Back to work on the Transgender-Curriculum

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Back to work on the Transgender-Curriculum

Postby gdrileyx » December 8th, 2017, 3:16 pm

I have been busy the last few years, transitioning and working as a woman. But I was disabled in a car accident, and initially denied for social-security disability and have to appeal, which takes two years might as well be forever. So, I am back to work on hypnofiles.

I am proof that my hypnofiles work. I used to be a very hairy guy. I am on hormones ten years, which helps some, but I now have almost no body hair, less than my ex-wife, without ever having one treatment.

I used to be a macho-guy. Maybe it's not who I was deep inside, but that is how I came across. People perceived me as an archetype alpha-male and Type-A personality.

When I started my transition, I used files by EMG and Lady Rio. But they are not transgender, and it didn't all ring true, and their gaps that didn't see. So I using their inductions, and self-hypnosis. Then I started making files based on those ideas, and new elements that came up during my transition. My files work. Although their are some bigots, I am generally perceived now as a beautiful woman, perfect lady and good female friend, at work and at play. Most of the time, I have no perception that I am trans, I am just a woman, and my previous life feels no more real than a good novel. I remember my life as a man essentially the way I remember For Whom the Bell Tolls or The Brothers Karamazov.

Alot of those goes to the women in my life, helping me get insight and providing role-models. But more important is my hypnosis. This is because current hypnosis practice is based on an obsolete understanding of how the mind works. Standard hypnosis is effective to an extent, because it is based on a partial understanding of how the mind works. My hypnosis is more effective because it works on the mind as we now know it to be. The conscious mind is an illusion, everything happens with parallel-processing neural networks, memes, and hardwired zombie-routines. My files incorporate all of that in subtle ways that they are different from standard files. Which is why they have worked so well for me.

But there is a cumulative-synergy to it. They build on each other. I designed the GDRileyxTransgender series to be like a college curriculum. 100s are introductory, and prerequisite for 200-level exploratory. The 300s are to help you decide if you really want to transition. I am working on the 400s now, to graduate into full femaleness, as I have. Consider me to be like a graduate-student working on her PhD in transitioning, teaching undergrad courses.
Posts: 56
Joined: May 9th, 2006, 12:00 am

Re: Back to work on the Transgender-Curriculum

Postby gdrileyx » December 10th, 2017, 1:25 pm

Here are some listener-comments posted about my files:

Pretty good stuff
I am now a fan of gdrileyx. 5 stars.
OMG if you like this type of file, this (and Princess Slut Revised) are the best files of this type.
Best. File. Ever. If you like this kind of file, this one is definitely worth your time.
OMG. I didn\'t think this was possible. But I really do accept myself as a woman now after listening to this file. It is sooooo sexy. And so smart. And so.... it has so much insight. things I didn\'t know how to say them, this file said them to me. Thankyo...
This file was wonderfully calming, and resonated with me deeply. It\'s a very relaxing journey into your mind, and into a very deep trance. I\'m so glad I listened to it!
interesting to say the least.
I really like it. The induction is good (complete), the instructions are positive, and I especially like the going to sleep rather than waking.
Dear GdRiley,\n Hats off to you. I place that in proper case and sense, of course. Often, some take my wordings as offensive. Others take my passage of sentencing to have differing meanings, than that implied. So there is no misgivings: You are consistent in cranking out file after file after file. I can, no way, keep up with a top rated pro, as yourself. My files are much shorter and in lesser supply.\nSincerely,\nHaxsaw
Posts: 56
Joined: May 9th, 2006, 12:00 am

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