
For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Postby humbugtheman » October 21st, 2007, 12:50 am

ok, does the curse womb file actually work? :?:
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Postby phillip » December 1st, 2007, 5:53 pm

yes it does i have been confirmed by a real doctor that i am a man with a real womn now
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Postby Draygone » December 2nd, 2007, 1:16 pm

Got a picture?
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Postby Henrique » December 2nd, 2007, 7:54 pm

phillip wrote:yes it does i have been confirmed by a real doctor that i am a man with a real womn now

sure, and i've received a letter from santa claus asking me what i want for x-mas this year.

ok, sorry... but i'm medical student and you just CAN'T. the embryogenic tissue that forms a womb was lost because of your Y. can't explain right 'cause i don't know the names in english.
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Postby loony28 » December 3rd, 2007, 10:45 pm

phillip wrote:yes it does i have been confirmed by a real doctor that i am a man with a real womn now

Well I'd say that this is a real testament to the power of hypnosis and the human mind, if you can prove it.

Henrique wrote:sure, and i've received a letter from santa claus asking me what i want for x-mas this year.

ok, sorry... but i'm medical student and you just CAN'T. the embryogenic tissue that forms a womb was lost because of your Y. can't explain right 'cause i don't know the names in english.

Have you heard that we only need about 5% of our DNA to live, the rest is termed junk DNA. Now there are certain animals that change their gender when they are in a community where they are all one gender. What's to say that all animals don't have this ability? Furthermore what's to say that this ability couldn't be switched on through hypnosis?
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Postby Henrique » December 4th, 2007, 2:49 pm

loony, i don't want to discuss it. i'm not a full doctor, just a student, so i don't saw everything a real doctor see. but, i already have Embriology. Even if whe can switch it on...
i won't believe until a X-ray or MR or anything can prove it.

Don't you find odd a man womb don't be noticed by news? It would made the male pregnant a reality, even if by artificial means.

i just don't know.
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Postby loony28 » December 6th, 2007, 10:33 pm

Henrique wrote:loony, i don't want to discuss it. i'm not a full doctor, just a student, so i don't saw everything a real doctor see. but, i already have Embriology. Even if whe can switch it on...
i won't believe until a X-ray or MR or anything can prove it.

Don't you find odd a man womb don't be noticed by news? It would made the male pregnant a reality, even if by artificial means.

i just don't know.

I don't find it odd that the media isn't all over this if it's true. The mainstream media would treat this just like you're doing, as an impossibility.
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Postby phillip » December 7th, 2007, 4:25 pm

i am actually 6 months pregnant it is great
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Postby loony28 » December 7th, 2007, 9:10 pm

phillip wrote:i am actually 6 months pregnant it is great

Post some pictures so we can see that you really are pregnant and you're a man with a womb. One question for you. How long did it take for your transformation to take place?
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Postby FlameD » December 8th, 2007, 2:26 am

Hypnosis can make you think you have a womb.

Hypnosis cannot give you a womb. You can hypnotized all you like, but it doesn't change anything physical that couldn't be changed by concentrating hard. Just because you're hypnotized, your cells won't start dividing in different ways or alter your body significantly.

Hypnosis is useful for changing behaviors, or making you think you look different, or making you act different, and all that good stuff.

But hypnosis can't do more then that.
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Postby loony28 » December 8th, 2007, 12:30 pm

FlameD wrote:Hypnosis can make you think you have a womb.

Hypnosis cannot give you a womb. You can hypnotized all you like, but it doesn't change anything physical that couldn't be changed by concentrating hard. Just because you're hypnotized, your cells won't start dividing in different ways or alter your body significantly.

Hypnosis is useful for changing behaviors, or making you think you look different, or making you act different, and all that good stuff.

But hypnosis can't do more then that.

Not to sound rude or anything but how do you know what hypnosis can and can't do? Most people say that we only use a small portion of our minds potential. What if by utilizing more of it through hypnosis or other means we can physically change ourselves?

