Tell us your female fantasies

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Tell us your female fantasies

Postby topstatus » October 22nd, 2006, 5:57 am

Basically what are your female fantasies? Perhaps we can help each other out to reach that fantasy.

For me...

I want to just wake up from a hypnosis session and realize that I'm a teenage girl. Big tits, soft pussy, huge ass.... hot. I would be wearing girly pink clothes. Pink bikini, pink top... pink. Then I want to be just be completely horny. So horny that I'm literally screaming and moaning to be fucked. And then comes the sex. :)

I want to be kidnapped by aliens. They would strap me to table and experiment on me. They would convert me to a girl and fuck me.

Sometimes I get really tempted to find someone on MySpace or a gay community and ask them to come over and do my ass. I have a really nice ass right now.. I think it's from listening to the FemaleButt file. Everyone says I have a nice ass these days.

I'll post more fantasies later on. What about you?
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Postby donna_cd » October 22nd, 2006, 6:48 am

well i think lots of us can associate with the 'PINK' thing ! dunno about the aliens tho,how will they find you?you dont even say what country you are in !
i myself quite like the idea of abduction tho,not by aliens ,just someone who would force me onto hormones,use hypno & turn me into a dirty slut who craves cock !
my living environment at the moment prevents me from doin it for myself unfortunately,hence the fantasy of being taken away from it. xx
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Postby Blackjaz » October 22nd, 2006, 10:38 am

I More like the PINK FANTASY But, one thing I would like to feel the Changes happen to me. :idea: The other Idea is A little odd Don't like
it. But still cool. Men if I was in A woman Body I be very happy. I just
Went to be in A female body so I can understand them and Put it down
as Research. :idea:
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Postby AdamZLaJuene » October 23rd, 2006, 3:29 am

I fantasise about being a scantily clad lesbien that is constantly tied up and felt up by other women. I think my favorite fantasy involves me in a button down blouse, miniskirt, ppantyhose and heals, my arms are bound behind my back and I'm tape gagged. There is another woman sucking on one of my breasts and reaching up my skirt to feel one of my inner thighs.

I just want the ability to switch genders at will and someone to to keep a hand up my skirt.
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Postby oh2bpreg » October 23rd, 2006, 7:04 pm

My ultimate fantasy is to be turned into a breeding machine for a woman, being forced to bear her children. The pregnancies of course feminize me (lactating breasts, female rear, pregnant belly)
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Postby Jacara » October 23rd, 2006, 7:40 pm

Strictly in the realm of fantasy, I wish I could magically turn into a woman (and back again) whenever I wanted - but I'd spend most of my time as a woman :P
I don't really have any detailed fantasies for what I'd do as one when it happened, I just would feel more right that way.
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Postby Luperci » October 23rd, 2006, 8:01 pm

One of my fantasies about feminization is also one that my Fiance has found out about and is working on helping to come about from some of the files from this site and also a few modifications that she has had me make to the files.

My fantasy goes along the lines of this:

Grow breasts, and learn to love having breasts.

Start having periods

Get pregnant

have my baby

Up to my Fiance
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Postby hypno-nut » October 24th, 2006, 1:01 pm

I wish I would slowly & specifically feminize. I would first grow large, firm & tender breasts, then my body fat would reform. Next my hair would grow longer & my penis would shrink. Finally my face would feminize. Until total feminisation I would retain all my other male aspects & would be embarassed by this slow transformation. :oops:
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Postby Jacara » October 24th, 2006, 3:02 pm

I find it odd that Step #1 for some of you is "grow breasts" - with the rest of you looking decidedly masculine, wouldn't that be extremely awkward? :roll:
If one's face and body shape looked feminine, then I can understand adding breasts to the package...
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Postby hypno-nut » October 24th, 2006, 3:34 pm

The whole point in it is feminisation through embarassment. At least it is for me.
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Postby zillie » October 26th, 2006, 12:26 am

Hey everyone, I'm new here but I have a fantasy. The idea came from a movie I watched, 2 women were in an accident (I didn't see the whole movie) anyway one was braindead, the other's body was destoyed so the doctors took the good brain and put it in the other womans body only don't want anyone to die just swith me with a supermodel who wants a mans body( yea, right).
Another sci-fi Idea is someday they will geneticly cross female gene's with a virus and inject it right into my butt and it will slowly turn me into a supermodel. They have done things like this already to mice. I saw a program where they injected mice with a supermuscle virus that resulted in a suped up muscle mouse.
If I could be hipnotised into seeing myself in the mirror as a beautiful woman, that would be a splendid fantasy also, but not sure if that is even possible.
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Postby Jacara » October 26th, 2006, 8:40 am

hypno-nut wrote:The whole point in it is feminisation through embarassment. At least it is for me.

