My girlfriend wants to practice changing me for her new job.

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My girlfriend wants to practice changing me for her new job.

Postby frosty46 » June 29th, 2012, 4:48 am

My girlfriend got a new job where she'll be taking care of someone who wears diapers and can't change themselves. She has never done this to a full grown adult before though, and she is nervous she won't be able to do it.
She asked me if she could practice the exercise with me and I in turn asked her if she was serious, like that was a crazy thing for her to ask me. Because it is right? So she said fine, that's alright, and I'm all like no, no, it's ok I'll let you practice. Thinking fuck, almost lost my shot.
She doesn't know that I have listened to wetting files or any files for that matter before. I doubt she'd understand what we listen to stuff like this for, as I can't even say what it is for myself really, what we listen to hypnosis for.
I haven't had much time to listen to files lately, which sucks, but if I do, what kind of files would make me comfortable talking to her about diapers, or getting more pleasure out of wearing them. I want to get the most I can out of what will probably just happen a few times.
I figure I can talk her into getting some diapers from the store for her practice runs, since she wants the practice so bad right, I figure using this same angle is my best bet at wetting during this experience as well.

Does anyone else have any ideas for how I could talk her into getting real diapers for when she practices? Should I bring up to her that I should wet a diaper so the practice is more authentic, or should I just do it and say that was my intent if she loses her mind over it.

I think the worse thing about getting this experience, would be to lose the chance to have it again, so if there are any files out there that would help me be happier talking to her about doing this more often, give me the link.
thanks for reading,
all help and comments appreciated.
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Postby DaddyJ » June 29th, 2012, 10:01 am

Do not actually wet it, unless she tells you to. Instead, ask her questions that may lead to a better experience:
-Sure the diaper is on tight enough?
-Can you do anything to make sure I don't get a diaper rash?
-How do you know when to change it?
-What if I need to go to the bathroom?
Be playful about it. Make sure she sees you pouring a glass of water into your diaper (so that she will have a reason to change you). And make sure to treat her to something since she "took care of you".
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Postby Tangy » June 29th, 2012, 4:23 pm

DaddyJ wrote:Do not actually wet it, unless she tells you to. Instead, ask her questions that may lead to a better experience:
-Sure the diaper is on tight enough?
-Can you do anything to make sure I don't get a diaper rash?
-How do you know when to change it?
-What if I need to go to the bathroom?
Be playful about it. Make sure she sees you pouring a glass of water into your diaper (so that she will have a reason to change you). And make sure to treat her to something since she "took care of you".

• Name: BabyTime Additional Types: Body, Subliminal, Binaural, Script
Description: After listening to this file the listener will spend 20 minutes as a helpless baby and then return to being themselves. They will have full memory of their time as a baby
Author: EMG ? Added On: 2003-04-17 Downloaded: 39508 Length: 19:00
Audience: Any Effect: Temporary(fixed time) Voice Gender: Male Voice Type: Human
Average Rating: 2.9157 Total Votes: 178 Comments: 38
Permanent Link: BabyTime Favorite: Mark Favorite Report: Report File
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Postby frosty46 » June 29th, 2012, 8:34 pm

Stoked. She is going to bring some diapers home from work, because she wants practice with the real thing. But she said specifically she doesn't want me to wet or mess them at all, because she wants to practice putting it on and taking it off as many times as possible.

Tangy, I'm more looking for a file I can use that will cause the diaper to work as a trigger. She isn't into hypno stuff yet, so I won't be able to listen right before our session.

However, if these diapers do stay dry, then I'm going to get back in em and listen to that file you posted.
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Postby sudo » June 29th, 2012, 11:37 pm

I'd say be playful and try to get her smile about the whole situation. You can try to act as a baby for a few seconds while she has you diapered and see if she is willing to join in the game. If she does you can go on with "you know, I really liked the age play, can we do it again?" and move from there.
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Sorry... This reply isn't helpful but...

Postby kokoloko » July 30th, 2012, 6:43 pm

You lucky son of a bitch! :-D
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Postby wetlatex » August 3rd, 2012, 11:14 am

Wish i had seen this earlier but...

What to say... lucky guy, or unlucky guy.
He is standing near a dream come true, but while doing that, he is playing with fire...

Honestly, if she is so close to you as to ask u to have a diaper on, i think u have a shot to get some good out of this. After all, i doubt she would even think of asking most others that question.

Id say, first imagine her view... all she wants is to learn to change the thing. First of she want to learn to put them on right. My (and i guess the) question, if she is ready to change a person that is going to USE them, she should be ready to handle wet and messy ones, as she might get them. This in term though, doesnt mean she will like it, but maybe she could learn to accept it. At least letting you live your ways more freely.

If you just "wet one" and do it by surprise, i think she might be mad, or shocked at least. And this could sour the whole thing, and also make it more difficult to ever bring it up again.
I can see two ways to get past that issue.

- One is to actually talk properly to her about it. Tell her maybe not all of it, but some of it. Tell her u like wet diapers, diapers in general and actually let her test as much as she wants. For the reason you said "...I in turn asked her if she was serious, like that was a crazy thing for her to ask me." tell her that you were shocked and scared to show this truth.

- Second is to let all the testing she wants done, be done, witch i imagine it is by now. Dont do anything out of the ordinary and let time pass. If she is going to do this at her job, she will learn to "accept" this, and not react much changing a wet diaper, or maybe even messy ones. You can even ask her how the new job is, if she had any problems, feelings about it, etc. This gives you her possible limit, for you to stop at. Given it some time, when she is comfortable in her new work, you can either pick a day and tell her in a serious talk. Maybe say that you actually liked when she diapered you that time, when she was learning. Or just tell the bottom line about every thing. Other option is to "get caught" wearing a diaper... making you the guy taking the questions from her (that ofc you should have thought through ahead of time, as much as u can predict her to ask) and you can then explain either same as above, that u liked it from her testing, or that u even liked it before.
Only issue with picking the story that you liked it from when she tested, is that it might come back as a lie to haunt you if u have lots of odd things to show you have had this long time. But by then i think you can explain that you didnt dare to say all of that, scared what she might think.

In the end, i think you have a good shot to get her to accept you wearing one, since she has accepted to change even a stranger (so to speak), i doubt she would mind you wearing one, as long as it doesn't seem like work to do it. She might even find it fun in a way... but that is all up to her.

Either case, i wish u luck...
...and hope u give us others here, wishing we had this chance, a "bone" of info about it all to read about :)
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Hey Frosty, How did it go?

Postby mondaytuesday » December 17th, 2012, 9:55 pm

Did having your girlfriend change you into a diaper, change you into a regressed baby at her will? I'm hoping for a yes.
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