Now I happen to believe phillip when he says that he now has a womb and that a doctor has verified it. If he were lieing what would be the point? It doesn't look like he's trying to get any fame from this since I haven't heard anything about it other than here in response to a question. Personally I don't blame him for wanting to keep this a bit on the quiet side as people would consider him a freak. On the other hand if he did go public with this to the news it would give hypnosis a big boost and hope to those that want to change their bodies.
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Postby FlameD » December 9th, 2007, 2:48 am

People do usually use a small portion of their mind's potential. Which means they don't learn as much as they could, or remember as much as they could. If you think more, you don't gain the ability to grow extra fingers on command.

No matter how hypnotized you are, you cannot think yourself into changing your DNA. It can't happen. It can't happen because there is simply no way for it to happen, biologically speaking. Frogs don't think, "Oh, I'd like to be female now" and boom, it happens. It happens in response to their environment and surroundings. They have no control over it. And frogs that can change their sex are set up vastly different from humans, who cannot.
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Postby loony28 » December 11th, 2007, 7:55 am

I'm not saying that it would be easy to change sex or develope a womb. What I'm saying is that there is so much that science does not understand about the mind that you just can't rule out the possibility. Yo may have heard that recently a group of scientists have been able to take skin cells and turn them into embrionic stem cells, or at least stem cells I forget which one they said. Now before this people would have said that once a cell becomes a specific type of cell it can never change.

To take this a little farther there have been reports of people with Multiple Personality Disorder that have had some physical changes take place when one personality takes over. I've heard of eye color changing and moles and birthmarks appearing or disappearing. Granted these are small things but they do stand out as the body being altered by the mind. Why couldn't it happen on a larger scale?
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Postby FlameD » December 12th, 2007, 12:21 am

Well, I really doubt people with MPD change their eye colour and whether or not they have a mole. But even if they could, eye colour is vastly different from sex organs. It's the same difference as painting your walls a different colour and snapping your fingers to turn your walls from wood into brick.
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Postby loony28 » December 12th, 2007, 10:28 pm

Well I'm obviously not going to be able to convince you that it is possible FlameD. It's obvious that you are so close minded that the only way you'll believe that hypnosis can change your sexual organs is if a man with a womb was standing naked right in front of you. I will no longer try to convince you.

For the rest of you if you've read my posts you'll see that I believe this is possible. I've heard somewhere that we do have some frog DNA in us. Sorry but I can't remember where I heard it. Anyways there is a lot of DNA that science has termed junk DNA. Perhaps someplace in that DNA is the key to biologically changing gender or partially changing gender.
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Postby humbugtheman » December 15th, 2007, 1:49 pm

hey, flameD, if u r so sure it doesn't work, why don't u listen to cursewomb for AGES and if nothing happens, your point is proven...
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Postby TawnieTS » December 15th, 2007, 11:32 pm

Being a psychologist, on the verge of getting my doctorate... I will agree that hypnosis could be possible in releasing new hormones, like some of the hypnosis files suggest. I however stand by all that I've studied in this science that hypnosis would not give somebody a real womb.

The main reason? The body cannot reconstruct itself like that, using suggestions, let alone it being physically possible!

Hypnosis is a technique to put suggestions into your head, and make you believe something is happening.

Thats just the BASIC part of it. I cannot scientifically say its proven or disproved that it can release hormones, and or cause slight changes to the body like hair loss. I can scientifically say it is not possible for our bodies to construct a womb without the person probably going through excruciating pain, seeing a doctor daily, and it even getting on the news.

Let alone the idea of a body being able to construct a cervix, uterus, vulva, ovaries, and all the other parts required for a womb is miraculous!

In the end I just believe this guy might be suggested into believing he has a womb, and if he did ask a doctor about it, I would believe the doctor would probably laugh at him, and put him in a straight jacket. I would if I didn't know he was using hypnosis for this. So in the end maybe he was suggested through hypnosis to believe he went to the doctor and the doctor said he did.

xoxo Tawnie.
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » December 16th, 2007, 12:58 am

I am glad to see someone with REAL common sense and creditials to back it up. Of course some of these people on here still wont believe you no matter what lengths you go to. For the most part, these files are just for entertainment, and not capable of fulfilling what they claim.
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Postby Blink » December 16th, 2007, 8:41 am

TawnieTS wrote:In the end I just believe this guy might be suggested into believing he has a womb, and if he did ask a doctor about it, I would believe the doctor would probably laugh at him, and put him in a straight jacket.
Straitjacket for delusions? What kind of prescribers do you have around there? ;)

<advocacy soapbox>
For anyone not up-to-the-minute on the treatment of the mentally ill, mechanical restraints are the last method of behavioral control after verbal redirection, medication and seclusion haven't worked. For all the jurisdictions where I have direct knowledge, restraints are applied only with a medical doctor's order and can only be used for a couple of hours without that order being renewed.

