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Quite possibly the most evil thing I've ever done.

PostPosted: April 9th, 2010, 2:16 pm
by ShadowSabre
Ladies, gentlemen, and babies, I introduce you to [url=]SCP-597.[/url4dd2f22f4dd2f22ff]

[url=]...SCP-597 is a blob of flesh.... All over its body, mostly located on its rolls, are hundreds and hundreds of teats, of various colors and sizes. Whenever a mammal is released into its cell, it will be drawn to the corresponding teat for its species and then proceed to suckle as long as they are unimpeded.... Any full-grown mammal... can survive to the end of their normal lifespan give or take a few years, simply by suckling at the nipple....

The urge to suckle is a mental, physical, and sexual compulsion.... Those in SCP-597's presence describe it as a "mental pull" leading us to the conclusion that it is partially telepathic, although it also obviously appeals to deep instincts and is hormonal as well; endorphins associated with breast-feeding and material comfort are released. Those who do give in... are reduced quickly to an infantile state, and within one hour lose all linguistic abilities, intellectual capabilities, and willpower. Before complete loss of brain function it is said to be highly comforting and pleasurable, and they say they feel safe, "like never before". Before and after contact is made, there are reports of strong feelings associated with vague images and recollections and sensations, all traced back to the womb or crib, often centered around remembrance of their parents' smell and facial appearance. [DATA EXPUNGED] █████ ███████████████ █████ █████ █████ ██ retarded blind [DATA EXPUNGED] permanently attached [DATA EXPUNGED][/url4dd2f22f4dd2f22ff]

The [url=]SCP Foundation[/url4dd2f22f4dd2f22ff] is such a wonderful site...

PostPosted: April 9th, 2010, 4:07 pm
by darkenedav
nice :D

PostPosted: April 18th, 2010, 5:20 am
by angel2342
Wow, what a strange website. I don't think I fully understand it, but it's interesting 83

PostPosted: April 24th, 2010, 2:51 pm
by zzzzz
wow, i hope a file will be made with this!


PostPosted: April 25th, 2010, 5:09 am
by iamli3
k , wtf is this shit? seriously , i tried taking a look at that site (that was cool how you made the entire post a link btw , how did you do that?......) , and it just looked like a bunch of random gibberish , reading their information page is a good laugh , hah.......