On the reply by curiousG in the Mind INDUCED AID topic.

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On the reply by curiousG in the Mind INDUCED AID topic.

Postby Mari4199 » December 29th, 2006, 9:48 pm

Hmmm. That is an interesting opinion and it may have merit, but medically speaking, it is not completely true. Of the Thousands of case studies done on mental patients, a great many with disorders like schizophrenia and several forms of psychosis, many have had strange belief systems that involved changes to their bodies. In a large amount of those cases, physical change did take place. The common belief among the professionals who examined them was that their belief was so strong, so driving, that their bodies followed suit. Some of these changes were quite drastic, and if i remember correctly, involved apparent gender change. Now, keeping this off the record, here is my opinion. I believe that the mind controls the body. Indian fakirs, shaman, and holy men through time immemorial have done amazing things with their bodies. This is an established fact. Now if they can perform these feats, Why can't someone else who also believes as strongly? The key, i think is belief. And what does hypnosis alter, at least on some level? Your beliefs. You believe you feel something. You believe you hear something, etc, etc. Alter belief and you alter YOUR reality. That is my opinion of course, it could be wrong, but i BELIEVE i am not.
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Postby CuriousG » January 6th, 2007, 12:00 am

I don't remember precisely what my post in that topic was, but the drift of it was probably something to the effect of 'the mind can't affect the body all that much, depending on what you're talking about, etc. (to simplify)'.

I hold to that still, essentially, but I have this to say:

The brain is an amazing organ. Beyond the obviously conscious functions, various parts control the unconscious functions of our bodies. Adrenaline, heartrate, reflexes, breathing while asleep, dreaming, muscle tics, etc., are all subconscious functions of our brain. Sometimes, we bridge over. In the past year, I've learned to wiggle my ears. It was simply a matter of isolating the contraction of certain muscles in my scalp from the eyebrow-raising motion that they normally accompany, unconsciously and uncontrollably. It was kind of a fluke, that I managed to do it. I just began to feel a control I'd never quite had before, and worked at it, eventually gaining a talent. Of course, I'd moved those muscles many times in the past, I just hadn't been aware of it, or able to control them independently.

That's it. That's all there is to bridging from the conscious functions to the subconscious ones. Some people can do it with dreams, some with pain, and so on. However, there's a magnitude problem. The human immune system, our chemical balances, metabolism and all that, are WAY more complex and give WAY less instant feedback than something like ear-wiggling. It's not just a matter of trying harder, it's so great a problem that it makes them IMPOSSIBLE to control, at least with any precision or reliability, I would say.

Even if that's wrong, or perhaps oversimplifies the problem (and I suspect it might), the heart of the matter is that the files and overall methodology prescribed by Warp My Mind is totally inadequate to do anything other than boost the imagination, or motivation.
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Complexity a block to bio control and manipulation, hardly.

Postby Mari4199 » January 6th, 2007, 12:54 am

So, in effect, you are saying that because of the enormous complexity of the human body that we are incapable of altering our own bodies responses and structure? Hmmm. Well, you are correct in the assumption that the body is a wondrous and amazingly complex organism, but to say what is and what is not possible is by far and large an erroneous supposition. Indian fakirs have been doing amazing things that defy logical explanation for centuries on end. Things such as stopping blood from flowing in very small areas of the body, Achieving states that approach near death, and in many cases performing feats that by your definition would be quite impossible. The very act of stopping the blood flow to a specific part of the human body by mental control alone would require a vast amount of control of those very complexities that you mentioned. In fact, that control would have to be, by definition, on a cellular level. These facts have been researched and the research has been widely and clearly proliferated around the world.
In another vein, many things thought to have been immpossible have recently been shown to be true. Do i have to mention the wright brothers? It was just a matter of time before it was widely accepted. In my previous post i spoke of the power of belief. Conversations with those very same fakirs i mentioned above have drawn the knowledge that what enabled them to perform these feats was essentially belief. They have had no formal scientific training and in fact most of them would not know the first thing about computers, sound files, binaurals, and brainwave entrainment. They simply know they can beyond any doubt and they do it.
I disagree with your argument that the methods used here are inadequate to the task. These methods are simply tools to help us along the path. Used correctly i fully believe they can do just what they say. But, then again, this is my opinion. And we all know about opinions. Everyone has one and we are all entitled to them, thankfully. Also, i have to say that i doubt you have listened to and used every single file on this site to an extent that would prove your conclusion. If you are going to be scientific then you need to use the scientific method. You can't make an argument like that without all the facts. And you can't have all the facts if you haven't used all the files, now could you? Really, not enough research has been done in these areas to actually come to a concrete solution. In effect, we are all in the dark and relying simply on faith that these will work.
I guess what i am trying to say is that we need to keep an open mind on things outside our spectrum of experience. Just because we do not believe in something does not mean it does not work or exists. I have seen many strange things in my life that i can not readily explain. I do not deny them, but i do not accept them either. I simply keep them in an open mind until i have collected further data on them. And, truthfully, seeing and experiencing some of the things i have, the idea of being able to alter your mind and body with sound just doesn't seem that far fetched.
Anyways, thank you for your excellent and intelligent reply. I really enjoy a good conversation that is smartly stated. :)
Sound is the future.
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Postby VeryGnawty » January 16th, 2007, 1:35 am