Straitjackets are a rarity. I understand that there are a few military facilities that use them and possibly some prisons. I'd bet that there are more being sold to the public for recreational use these days than there are being sold for institutional use. (Maybe that's just me. I've never seen one in a hospital, but I own two.)

Most people with mental illness are able to control symptoms through the use of oral medication and there are many, many people with serious Axis I diagnoses who have such good symptom control that nobody knows they have the illness unless the self-disclose.
</advocacy soapbox>

I wouldn't normally hijack a thread like this, but considering the forum, I suspect there might be a few people here who've had some contact with mental health service providers. (They're still doing rigorous screens before sex-reassignment surgeries, right?)

We now return you to your discussion of how many entranced angels can dance on the head of a pin.

-- Blink
Doing my part to reduce baseline anxiety.
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Postby Henrique » December 16th, 2007, 12:04 pm

TawnieTS wrote:Being a psychologist, on the verge of getting my doctorate... I will agree that hypnosis could be possible in releasing new hormones, like some of the hypnosis files suggest. I however stand by all that I've studied in this science that hypnosis would not give somebody a real womb.

The main reason? The body cannot reconstruct itself like that, using suggestions, let alone it being physically possible!

Hypnosis is a technique to put suggestions into your head, and make you believe something is happening.

Thats just the BASIC part of it. I cannot scientifically say its proven or disproved that it can release hormones, and or cause slight changes to the body like hair loss. I can scientifically say it is not possible for our bodies to construct a womb without the person probably going through excruciating pain, seeing a doctor daily, and it even getting on the news.

Let alone the idea of a body being able to construct a cervix, uterus, vulva, ovaries, and all the other parts required for a womb is miraculous!

In the end I just believe this guy might be suggested into believing he has a womb, and if he did ask a doctor about it, I would believe the doctor would probably laugh at him, and put him in a straight jacket. I would if I didn't know he was using hypnosis for this. So in the end maybe he was suggested through hypnosis to believe he went to the doctor and the doctor said he did.

xoxo Tawnie.

Thank You. A psychologist like you, a medicine student like me, and most of the readers don't believe. And, if we look, the author of the affirmative never posted again. I think it was a Troll.
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Postby humbugtheman » December 16th, 2007, 1:30 pm

I think TawnyTS is right....
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Postby loony28 » December 16th, 2007, 1:44 pm

Your right the author hasn't posted again but there could be a myrid of reasons why. I still believe that physical change is possible. After all no one knows how powerful the human mind is. I prefer to keep an open mind.
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Postby TawnieTS » December 16th, 2007, 10:59 pm

loony28 wrote:Your right the author hasn't posted again but there could be a myrid of reasons why. I still believe that physical change is possible. After all no one knows how powerful the human mind is. I prefer to keep an open mind.
The human mind may be extremely powerful, but not powerful enough to change genetics. Want to know why?

(For the Med student you can correct me if I get too off track with this.)

Genes are a code that is created before the brain even is. Genetics create the mind of a person, and map out the bodies functions and future functions.

Genes will a lot of times even decide how you will naturally die later on in life if you make it past all the un-natural ways you could die like cancers, and car accidents/murder etc.

Genetics are the reason you even have the mind that can evolve into something extremely powerful. However, unless your genes themselves evolve, which is biological.. not psychological(the brain to say the least.) you will not be able to change your body around, and mutate things that are supposed to be the way there are.

Thats the point behind XY chromosones in DNA, thats the point of DNA in general. The genes and dna in the long run effect your brain, your brain effects your sight, thoughts and ideals. Not your body.

DNA affects hormone release by telling your brain which ones to release. (this is why i think hormones can possibly be released by hypontism, however it isn't scientifically proven.)

