how the bladder works

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how the bladder works

Postby wohermiston » June 10th, 2008, 9:35 pm

I thought it might be useful to have a clear description of how the bladder works.
In the infant, urination/voiding/micturition is purely a local reflex centered in the lower portion of the spinal cord. In infants two years old and under, involuntary voiding occurs whenever the bladder is sufficiently full. This results in stretch receptors in the urinary bladder wall transmitting impulses to a special area in the spinal cord known as the sacral micturition center. The sacral micturition center responds by causing detrusor muscle contraction of the bladder.

Between the ages of 2 and 3 as the child's nerves, muscle and brain mature, a special area in the brain gradually develops. Simultaneously, the development of special nerve pathways to that center allows the child to detect a sensation of bladder fullness.

The next stage in the child's maturity occurs when the area in the lower part of the brain, known as the pontine micturition center, develops enough to coordinate sphincter relaxation during voiding.

During the last stage of development, the young child learns conscious bladder control , and during toilet training, develops the ability to inhibit the bladder center in the lower spine (back). Continence during sleep results from the unconscious inhibition of detrusor muscle contraction by an area in the brain known as the basal ganglia).
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Postby wohermiston » August 14th, 2008, 4:29 pm

Based on this information, I would like to get comments to eventually build a positive reinforcement file in the style of the hellion0 trigger diaper dependance.

if you consider that at age 2 the bladder works automatically with the spinal cord.
then as the brain develops the child gets the "sensation" to go. but of course, still simply goes. that is the behaviour I would like to re establish.

what we learn, as the brain develps is to clamp down the moment we feel the sensation to go. That's Potty Training. the act of holding it in.

the job of hypnosis, as I see it then, is to either block the clamping, or introduce some kind of delay so you "miss the boat" so to speak.

I find the suggestions of lose control or have no control are negative and somewhat vague.

A suggestion perhaps like this:
each time you feel the urge to pee, you will wait longer before trying to hold back. and each time you do this, the wait will get longer and longer.
you will eventually find yourself peeing just like a 2 year old.

this is more positive I think.

anyone like to add to this?
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Postby Exrandu » August 15th, 2008, 8:49 am

I can't add to it really, but I'd support the idea! Sounds great, and it sounds fun because you can stop at the level of control you really want, right? So after a few weeks your control should be weaker, but not completely gone. I like that idea. :)
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Postby wohermiston » August 15th, 2008, 3:10 pm

I think these files should be recursive meaning that the natural progression is to acheive the 2 year old response. The Hellion0 file has a dry out trigger, so there is a safety. how do you imagine losing control?
I think it would be good to see what everyone considers is the best most effective message for them.
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Postby unsnap » August 15th, 2008, 8:17 pm

I like the positive reinforcement aspect of what you suggest, and I think (with no training or anything in hypnosis) that the more specific the instruction, the better result. From what I have gathered, the mind has difficulty processing abstract concepts when tranced. You might be onto something
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positive training script

Postby wohermiston » August 16th, 2008, 8:03 am

OK, here is my first example.
mostly based on the hellion0 pattern which I really liked and who deserves credit. see what you think. It can surely be refined and tuned, but I think it leaves you with the right feelings.



whenever I say the words "deeper and deeper still" you will feel your bladder sphincter muscles relax even more. Now go deeper and deeper still for me, even deeper and deeper still.

memorize what I say:
upon hearing the words "pontine release" your bladder will relax completely and prepare itself to begin peeing. Every time you or someone else says the words "pontine release", your bladder will relax
completely and prepare itself to begin peeing.

the part of the brain that tells you to hold your pee , will now encourage you to pee full force.
whenever you feel the urge to pee, your bladder will spring wide open.
you will always let your bladder empty completely.

Now go deeper and deeper still for me, even deeper and deeper still.
feel how your bladder is always right on the edge of letting go. so ready that the first sign of urge opens the bladder easily and completely.

