Stuff that deepens hypnosis
Posted: September 24th, 2013, 7:42 pm
Hi guys,
Been doing baby hypnosis from files on this site for awhile, and I thought I'd post a few things that helped deepen the hypno files for me.
The first was sucking on my thumb or a pacifier. For some reason, the rhythm of the sucking seems to relax me a lot - probably from the memories of myself as an infant! Anyway, it was a huge deepener (and still is).
The second factor that helped was using the files that Mind Master produces for night-time sleeping. Once I combined that with daytime files, I'm starting to really feel some suggestions take root.
Been doing baby hypnosis from files on this site for awhile, and I thought I'd post a few things that helped deepen the hypno files for me.
The first was sucking on my thumb or a pacifier. For some reason, the rhythm of the sucking seems to relax me a lot - probably from the memories of myself as an infant! Anyway, it was a huge deepener (and still is).
The second factor that helped was using the files that Mind Master produces for night-time sleeping. Once I combined that with daytime files, I'm starting to really feel some suggestions take root.