My results - Files or Genetic? You decide.

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

Moderator: EMG

My results - Files or Genetic? You decide.

Postby Billtaylor » January 19th, 2009, 11:14 am

OK, so I stumbled across this site about 5 years ago when i was 18, and became infactuated and even somewhat obsessed.
Now I haven't listened to many files consistently, but I have listed to many files, and the results, well... I can't say if they are attributed to the files or just my own changing in life. Still, I think if anything, the files definatly gave me a push, or an edge on the notion that I want to be a girl.
I have always been a very petite boy, with many soft feminine features. Even to this day, with me being 23, I can barely grow any facial hair and have been told by my mom that I still look very girly.
At the time when I first found this site I was going to the gym 5 times a week, and taking any bulking supliment I could get my hands on. I was in a confused point of my life, where I figured if I can't be the feminine boy I wanted to be (as I grew up in a small southern town), then I would be the manly man that society hoped I would be.
I continued this routine for 4 years, up until I turned 22, and then had a sudden change of heart. I was nearing the end of college and could see a possible change of environment in the future, so I quit working out. I started to let my muscle deterioate and my feminine features re-emerage.
Then, I stumbled across the Alison feminization files, and that's when I became obsessed yet once again. I actually did get into the habbit of listening to these files frequently, and found them having a profound effect on my thinking and views on being a feminine boy.
So during the summer of 2008 I finished college, and started looking for new places to move to. I packed up a suitcase and my cat, and traveled far northwest, a long long way away from the south.
The idea of becoming a girl had consumed my thoughts, and almost haunted me... because it had never been an option where I was born, raised and was living before I moved.
Now, I have always dated girls in the past (and considered myself straight), but that too has changed somewhat. I find myself now, far away from home, dating a boy (who makes an absolutely gorgeous girl when he goes in drag) and living for the most part... as a girl.
I don't even have boy cloths with me in my new city. I gave them all away to someone who is going FtM. I don't always go out as a complete girl, but I do always wear girls cloths. In fact, I have dressed in girls panties, shirts, jeans, skirts, coats, and even socks for months now. I always wear eye makeup at the very least, I have my eyebrows waxed as a girls, my body is hairless, my hair is cut as a girls, and the only article of boys clothing that I've worn in months are my boots (which are very girly).
I am saving up to buy silicon inserts to fill my bra so that I can begin wearing a bra 24/7. I anticipate to have purchased the ones I want by the start of Febuary. I also believe that I will have begun taking estrogen by mid-summer, and hopefully by this time next year I will be well into my way of transitioning into a girl.
I don't know if this is all a result of the files, my obsession with being a girl since I was 5, or the change of environment that has suddenly come about... but one thing is for certain... I am a girl now. =)
Posts: 3
Joined: July 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby Jennjenn » January 19th, 2009, 12:02 pm

WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You are living the dream that most of us here wish we could. Who knows if I had stumbled across this site when I was 20 I'd be living the dream too, these files certainly help with your inhibitions. Anyway congratulations and I wish you the best of luck in your new chosen life!
Posts: 29
Joined: November 10th, 2005, 1:00 am

Postby jooli » January 24th, 2009, 12:31 pm

Good for you. Maybe not genetic, but whatever it is that makes people transsexual. The current thinking is that it's related to pre-natal hormonal conditions.

Enough of the science though. The great thing is you are living the life you always wanted. Maybe the files gave you the shove you needed. Maybe it would have happened anyway. You wouldn't have found those files interesting if the subject hadn't been on your mind to start with.
Posts: 32
Joined: April 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

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