CuriousG wrote:.

Even if that's wrong, or perhaps oversimplifies the problem (and I suspect it might), the heart of the matter is that the files and overall methodology prescribed by Warp My Mind is totally inadequate to do anything other than boost the imagination, or motivation.

I can definitely agree with that. The problem is that there aren't many people that know enough about their own body to even effect a gender change. Much less make a hypnotizing file about it.

In theory, it's not hard to change your body at all. You just need to change your production of certain key hormones. Hell, you could use the same trick to slow aging.

But in practice, you have to learn something which can't easily be taught. You have to spend large amounts of concentration. And you have to do so in the face of a society that will demonize you.

Listening to a couple of files on your headphones is not going to build up sufficient willpower to undertake such a task.
"Once, people only flew in their dreams. Now, they dream during their flights." - Howard Hendrix
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Tired of Jaded Cynical Skeptics.

Postby Mari4199 » January 16th, 2007, 11:25 am

Well, knowledge is one thing that you can easily attain. You just have to read. Simple. And as for concentration, it's called the privacy of your own home. Society will not DEMONIZE you either. Society is more accepting than its ever been and its getting better all the time. And the last statement is true, that is why you meditate and practice constantly. no one said it would be easy. nothing good ever is. But, i'll tell you one thing i AM tired of...

I am tired if people who have lost the childlike wonder that enables us to do such things. I am not being mean but if you don't think thoses things are possible, Don't ruin someone elses ideals with your more jaded ones! Why do you even come here if you do not believe, Just to poo poo the beliefs of others?!

I greatly apologize if i have offended for that was not my intention. But i will say that i meant what i said. Also someone with jimmy hendrix being quoted in there post should be a bit more open minded. seriously.
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Re: Tired of Jaded Cynical Skeptics.

Postby VeryGnawty » January 16th, 2007, 7:32 pm

Mari4199 wrote:Well, knowledge is one thing that you can easily attain. You just have to read. Simple.

Some books are harder to find than others. In theory, you are correct. But sometimes, there are no books, and you have to write it yourself. That's the fun part.

And as for concentration, it's called the privacy of your own home.

I tried that, but I became a recluse. Clearly, a new tactic is in order. A tactic which will take much more strategy and intelligence, but is much more efficient.

I am tired if people who have lost the childlike wonder that enables us to do such things. I am not being mean but if you don't think thoses things are possible, Don't ruin someone elses ideals with your more jaded ones!

I'm not saying it's not possible. It's very possible. What I'm saying is that drastic long-term physical change isn't as easy as you may think. A bit of self-hypnosis, or even a lot of self-hypnosis, is unlikely to do the trick. Such a drastic change will require considerable energy, time, and dedication, perhaps even requiring one's complete change in attitude towards self and others.

Then again, in the face of the trials of psyche, affecting change is easier than maintaining the status quo. Ironic, isn't it?

Also someone with jimmy hendrix being quoted in there post should be a bit more open minded.

Howard Hendrix. It's Howard Hendrix.

I don't mean to sound harsh or anything. I've done my time in meditation. I know what it takes to completely recreate yourself. It takes a lot more than a flight of fancy with your head up in the clouds. I should know, I actually tried that.

I've spent years building up enough strength to reprogram my cellular structure. I can only pray that you maintain your willpower longer than I did.
"Once, people only flew in their dreams. Now, they dream during their flights." - Howard Hendrix
Posts: 384
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Excellent reply.

Postby Mari4199 » January 16th, 2007, 7:43 pm

All very good points and i don't deny that hard work is the order of the day. But i was wrong in the jimmy hendrix part! lol! I looked it up. my bad and for that mistake i am sorry! :)
Sound is the future.
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