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What is everyone learning on guitar

PostPosted: June 12th, 2005, 12:31 am
by Folsom_god
Ok so anyone who plays guitar (bass, 6 string, 12, classical who cares?) Post here what youre learning

and then post your fav song to play

I learning\learned today

Inaudible Melodies by Jack Johnson
Pool Shark (Acoustic) by SUBLIME
Blackened by the one and only Metallica

Im on break so im bored

And my fav song to play is

BLACKENED even though i cant play all of it yet....i have all summer

PostPosted: June 12th, 2005, 1:24 am
by danmalara
I learned the first 3 chords to the house of the rising sun, lol.

PostPosted: June 12th, 2005, 1:33 am
by makidas
I most recently learned...
Slipknot - Sic
Hatebreed - Now is the time
40 Below Summer - Self Medicate
Godsmack - I Stand Alone

PostPosted: June 12th, 2005, 1:38 am
by makidas
Oh yea, Metallica sucks!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

PostPosted: June 12th, 2005, 2:11 am
by danmalara
folsom_god, I think that last comment was directed at you! :lol:

PostPosted: June 12th, 2005, 2:39 am
by makidas
Actually, it wasn't really directed at anyone, Metallica definitely does blow ass. Maybe if Hetfield could sing and Hammet's riffs didn't all sound the same..... hmmmm......

PostPosted: June 13th, 2005, 5:21 pm
by Folsom_god
maybe if slipknot wasnt just a bunch of pussys that can barely hold up their instruments they would be good. but probably not

PostPosted: June 13th, 2005, 11:42 pm
by makidas
I agree, slipknot fuckin sucks too, lol. Well their new album does anyways. When I got that album, after the first acoustic song came on, I snapped it in half. For a bunch of idiots who claim to be non-conformists, they sure came out with some pussy ass main-stream friendly tunes, and for that matter, they sure do have a lot of followers. Oh yea, if Korn has any acoustic songs on their new album, I am soooooo disowning them.

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 9:39 pm
by Folsom_god
i second that. But i do not second your opinion on metallica......i wonder what sandy would say about metallica. If you think their songs sound similar it is true most of it is in E. The singing is not a factor in Metallica. It is a band for musicians, and i guess metal guys, BUT MAINLY MUSICIANS. I would question you if you didnt think they were good at playing. Every one of them is talanted and can write better than most experts can. I just hope i will eventually be able to play at that level.

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 9:50 pm
by makidas
Metallica was a great band....... in the 80's that is, lol. You couldn't honestly say with a straight face that Metallicas last album was worth listening too, terrible. :I Metallica's last album was worth listening too, Ok I said it with a straight face, but I wan't even remotely serious. That was a terrible album anyways. Not that it defines their whole career but, if you want to listen to a band for sheer musical talent, you need to go purchase a Satriani album. He taught Hammet how to play and his music is sheer brilliance. Not to mention the other greats like Vai, Petrucci or Wooten (bassist). Vai is a good one if your a metal fan, which I assume you are if you listen to Metallica. Dream Theater(Petrucci) rocks too, their more of a prog rock band, but very metal core. Anyways that's all for now. Until later.

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 9:54 pm
by Folsom_god
God vai is awesome. To bad his guitar is so how do you say....not cool. Ya but their last album still had a couple good riffs but it was horrible. I dont even have it. Im a Metallica fanatic but you just cant flame them. Ride the Lightning alone could make up for all their mistakes.

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 10:01 pm
by makidas
I don't mean to flame them, it's just my rotten sense of humor, I will admit that Metallica has a few good tunes, just as you'd probably be willing to admit that Slipknot has a few decent tunes. Listening to Metallica to me however is no different from putting on one of my old Charlie Daniels albums, strictly for nostalgia. Metallica was likely responsible for spawning a few recent metal bands, but honestly, I think Megadeath is way better as far as that genre goes. Anyways, all those old bastards need to retire, lol, Megadeath and Billy Idol just came out with new albums not too long ago.

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 10:05 pm
by Folsom_god
i actually dont really like most metal. And im not ashamed to say wait and bleed is an ok song. But god duality wow its just to sissy for them

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 10:07 pm
by makidas
LOL! That's fuckin great, I totally agree, stick with album 1 and 2! LOL

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 10:11 pm
by Folsom_god
do you have a seven string?

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 10:16 pm
by makidas
I got an Ibanez 7, a fender strat, a crate something guitar, a santa rosa acoustic, another acoustic, and a brice 5-string fretless.

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 10:24 pm
by Folsom_god
god i wish i had that much money to spend on guitars. I have some shitty pack my parents got me when i started. The bad thing is i started like 4 and a half years ago. I think im gunna save up for a marshall half stack (tubes of course) and a les paul. Ill throw some emgs in it tho.

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 10:32 pm
by makidas
Damn dude, Marshall and Les Paul are way over-rated. You don't buy those for the sound, you buy for the name. Get yourself either a Schecter or an Ibasnez with some half-way decent pickups and a Peavey 5150, quite possibly the best head ever created. Also, if you do decide on a 5150, make sure it's a real 5150 and not a 5150 2.

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 10:35 pm
by Folsom_god
i dont know the exact setup but im tryin to get zack wyldes. Hes got the emg 81 active and some other emg passive. I dunno. I dont like ibanez i think they are over rated. Les Pauls are def over rated. But you could make a stick sound good with emg's

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 10:45 pm
by makidas
LOL, that's very true, the emg thing I mean. Why don't you create your own sound? I run a 5150 half-stack with distortion and a clean amp, Roland JC120, and I use a pan-pedal between the 2 so I get smooth transitions from clean to distortion and vice-versa. Pedals, I use a compressor, wah, slap-echo and volume. Most guitar stores will let you bring your guitar in and test amps out. I would suggest going to a larger guitar-store and find your sound. The 5150 has the best tone I have heard from anything short of a T-rec, and the roland jc120, although a bit pricey, you cannot get a cleaner sounding amp. Also, my buddy runs a Crate glx112 with a stock schecter 7 and a Digitech Death Metal pedal, and I tell you what, I've not heard such a mean tone, lol!

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 10:47 pm
by Folsom_god
ya i prob should create my own style... but im lazy. What kind of Wah are you using? Cry Baby

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 10:48 pm
by makidas
I own a cry baby but I use the Tech 21 model, sounds way better.

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 10:50 pm
by makidas
Also, I'm not rich, just been collecting shit for quite a while, lol.

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 10:52 pm
by makidas
Also, holy hell did this thread go off topic or what, lol!

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 10:55 pm
by Folsom_god
its ok cuz i made it. But ya dude i need a guitar without single coil pick ups. Not good for the metal if i do say so myself

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 11:05 pm
by makidas
Try a schecter, you'll love it, even though I'm an Ibanez man, Schecters are mean, and endorsed by more bands than I can think of.

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 11:08 pm
by Folsom_god
what about carvin? Not cheap but i hear they make good basses

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 11:14 pm
by makidas
I've played a carvin bass through a carvin amp, but I've never seen or touched one of their guitars. I don't think I'd want one with active pick-ups, and I'm pretty sure their guitars come with em.

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 11:22 pm
by Folsom_god
ya they do look nice tho. you cant judge a cover by its book

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 11:25 pm
by makidas
The bass and amp were wicked nice and sounded really good.

PostPosted: June 14th, 2005, 11:32 pm
by Folsom_god
i tried going to guitar center but everyone is playing really loud and only 4 of them are usually good. And the employees there knew nothing.