I hope I didn't get too off track with this.

All hypnosis can really do in the effect of making a "womb" is put an amazing amount of makeup and costume over things that would normally be there causing the person to think they have a womb.
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Postby TawnieTS » December 16th, 2007, 11:08 pm

Blink wrote:
TawnieTS wrote:In the end I just believe this guy might be suggested into believing he has a womb, and if he did ask a doctor about it, I would believe the doctor would probably laugh at him, and put him in a straight jacket.
Straitjacket for delusions? What kind of prescribers do you have around there? ;)

<advocacy soapbox>
For anyone not up-to-the-minute on the treatment of the mentally ill, mechanical restraints are the last method of behavioral control after verbal redirection, medication and seclusion haven't worked. For all the jurisdictions where I have direct knowledge, restraints are applied only with a medical doctor's order and can only be used for a couple of hours without that order being renewed.

Straitjackets are a rarity. I understand that there are a few military facilities that use them and possibly some prisons. I'd bet that there are more being sold to the public for recreational use these days than there are being sold for institutional use. (Maybe that's just me. I've never seen one in a hospital, but I own two.)

Most people with mental illness are able to control symptoms through the use of oral medication and there are many, many people with serious Axis I diagnoses who have such good symptom control that nobody knows they have the illness unless the self-disclose.
</advocacy soapbox>

I wouldn't normally hijack a thread like this, but considering the forum, I suspect there might be a few people here who've had some contact with mental health service providers. (They're still doing rigorous screens before sex-reassignment surgeries, right?)

We now return you to your discussion of how many entranced angels can dance on the head of a pin.

-- Blink
Doing my part to reduce baseline anxiety.
You took what I said way to serious. Maybe that part was out of line relying to the subject at hand. Of course they wouldn't put someone into a straight jacket if they just thought they had a womb. They however would look into the mental health of the person of course.

In one of my courses revolving around Schizophrenia, Paranoia and MPD subjects that might be aggressive due to these mental heath issues might be restrained. One of those restraints being a straight-jacket. The movies will show them do this to people who are delusional, and that is why I joked about it.

Sorry for that ;)

P.S. I was at Ft. Logan mental health center in Colorado once for a tour of the hospital. I saw one male get restrained and that was because he was hitting the wall and they suspected him to not be taking his medicine. They didn't want him to hurt himself or anyone else, and I am sure it only lasted until he was calm and showed no signs of hurting himself or others.

xoxo Tawnie.
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Postby loony28 » December 17th, 2007, 2:15 am

Well I guess I'm a glutton for punishment since I'm still posting here but I'll go ahead and post some more.

Like I've said before no one knows how powerful the mind is. If you believe in the bible Jesus was able to perform all types of miracles. Miracles like making a blind man see and raising the dead. Now I believe that the blind man was blind from birth which had to do with genetics so how would you explain that?

There are frogs that can change their gender when need be. I know this arguement was made before and the reply was the frogs don't think about changing their gender. All I have to say is how do you know that they don't think about changing gender? Have you talked to a frog that has changed it's gender and asked it what it was thinking?

I heard before that we have DNA from multiple species in us and that some is frog DNA.

Here's another question for you. Why do males have nipples if their gender is locked in at conception? What do they do?

I'm sure we all know what happens when a male takes horomones to become female. His breasts start to grow and his penis shrinks. What's to say that they couldn't go further than that? After all they only take the horomones for about a year and after that they take lower doses I believe. Maybe if they kept taking those higher doses longer than a year there may be some changes that were previously thought impossible.

Oh well I'm sure I'm going to get hammered on this so go ahead and hammer away. I'm not going to change my mind that it's possible.
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Postby TawnieTS » December 17th, 2007, 2:37 am

But its great at the same time you're thinking about the possibilities! I'm completely honest with you on that babe. I guess I'm just one of those girls that lives by her science teachings! :lol:

I could nitpick at some of the things you said but I'm not going to because I honestly don't want to argue, even though it would be a great discussion.