I don't know how common that is, but for a lot of people embarassment has nothing to do with it. Some people just want to be as close to female as possible (despite the embarassment, not because of it) and see hypnosis as a means to that end.
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My fantasy ~ My reality

Postby jarvisteflon » October 26th, 2006, 4:11 pm

My fantasy ~ My reality ~ My evil twin

There is a masochistic and "addictive" aspect to it for me. No doubt about it.

The humiliation I might experience as a result of my feminization as my skin and muscles and voice softenened and my breasts became difficult or impossible to conceal and my tush became rounder and "cuter" and stuck out behind me—the thought of it turns me on. Endlessly. Feminizing equals a betrayal and destruction of my masculinity. And I get off on the idea. Of reliquishing my manhood, giving up the agency and "power" that is thought to be a man's birthright (in a "man's world" anyhow, man has the upper hand over woman) and being forced to accept another supposedly weaker hand. Of being destroyed as a man and reborn a woman, but less than a woman even. A shemale. A hermaphrodite. The Third Sex. I suspect for me humiliation IS the whole deal, because that is all that I could ever really become. Not a woman, but a humiliated demoralized womanized version of a man.

In terms of pure fantasy though, yes a complete transformation to a genuine woman would not involve a humiliation factor. Not necessarily anyhow, except in terms of whatever mental and psychological adjustments I'd be required to make. To "cope". But if it is a fantasy there need not be any such adjustments. No coping. Just me AS a woman, suddenly, magically. But where's the fun in that? (In this area I have occassionaly fantasized simply swapping bodies with women I know. Or having my male body "stolen" by them and being "trapped" in their female body, forced to live their female life. I remember having these fantasies as early as the sixth grade.)

But I think I am much more interested in the transformation process. Slow. Deliciously slow. To the point of being maddening, a daily incremental mind fuck, like waiting for water to boil, ("Am I changing or not? I can't tell.") with the idea that the transformation—which I have allowed, initiated, nurtured and hastened, fully aware of the embarassment and pain it might eventually lead to—will quietly and imperceptibly progress to the point where one day I realize "Fuck me. It really IS happening. Oh shit." But it will seem manageable still, as I go on my merry way. Concealable, for awhile. And more importantly, it will be exciting. Thriling. So I will foolishly let it continue, telling myself "If they start to get too big I'll just stop." AS IF I am in control of what's happening! And then before I know it (perhaps sooner and more suddenly than I'd expected) that day comes. And just as suddenly and unceremoniously it will be too late. I'll realize that my feminization is all too real, all too obvious, and that it has "gotten out of control". I will panic. I will cry. I'll want desperately for it to stop. But I won't know how to stop it because I won't know how, really, it all started. Or if I could stop it, or slow it down, even with an endocrinologist's help, growth's forward momentum will continue even as it is "ramping down". So even as I wake up and come to grips with the fact that I've taken things too far and resolve to put a stop to it, I also have to face the fact that there is more growth to come. Inevitable and unwanted growth. My doctor will warn me, "It's gonna get worse before it gets better." Except it's not going to GET better. It's only gonna get worse!

Though I will have proof to the contrary, I will reject the possibility that the changes in my body have anything to do with hypnosis or with anything I may have "wished" for. Because that's silly, right?! Besides, I won't want to appear responsible for what has happened. So I will feign ignorance. I will try to just think of it as nature's cruel trick, a homornal imbalance. Something beyond my control. I'll still be embarassed and humiliated. But if I can characterized it this way, if I can convince myself and those who care about me of this, then any further changes I am the victim of (i.e. if and when my boobs get even bigger) it will be "out of my hands". Hopefully that will make it a little bit easier for me to deal with the fact that my secret fantasy life, my perverted obsession, my reckless experimentations with self-hypnosis actually became manifest and bit me on my ass. Regardless of how I rationalize it to myself or to the world though, at the end of the day I WILL have breasts. Real breasts. Breasts that no longer pass for well-developed pecs. Breasts I can't hide or remove without the $10,000 cash that a painful and disfiguring reduction procedure will cost. Breasts that are more and more beginning to look like... BOOBS. I will be outted, dragged from my private fantasy world into the light of day. I will have kept my beard up until that point, mainly as a disguise, a way of distracting people from noticing my feminized body, to reassert (cling to) my masculinity. But eventually I will realize that my female form would look and feel less ridiculous and that I could probably go unnoticed more easily without a beard. So I'll shave it off, for good. And I'll look even more feminine. As much woman now as a man. Discretion will force me to give up the gym (or any public restroom for that matter), my lean muscle will melt away from lack of regular exercise, turning to fat, further softening me, rounding my shoulders... leaving me with a voluptuous womanly figure, one whose main outstanding feature is a pair of round pillowy TITS large enough to make me into an object of male sexual desire. Large enough now to sag, necessitating the wearing of a brassiere, which will support them and keep them from bouncing around inside my shirt, but will also make them sit higher, look prettier, and stand out even more noticably, enough to draw objectifying stares no matter how I minimize or dress them down. I will experience daily the indignities and inconveniences visited upon any large-breasted woman as my tits are continually jutting, bouncing, cleaving together, catching the light, stretching my shirts, jiggling, bumping into things, distracting me, attracting unwanted attention, diverting people's gaze from my eyes to my chest, getting in my way physically, emotionally and socially to the point of taking control of my life. Basically restricting my freedom of movement in the world. Determining what I can and cannot do (without inviting pain and embarassment on myself and others). Friends and loved ones will pressure me to get them cut off. And if I refuse or make excuses why I can't afford it or if I appear reluctant at all to pursue a reduction, their sympathy for me will disappear. They will feel free to judge me, or shun me. At that point the "curse" aspect of the breast curse will be all too evident. Because I WILL refuse. I WILL be reluctant. My breasts will make life difficult, but they will also be incredibly sensual, comforting, a source of unspeakable pleasure. The biggest turn-on imaginable. My feminized body will prove its own consolation. Whatever pain or humiliation it causes me will eventually yeild to a weirdly defiant pride, self-satisfaction and, finally, forced acceptance of what I am, of what I've become. I will surrender to my fate. Out of necessity.

