Bedwetting File Script

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Bedwetting File Script

Postby gin » April 5th, 2019, 7:13 pm

While I love a lot of the bedwetting files here, and appreciate all the hard work that as gone into making them. I feel like most of them aren't very effective for me because while they help promote the behavior, they move to quickly and don't necessarily address some of the mental blocks that I have. Also I don't like the focus most of them have on making you feel immature or like a baby. So I wrote a script for something I would like to try recording myself. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of experience in the theory behind hypnosis so I was hoping you all could take a look at what I have and tell me what you think might make it better. Any feedback you have will be appreciated.

I want you to know something. I want you to know that I'm here to help you. I want you to know that I'm here to help you learn how to sleep. To help you remember how to sleep well, like you used to. But before I can help you there is something you need to admit. Something that you already know, but are to afraid to admit to yourself. Before I can help you, you have to admit that you are a bed wetter.

Does it shock you to hear that, does it make you afraid? It shouldn't, you know it's true. You might be dry now, but you know you're a bedwetter, you know you've always been a bedwetter. I'll explain.
People who are not bedwetters, people who are not like you, they naturally became dry at night. People like you people who are bedwetters only become dry, if they become dry through a lot of stressful, and difficult training. This kind of training while it can be effective for a time comes at a great cost. You see person who is not a bedwetter can sleep, a person unlike you, can sleep soundly through the night without getting up to use the toilet. A bedwetter like you can not. You find yourself getting up several times throughout the night, you find yourself having to wake up again and again, disrupting your sleep to go to the toilet. Because you are a bedwetter you had to teach yourself to wake up at even the slightest urge to pee so that you can make it to the toilet. But this is the wrong thing for a bedwetter to do. You see because you keep getting up to pee you never truly go to sleep, you're mind is always watching out for that signal to pee so it never really turns off. Because of this when you wake up in the morning you aren't truly rested, you're still tired, and grumpy, and angry. Angry that you weren't able to sleep. Be honest with yourself bedwetter, how would you rather wake up, refreshed and in a wet diaper, or still tired, and grump, but dry. You already know the answer bedwetter, you already know the answer so say it to yourself.

The good news is, is that now that you know what the problem is your most of the way towards finding the solution. Now that you know why you are having trouble sleeping your committed towards working towards the solution. I am going to give you an exercise to do, an exercise to help you sleep well. But before I do there is something else we need to discuss.

As it is now, you have a lot of anxiety over wetting the bed. You have a lot of anxiety and fear over wetting the bed, and that is what keeps waking you up. That anxiety and fear is what keeps bedwetters like you from sleeping at night. The good news is that you don't need to be afraid. A bedwetter like you does not need to be afraid of wetting the bed.

I will explain. You see the thing that a bedwetter is most afraid of is that some one will find out. The thing that a bedwetter is most afraid of is that every one will know they wet the bed. The thing is, is that every one already knows you are a bedwetter. Every body already knows that you wet the bed. You see in the core of your heart, in the core of who you are you are a bedwetter. Even if you aren't wetting the bed now you know you are a bed wetter. This knowledge is carried in your subconsciousness, and affects the way you act, and interact with people. Whether you realize it or not the fact that you are a bedwetter affects every interaction you have with everyone you meet. Even though you don't realize it you already subtly communicate the fact that you are a bedwetter to every one you meet. You do not need to be afraid to wet the bed because everybody already knows that you wet the bed. You do not need to be afraid of being found out because everybody already knows you are a bedwetter. It's really that simple. Even if you try to hide the fact that you wet the bed everybody already knows, so there is no point. Everyone already expects you to wet the bed so nobody will care.

I want you to imagine yourself. I want you to imagine yourself in a bed. Not your bed at home, but somewhere else. Perhaps this bed is at a friend's house, or at a hotel. You can chose whichever you find more likely. I want you to take a moment to really picture youself lying in the bed. Under the sheets, under your pajamas, you can feel your wet diaper. Feel how the wet diaper feels against you, and notice how being in it just feels proper for you. When you wake up in the morning this is what you expect to feel this don't you? And you know that if you do not wake up to this feeling you will like something is off. You may even be a little disappointed. Now imagine yourself getting up out of bed. You look over and see that your friend is still asleep. Happy that you won't get caught you go to the restroom. You slide the diaper, heavy with your wetness off and put it in a ziplock bag that you brought along just for this situation. You clean yourself off, put you pajamas on and begin sneaking out so you can dispose of the evidence.