I don't believe in the bible however; so miracles never seemed to me as something that was possible! :lol:

Anyway, I'd still love to see photos or proof of this physically working. Maybe put me in my place!

xoxo Tawnie
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Long and OT (again)

Postby Blink » December 17th, 2007, 7:39 am

TawnieTS wrote:In one of my courses revolving around Schizophrenia, Paranoia and MPD subjects that might be aggressive due to these mental heath issues might be restrained. One of those restraints being a straight-jacket. The movies will show them do this to people who are delusional, and that is why I joked about it.

Sorry for that ;)
Don't be. I was sure you were making a joke. I just took the opportunity to whip out my soapbox. It's one of the things I do.

And it's not MPD anymore. It's Dissociative Identity Disorder. ;) Go whack your instructor with his/her old book.

You know that schizophrenia is not a predictor for violence, right? (Though active symptoms of psychosis do, statistically, link with violence.) The stats show that clients with SCZ are more likely to be the victims of violence than the general population and only get a slight bump above baseline for initiating violence. You're more likely to catch a fist (or a chair or a shiv) from someone who's clear on Axis I but who owns real estate on Axis II (Cluster B). If you can find comorbid Paranoid SCZ and Antisocial Personality DO, though, that's where the magic happens.

This discussion is completely--and incredibly--off-topic, though. We can talk shop elsewhere, if you like.

-- Blink
I'm taking this thread where there ain't no extradition!
Last edited by Blink on May 10th, 2010, 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby FlameD » December 17th, 2007, 10:04 am

loony28 wrote:
All I have to say is how do you know that they don't think about changing gender? Have you talked to a frog that has changed it's gender and asked it what it was thinking?

For one thing, pollution can cause frogs to change their gender. So unless the frogs are seeing the pollution and thinking 'Hey, let's create problems for ourselves by all becoming male', it's involuntary.

loony28 wrote:I heard before that we have DNA from multiple species in us and that some is frog DNA.

Well, no. That's completely wrong. We don't have any DNA except human DNA. Mostly because we're human. Our DNA may have parts similar to parts in a frog's DNA, but that's it.

loony28 wrote:Here's another question for you. Why do males have nipples if their gender is locked in at conception? What do they do?

Gender is locked at conception. That's not an 'if'. It's a fact. Chromosomes, you know. XY, XX. There are, of course, other problems that can arise, such as XXY, or if an otherwise female baby is exposed to testosterone in the womb, but those are issues that arise during development, not 20 or 30 years after birth.

Why do males have nipples?

"Starting at conception and lasting until about 14 weeks, all mammalian fetuses within the same species look the same, regardless of sex. After 14 weeks, genetically-male fetuses begin producing male hormones such as testosterone. As "female" is the "developmental default" for mammals, by 14 weeks the nipples have already formed."

loony28 wrote:I'm sure we all know what happens when a male takes horomones to become female. His breasts start to grow and his penis shrinks. What's to say that they couldn't go further than that?

What's to say they can't go further? ... Well, reality. Science. The human body. If you don't exercise, your muscles will diminish because they aren't used. If you continue to not use your muscles, they will not transform into a pony. There's a limit. A shrinking penis is different then a penis which revert through all the stages of its development, then re-develops as an entirely different organ.

loony28 wrote:Oh well I'm sure I'm going to get hammered on this so go ahead and hammer away. I'm not going to change my mind that it's possible.

Well, that's a bit closed-minded of you. To be open-minded, you should also be open to the possibility that you're wrong.
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Postby loony28 » December 17th, 2007, 3:27 pm

FlameD wrote:Well, that's a bit closed-minded of you. To be open-minded, you should also be open to the possibility that you're wrong.

Oh I know that I could be wrong. If you notice I said that I believe that it's possible. I never said that it was a definate fact that it is nor have I said that it's not possible.

I know that according to science that they say it's not possible but then again there are things which science does not explain. It's because of these things that I believe that total gender change or growing a fully functional womb is possible.
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » December 17th, 2007, 11:49 pm

Diapered_Cherub wrote:. . . . Of course some of these people on here still wont believe you no matter what lengths you go to. . .
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Postby Henrique » December 18th, 2007, 3:16 pm

Well, here I am again.

Tawnie, you didn't stray (but we may consider cancer as a natural death because of genetics).

Frogs are genetic programmed to change when they need. Not when they want.

