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Limp clitty problems

PostPosted: June 15th, 2014, 8:06 am
by alex1
Hello everybody ! i have a problem to reach a total limpness of my silly clitty, whenever i try to rub it gets stiff and it is very annoying and frustrating. Anyone can suggest me some file to help me ? alexia

PostPosted: June 15th, 2014, 8:13 am
by jan
Have you listened to the Goddess Gracie files?

MsJ has some encouraging limpness around women, which could help.

Both are available here on WMM.

Also, Mistress Elena has a free series of files on limpness, in the chastity section:

I think Lycia may have some pay files on the subject too.

The basic advice is, however, to stop touching yourself whenever any stiffness develops, and only start touching again once limpness is regained.

PostPosted: June 15th, 2014, 8:26 am
by alex1
Thanks so much Jan for your quick reply you were so kind i think i ll go for some free files at first to see how they works on me. Limpness in my opinion is one of the most important thing to be girly!