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Sarnog's Diaper Boy file has broken me!

PostPosted: June 5th, 2021, 9:56 pm
by mustwanderlust
I've been listening to this file for around six weeks now. The effect has be far more powerful than I expected.
Side effects I've experienced (to list but a few):
    A more sexual feeling about diapers (after years of wearing this had dipped in recent times)
    Humping the diaper like it's my sex toy, like a lover.
    I've even focused on a too small super thick rearz diaper that in my head when I see I think "girlfriend".
    Kissing the diaper gf while humping the one I was wearing.
    Wanting to wear thicker diapers for a more powerful orgasm.
Even when I wad offered sex by a partner with benefits I couldn't do it. She isn't a diaper, and I am in love with diapers. UGH!! Total mindfuck! I made an excurse that I had whiskey dick...

Way more success with this file than any other. Maybe too much. I mean man, I seriously it was just automatic when I was moving the diaper I mentioned above in my brain I thought "there is girlfriend".