Don't put the Bible on the middle of a science discussion. Some may not believe on the book (I believe on it), but it's not worthy to flame even more the discussion.

Nipples are a vestigious. Did you know that fetuses have tail? And hands similar to a frog? And a head similar to a "lesser" mammal? It's called ontogenic, if i'm not wrong.

Ya know, I won't discuss anymore here. Why not search articles trying to find something similar? "If I can't find that's doesn't mean it does not exist!". So, DO yourself a research. Get subjects, plan the work and just do it.
If it don't work, we (and the majority of the world) are right.
If it work and a male develops a womb, buy a suit because you would gain a Noble Prize.

And, like said before, an open mind is one that agrees to change opinions when faced with the actual truth.

Just don't try to make it a [url=]flame war[/url].

Also, if we look to the first post, we're all on off topic.
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Postby Wildsprite » January 20th, 2008, 3:41 am

you people that have posted about disturb me, you practice a theory a theory is something that someone before you came up with, and you know what science has NOT PROVEN anything about genetics, they gave up when they found what satisfied them, the mind is the most powerful tool we have and I do not believe that humans are locked into the form they are in, I for one have yet to see anything thats really more than someone with their head up their ass trying to disprove things so others wont believe, you believe what you want, let others believe what they want, its their life not yours, if they really do believe that suggestion in the file will work, it probably will eventually even if it is in fact physical, trying to shoot someone down and make them give up on their dreams is really stupid and not a good thing, humans have the most potential of any being on this world yet most will never realize it and you know why? close minded people who quote science to induce doubt thats why
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Postby FlameD » January 20th, 2008, 9:01 pm

So, you're saying that people should believe whatever they want to believe with no concern about reality? That if I honestly thought that Japan really contained giant lizards that fought with giant apes on a daily basis, or that Canada was a mythical land of dragons and wizards, you would just smile and say 'Good job using your potential'?
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Postby Wildsprite » January 20th, 2008, 10:43 pm

I suppose I deserved that, still the mind is capable if creating physical change, science says its not, this created doubt making it not happen
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Postby Lobotaru » January 21st, 2008, 2:33 pm

Actually, hormonal changes are possible through hypnosis, so saying that hypnosis can't cause physical changes is a moot point, because it can. Because hypnosis effects the brain, it can effect a person on many different levels depending on how susceptible they are. That's probably a very general explanation, but it shows that physical changes can happen. Now, as for a womb actually forming, that I'd need to see proof of. I can see breast tissue being formed due to hormonal changes, but an actual womb is something of a different story.
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Postby Wildsprite » January 21st, 2008, 4:13 pm

exactly, but just because you need proof doesn't mean others don't believe, and creating doubt is just foolish, let em believe, whats the worst that happens? they fail? its better to fail without some outside critic creating doubt than to have someone or many someones saying it cant happen
Last edited by Wildsprite on January 22nd, 2008, 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby JHoffman » January 22nd, 2008, 2:55 am

Last edited by JHoffman on November 9th, 2012, 3:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Wildsprite » January 22nd, 2008, 5:34 pm

JHoffman wrote:Some of you gotta broaden your horizons a little.

this is my point exactly, some people have gotten themselves so wrapped up in science they seem to think its the only way, therefore they never remember there are other ways, science is not an end to the way things are, but some of you treat it that way with your "this cant work" or "thats not possible" all I am trying to say is this, I believe in mind over matter, I believe the mind can change the entire structure of the body to suit it, who is to say we cant influence that? so I say don't stop believing in what you want, be it the changing of your genitals from this or another file, or something else entirely, if you want it bad enough there IS a way to do it, keep looking, keep believing, you will find it someday
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Postby MindMaster » January 23rd, 2008, 4:46 pm

JHoffman wrote:There is no conclusive evidence that hypnosis cannot change the way a body physically works, and on the same token, there is no conclusive evidence to prove that hypnosis can.

Some of you gotta broaden your horizons a little.

In my experience, which is considerable, certain physical changes can be made with hypnosis, like the production of hormones, enzymes or or endorphins. However, the production of additional organs, such as a womb in a male can NOT be produced.

Hypnosis can stimulate production of female hormones in a male resulting in secondary, not SECONDARY, female characteristic such as breast enlargement and growth and/or reduction of male secondary characteristics.

