Help finding a file

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Help finding a file

Postby tankthefrank » September 6th, 2018, 9:12 pm

Ever have a file that you loved? It was your favorite and you would always go back to that file but times change and there`s so many files to listen to.
Well, I need help identifying a file that was a favorite of mine when I first listened to hypno files. I can`t remember the name of the file or the name of the person who did it but I can give a description of the file hoping someone will recognize it.
First off, it was the only file this person had made.
The voice was female, sounded like a young girl (almost like she had a stuffy nose lol).
It started out with her telling you to imagine a stairway with 10 steps and at the bottom there was a door. When you stepped through the door you were in a green field.
In the file she was to change everything about you (I know, they all say that lol). The way you write, always triggered by the color pink. She would repeat her affirmations a few times everytime she had one in the file.
It was a long file, definitely over an hour long.
I can`t remember where I found it or where I downloaded it from suffice to say I don`t think it was downloaded from WMM.
The person who voiced the file was not a well known `tist` and as I said earlier, they only did the one file.
I wish I could remember more of what was in the file. Hoping this clicks in someone`s memory and they can recall what the file name and the `tist` who made it.
Posts: 20
Joined: October 21st, 2017, 12:21 pm

Re: Help finding a file

Postby napras-sword » September 6th, 2018, 10:42 pm

Could it be this one? ... e_id=10160
ThatOneGurl also did another one, that isn't on the site for some reason: ... sp=sharing
Posts: 15
Joined: December 9th, 2009, 1:00 am

Re: Help finding a file

Postby tankthefrank » September 7th, 2018, 4:26 am

Holy! You sir are the man!
It was the second one :D
I was hoping someone would recognize the file.
‘Girly Depths’- one of the very first files I had ever listened to and unfortunately erased by accident.
I wished she made another one but I guess it was never meant to be.
Thanks again my friend! It’s greatly appreciated :)
Posts: 20
Joined: October 21st, 2017, 12:21 pm

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