what we have here is called an "internet argument". This is when you make some general, usually harmful or offensive statement with a loose explanation of your argument, often accompanied by insults and cusses. They also suffer from un-cited quotes and facts.

For instance, one applicable fact would be an estimation of a person's chances to win the lottery itself. A graph of players per $ of jackpot would also be advisable. This link, for instance, shows a rough average of a person's chances of getting proper number combinations to win the Ca Lottery.

And lookie there, the last draw resulted in 2 tickets that contained 5 winning numbers, but no powerball. Also, 92,875 OTHER people won something as well. Many of those were just able to break even with that draw, but some of them were probably able to recoup a few month's losses. There's the link for that paragraph.

Also, the Lottery involves Skinner's Box tactics to entice people to play. If you pushed a button, and money came out, there'd be a problem with society as a whole, and of course, the economy. But Skinner's experiments showed that people become interested in button pushing if rewards are given out in intervals of pushes, or at random numbers of button pushes. You can read all about Skinner's Box theory here:

And now Skinner leads to what we do here: Hypnosis/conditioning. Two different methods that lead to similar results. And since you yourself are a "hypnotist", you should see the irony in this entire thing. You can't break out of conditioning very easily.


You may have heard that you are more likely to be hit on the head by a meteorite than to win the lottery. This is certainly so. Assuming that the game is honest, the odds are roughly one in several hundred million. Even with these odds, lottery commissions are not satisfied. The lottery is rigged.

The giant multi-state and individual state lotteries are more fixed than pro wrestling. The jackpots go up and up, with no winners. People get lottery fever. Millions nationwide are willing to wait in a line just like the ones for bread in the former Soviet Union for the pipe dream of striking it rich. The rigging works like this: super computers keep track of each combination sold, and then the ping-pong balls are weighted to assure that a losing combination comes up. On rare occasions, all possible combinations are sold, and they must let someone win. Only then is the game honest.

Why? The lottery, which is a state-run version of the Mafia's numbers racket, is a great money grab scam, as long as it brings in more than it pays out. In the past, lotteries were abolished because they lost money.

The worst part of this is whom it hurts. The poor and desperate are the most common victims of lottery fever. Children go hungry and senior citizens go without their medication because of it. People prone to gambling addiction also blow huge sums.

We spoke with an employee at a state lottery agency. We can not reveal his name or even which state, as some of the same gangsters who ran the numbers racket now run the lottery, and they would kill him.

“Yes, I personally am involved in it. Lottery ping-pong balls have a small valve, like a basketball or soccer ball, only it’s very tiny, and nearly invisible. We use a hypodermic needle to inject heavier-than-air gasses such as radon into the balls we don’t want to come up. At first, we tried helium in the ones we did want to rise, but they jumped up so quickly that it was obvious. Lotteries are raking in much more than if the games were honest, and people don’t know they have literally no chance!”

“If you think about it logically, you certainly don’t play anyway. You are betting that you can predict which six of 45 or more balls are going to come out of the hopper. In some games, the order even matters! It’s a sucker’s bet, and that’s when it’s honest! Most drawings are rigged, making the odds zero in infinity! The lottery is not only a tax on people who don’t understand math; it is an unfair and unjust tax. Didn’t we have the American Revolution over taxes like that?”

You read it here first.
Did you know that gambling is a big part of history in some places? There are plenty of interesting history facts out there, about the US government and more, so if you want to help teach your kids you can use history and government lesson plans to facilitate that.


THE LOTTERY IS RIGGED. You may have heard that you are more likely to be hit on the head by a meteorite than to win the lottery. This is certainly
Posts: 954
Joined: July 31st, 2011, 12:00 am

Postby uw_onsterfelijk » September 2nd, 2013, 3:10 pm

Yes, it's corrupt government sponsored gambling while at the same time being a voluntary tax for the stupid! Never played and VOTED against it!

Not that my vote meant much in the way of stopping it, just to show my principals match my actions ;)
Posts: 181
Joined: November 17th, 2008, 1:00 am

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