Now this next part is very important so I need you to do your best to imagine it as vividly as possible. For this to have the full effect you need to try to as best as you can to feel what you will feel in this situation.

As you leave the restroom, the friend you thought was asleep is now up. Notice the look of surprise on their face as when they see you holding the wet diaper. I want you to feel how you will feel getting caught in that situation. I want you to see how quickly the look of surprise fades from their face. Before you can even say a word the look of surprise fades from their face. The thing is your friend already knows you are a bedwetter. Even if they didn't realize it consciously they are not at all surprised to find you with a wet diaper. The only thing that they are surprised about is that they actually saw you with your diaper. They are not angry, they are not mad, if anything they are embarrassed with themselves for putting you in an awkward spot.

What you tell them next is entirely up to you. Perhaps you have already dropped some hints about your bedwetting. Perhaps you've made a few jokes about it, or told them you were on some new medicine. In this moment you will tell them what you want, if you want you can tell them that you have always been a bedwetter and this is just something you deal with. Or if you think it more appropriate you can tell them that you are on a new medication and that this is just a side effect. Or you can tell them whatever else you want. Perhaps your friend will respond by saying they too once had a problem with wetting the bed. Perhaps that is something the two of you will be able to bond over.

I want you to imagine the rest of the day perhaps the morning is a bit awkward but soon the awkwardness is gone and the rest of the day goes on as normal. Normal except for the fact that you feel like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

Now I'm going to give you a little exercise to do. A little exercise that will help you get over the fear of any fear or anxiety you have that prevents you from wetting the bed. Every night you will wear protection. You know that as a bedwetter it is very important that you wear protection each night when you go to bed. You know that eventually you will need a nice thick diaper. You know that wearing a diaper will be the most comfortable thing you can wear to bed. But if you don't feel you are at the point of wearing a full on diaper, you will wear a pull up, a sanitary pad, or a thick absorbent pair of shorts. Every night before you go to bed you will pee into your protection as much as you feel is comfortable. You know this is very important for you to do because it will help you get used to sleeping in wet clothing, and waking up wet in the morning. If at first you only feel comfortable wearing a thin pad, and peeing a couple drops infornt of the toilet then that is what you will do. But you notice that as time goes on you will feel more and more comfortable doing this and you are able to pee more and more. You will try to do this as close to your bed as comfortable until you can complete this exercise sitting, and then lying on your bed. Once you feel comfortable doing this exercise you will graduate to the next.

The next exercise is also very important for you to do, and you know it will be very pleasurable and are already looking forward to it.

When you wake up, whether it is in the middle of the night, or in the morning, before getting up you will try to pee a little bit into whatever protection you are wearing. You will try every time you wake up to relax and let even a few drops out. Once you can do that you will try to let more out each time until you feel comfortable completely emptying your bladder. You will remember this exercise everytime you wake up. You know it is very important to do this, and not only do you have to do it, but it is very pleasurable to do.

Every night when you go to bed you will anticipate and look forward to this exercise. You may skip this exercise every so often but only if it is to test if you are wetting naturally. But it is important that you never skip this exercise for fear of being caught. You have no fear of being caught in fact if you are in a situation where you are sleeping in an unfamiliar place, or somewhere where you might get caught you will look forward to this exercise so much more, and it will be so much more pleasurable. Of course you will wear whatever protection is appropriate and at hand.

Remember you are a bedwetter, and because you are a bedwetter everybody already knows at least subconsciously that you wet the bed. If they catch you they might be surprised, but it is only because they are surprised to have caught you wetting the bed, and not surprise at you actually wetting the bed.

Remember that as a bedwetter it is important for you to wet throughout the night. That is the way a bedwetter like you is supposed to sleep. Anything other than that will result in poor unrestful sleep. That is why the healthiest and most mature thing for you to do is to learn how to accept and then deal with your wetting the bed. You will do the exercises because you know that they will help you sleep through the night. Until you are able to sleep and wet throughout the night you will continue to do the exercises pausing only from time to time to check your progress and never for more than one night. You will love doing these exercises because you know they will help you, but you will also look forward to when you can graduate from doing them. You will look forward sleeping through the night blissfully unaware while your bladder empties it's self naturally into whatever it is you are wearing.
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Joined: June 26th, 2005, 12:00 am

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