Unless I see physical proof or read about same in a medical journal, I can not believe a male can develop a functional womb "I am 6 months pregnant".

My two cents anyway.

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Postby Wildsprite » January 24th, 2008, 1:12 am

ok so don't believe without proof, your post is just another that presents doubt, yet you have no proof it cannot be done either
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Well, hypnosis might be nebulous for growing a womb, but...

Postby SomePerson » January 24th, 2008, 1:59 am

I know that I have no posts, but this thread has been catching my attention for awhile, and I thought I would throw in my two cents.

I looked into some studies that related to the clinical application of hypnosis, specifically in pediatrics. In a study, from a peer-reviewed journal, it was observed that hypnosis significantly and dramatically reduced the "colon motility" within the test group. While under hypnosis apparently the subjects were given induced emotions, and the resulting colon motility was observed.

[Colon motility/scintigraphic transit study measures pressures of the colon before and after you eat. These measurements will provide information on how your colon is working. Taken from]

Additionally the study may be found at:

EDIT: The entire study verbatim may be found at this link:

In conclusion, while hypnosis may not necessarily induce the growth of a womb, we still cannot discount it entirely. Consider that years ago hypnosis was scoffed and mocked by scientists, yet this and many other studies would suggest otherwise. We should always try to maintain an open mind, and be very careful about saying "never" or "ever," as it can often be thrown back into one's face. People merely have to open their eyes, many things happen that we can't explain, and we deny it and call it impossible, but we never no know.

Let the flames begin... :roll:

Last edited by SomePerson on January 24th, 2008, 3:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Wildsprite » January 24th, 2008, 2:47 am

this is my point exactly, I believe this file could work for the right person if they truly believe, creating doubt will only do one thing, make it likely not happen, why would anybody want to make something like this not happen? I think of it this way, its my right to attempt and fail, I should not have everyone and their brother trying to discourage me, which regardless of whether you realize it your doing by creating doubt, if someone wants this let them attempt it, who knows they might prove it worked, that would do wonders for the entire hypnosis community, whats the worst that will happen? the file wont work for them? better to go into it with a positive attitude and see if their minds will make it happen
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Postby loony28 » January 24th, 2008, 8:24 am

wildfantom wrote:this is my point exactly, I believe this file could work for the right person if they truly believe, creating doubt will only do one thing, make it likely not happen, why would anybody want to make something like this not happen? I think of it this way, its my right to attempt and fail, I should not have everyone and their brother trying to discourage me, which regardless of whether you realize it your doing by creating doubt, if someone wants this let them attempt it, who knows they might prove it worked, that would do wonders for the entire hypnosis community, whats the worst that will happen? the file wont work for them? better to go into it with a positive attitude and see if their minds will make it happen

Well I haven't posted in this thread for awhile so I thought I would now. I agree with wildfantom on this. I do have this to add to it. This file is harmless so let those that want to try it try it. Don't try creating doubt by saying that it can't be done. If you don't think that it will work then fine, I don't care. Just don't say that you can't change your body like that through hypnosis because no one knows how powerful the mind is. I have stated some of the reasons that I think hypnosis can alter the body.
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Postby dollors1 » January 28th, 2008, 3:34 pm

loony28 wrote:
Gender is locked at conception. That's not an 'if'. It's a fact. Chromosomes, you know. XY, XX. There are, of course, other problems that can arise, such as XXY, or if an otherwise female baby is exposed to testosterone in the womb, but those are issues that arise during development, not 20 or 30 years after birth.

Why do males have nipples?

"Starting at conception and lasting until about 14 weeks, all mammalian fetuses within the same species look the same, regardless of sex. After 14 weeks, genetically-male fetuses begin producing male hormones such as testosterone. As "female" is the "developmental default" for mammals, by 14 weeks the nipples have already formed."

It seems gender is locked in at conception at birth as an XX, and then hormones change the physical body to that of a male or a female, so chromosomes are not picked at conception but, and I know the information is floating around the net somewhere, change sexes multiple times before the "hormone see-saw" ends.

What I am going to tell you isn't as dramatic as changing sexes, but I think it does help hold up weight as to what hypnosis can do to you physically.