Since wetting yourself would be embarrasing, you will want to wear diapers
This is fine since you love to wear diapers.
Diapers give you the freedom of complete bladder relaxation.
you find peeing in your diaper so very exciting and each time you do it, makes you want to do it again and again.

Now go deeper and deeper still for me, even deeper and deeper still.
feel your bladder control returning to that of a 2 year old.
whenever you feel the urge to pee you will think to yourself
I need to go, I want to go, I must go right here and right now!
and you do it.
so easy, so natural. This gets easier and more fun to do with each passing day.

Now go deeper and deeper still for me, even deeper and deeper still.
your bladder behaves like that of a 2 year old now. it empties completely at the first urge.
and because you love this feeling, you may even pee on purpose as well.
you are learing about your bladder and having so much fun with it.

Now go deeper and deeper still for me, even deeper and deeper still.
whenever you feel the urge to go pee pee you will think to yourself
I need to go, I want to go, I must go right now! and you do it.

you will listen to this file again and again until the changes are complete and deeply submerged within.

upon hearing the words "pontine release" your bladder will relax completely and prepare itself to begin peeing. Every time you or someone else says the words "pontine release", your bladder will behave like
that of a 2 year old and you will insist on being diapered.

This change will last for as many days as you choose when you are triggered.
If you say "pontine release one day" you will have the bladder control of a 2 year old for just one day. On the following day, your control
will return to normal.

now it is tme to wake up.
I will count from 5 to 1
when I reach 1 you will be fully awake refreshed and ready for your new adventure.

5 waking up
4 feeling more aware
3 sensing that something fun and exciting is about to happen
2 back in the room feeling complete.
1 wake up refreshed and happy.

--end body--

Let me know how this reads to you.
please make any suggestions.
maybe we can get hellion0 to record it
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Postby unsnap » August 17th, 2008, 7:39 pm

Would using imagery be effective reinforcement? For example " Picture in your mind, a toddler, laying there in his (her) diaper, letting his peepee flow the instant his body feels it, wetting his diaper automatically, without control."

If your conscious mind is imagining this while the subconscious is hearing the instructions, would it be overload, or an assist to the hypnotic suggestion?
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Postby wohermiston » August 17th, 2008, 10:03 pm

I think the listener has to fill in the blanks to some extent by drawing on his/her own experience. and again, I would want to stay away from negative words like no control. I re started this in a separate thread so there will be more comments there as well. Mindmaster uses the suggestion of remembering the time when you were diapered always and finding the match in your subconscious. that could maybe be employed here. my main issues is that the subject beleive they are fully in control, and that the suggestions be all positive, fun and exciting.
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Postby hellion0 » August 18th, 2008, 7:38 am

It might work. The script mockup does show some promise.

One thing that didn't seem to be caught in it, though, is that my normal trance trigger's being used to enable a loss of control. I use that trigger across my inductions to assist the listener in returning to trance. Adding that effect could be problematic.

Still... promising. Might be worth recording one day, if I ever get around to it.
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Exelent read

Postby nancypansy » April 29th, 2009, 5:50 am

The body reads verry well to me. I could feel it working on my lower parts. I really like the positiveness in your aproche too.

At the moment i am working on something that I would love to share.
My idea is that the belief system needs to be broken down.
Anybody can wet them self or learn to do so if they put the will, effort and time into it. Hypnosis can help to speed up this proces. The thing that slows or stops this proces is the belief that wetting is wrong, socially unacceptable and unhygenic. Of course there can be many other objections to do what you want to do. Finding out that it does not work gives way to frustration. So feeding on that frustration enhancing the anger of not being able to do what you want, then moving that anger towards eliminating the objections one by one and giving room for the subject to eliminate his or her own objectives, then going over to positive thoughts towards doing what you like to do and ending with your sugestion how to achieve this.

Oh I think this file could be a great succes. but as I mentioned it is an idea and therefor not worked out into suggestion jet. I'll give that some thought and i would love to hear your thoughts to.

Working together works best,

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