I am MtF and before I took hormones I took anti-androgens. And before I took anti-androgens, I took :)

One of the files I listened to exclusively (I forgot which one) talked about your blood hormones changing to that of a female permanately (I know it was an EMG file). I listened to it A LOT and never thought anything of it.

I first started taking anti-androgens (they lower testosterone in our body) but no estrogen. I believe it was in the first 6 months that my doctor told me something miraculous....

My blood level, despite never taking any female hormones or seeing any physical changes, yet, was already to that of a female level!

I don't remember the terminology, but the hormone is prolactin and I think the normal female range is 14 points (whatever points is).

This was at a transgendered clinic in San Francisco. My doctor has seen trannies for years, and he said that I was the first person he's ever seen do that, and he said that most people there take TONS of hormones and never get above a few points.

It holds little weight, though because I never had my blood levels checked before listening to the files, but who's to say that it didn't turn out like it did because I believed in the mind what was happening to the body?

Oh, and thanks for the help, EMG ;)
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Postby FlameD » January 28th, 2008, 9:15 pm

Chromosomes are picked at conception. The mother's egg has an X. The father's sperm has either an X or a Y. When sperm meets egg, you have either XX or XY.

If you have XY, then certain hormones cause your body to develop into a male. These hormones are caused by your chromosomes.

You do not change sexes during development. You do not flip-flop. You don't start with a vagina, then get a penis, then back to a vagina, then back to penis again. You grow either a penis or a vagina, then you're stuck with it.
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Postby Wildsprite » January 29th, 2008, 12:42 am

people your getting off topic, this isn't about science or genetics, its about hypnosis and the possibilities of a file working, genetics does not decide if a file will work on you or not, your subconsciousness does, I think this topic should be locked due to all the flames its gotten from its beginnings
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Postby sunray_2 » January 29th, 2008, 1:44 am

Since the mortality-rate of people seems still to be at 100%, despite the best efforts of alchemists over the centuries, who i assume believed fervently in their goal, and since control of your body right down to the DNA would lead to immortality, the idea of the complete malleability of the body is hard to believe.

I suppose it would be possible for you to get into a state where you strongly believe to have a womb and will do your best to ignore contradicting evidence. In your subjective reality it then would have happened.

You might experience some friction with the rest of the world then.

Of course people have this annoying tendency to become anxious and defensive if the world constantly tells them they are nuts and dead wrong. I am not sure whether you would be much happier with strong beliefs you can't support by evidence.

On the other hand, if everyone would recognize you as a woman, your body would show evidence that you are a woman (HRT, GRS and good starting conditions ) this particular belief would only be contradicted at your doctors, so you could in theory live happily with it. After all for women having a womb is pretty normal.
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Postby loony28 » January 29th, 2008, 9:26 am

sunray_2 you might want to look up Nicholas Flamel. There are stories that he and his wife came into quite a bit of money suddenly and that people have seen them years after they were suppose to have died.

I still believe that hypnosis can drastically alter the body if given a chance. I had said this before and I'll say it again, NO ONE knows the limits of what the mind can do. If someone claims to know that then they are either a super genius or just following what everybody tells them.
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Postby sunray_2 » January 29th, 2008, 12:49 pm

We will have to disagree then. The evidence i saw so far isn't enough to convince me even in such basic cases like breast enlargement. What i read in studies wasn't exactly properly peer reviewed and up to standards.

I am sure though that the women in question were happier with their breasts after receiving a few sessions of imagination how wonderfully firm and big they are.

I do believe that hypnosis can help to motivate you to keep a reasonable diet, to work out, to dress nice and to change your self-image enough that you actually dare to have poise and attitude, which can go a loooong way into making you attractive. :)

And i think this isn't bad at all.
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Postby Henrique » January 29th, 2008, 3:00 pm

loony28 wrote:NO ONE knows the limits of what the mind can do.

and NO ONE can convince you of the opposite, don't matter how strong are the evidences, the facts, and so on.

If a moderator is reading this topic, please close it. It won't go further, because:

1. The people who belive 'nosis can do will believe doesn't matter what other say.

2. The people who follows the facts of life won't start to believe 'nosis can change.
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