And yes, I feel guilty and ashamed for the lifetime I have spent ogling women's breasts, guilty for all the time and energy I've spent—that I have wasted, frankly—fixated, obsessing over them, envying them, staring until I'm stupid, seeking out the huge-titted silicone-enhance models and masturbating to their cartoon likenesses for untold thousands of hours. If through a bizarre twist of fate I were to BECOME the very thing I have for so long leered at, objectified and lusted after, then... I guess I secretly am asking "let the punishment fit the crime." If a supportive bra and burdensomely-large tits that never escape passing notice are to become my cage, it will be a gilded cage, a soft sweet feminine cage, one I have willingly entered, locked myself into, and swallowed the key. (Or maybe I just lost it in my cleavage.)

Some of this has actually begun to unfold over the course of the last year. The result of hypnosis? I don't know. I have doubled my efforts to lose weight and build muscle, so that my upper body retains a masculine appearance. But I feel like my pecs are in a race now with my breasts and I am not sure which is winning. Both are noticeably larger and more "shapely" than they were a year ago. The muscles of my chest are nicely toned for the first time in my life. And hanging from those new nicely toned muscles; female breasts, a small handfull that I can cup and that is soft and shifts on my chest independent of the underlying muscle, and beneath the skin a collection of what feels not like fat but like a growing network of rubbery milk ducts, (glands, nodules) that I can pinch, pull and manipulate, that start in my arm pits and converge behind overly-sensitive nipples that show easily through my shirts.

I do not wear a bra (yet) nor do I cross-dress. My hair and clothing have been more-or-less unisex for years. I recently bought a 38 B bra which I fill out. If my growth continues what size I can expect to be? My mother is well-endowed, currently an E or F cup, so who knows. I shave and moisturize and fondle and pinch and massage my boobs frequently. I can barely keep my hands off them. I actually worry sometimes that excessive stimulation and manipulation of the breast tissue might induce lactation. And if it did, if that's even possible, what kind of growth would that spur? If I began expressing milk, draining the breast, would it feel good? Would it feel great? Would I be able to stop? Would I be able to resist experimenting with breast pumps, lactation aids, chasing an even greater feeling? If so, would I ever be able to quit long enough let my milk dry up? Or would the supply increase to keep up with the demand, until my breasts were engorged and hurting, requiring more milking, to relieve the pressure, spurring more milk production, breast growth, etc. etc? There are times when I think maybe they have stopped growing, or when I simply doubt my own perceptions about the whole thing, ("Am I making mountains out of molehills??") I will go through brief periods where I try to ignore it. Put it out of my mind. Which inevitably results in me noticing at some point "Whoa. I'm bigger!" My self-image has adjusted by now, for whatever reason, to accept a bit of a shelf on my chest. What shocked and worried me a year ago really was nothing compared to what I've got going on now. But for some reason I am less self-conscious now about the contours of my chest than I was then. Less concerned. Less afraid. It (my figure, I guess you could say) has begun to look and feel "normal" to me, despite the two mounds and their conspicuous points tenting my tee shirts. As long as no one touches them they might just assume it's all muscle anyhow. Understand, it's not like I wake up every morning and my breasts or my tush are suddenly bigger. I invariably look and feel exactly as I did the night before. There is never a sudden dramatic change for me to freak out about. Growth is slow and minute and imperceptible, so it's easy to disregard it or put it to the back of my mind, or even tell myself it's probably all an illusion. Boiling water. I can choose instead to accentuate the positive, focus on the fact that I am finally dropping some pounds and making my waist smaller. Considerably smaller. I look and feel better, whatever's going on. But it's been a year now since I first started paying attention to my tits. Long enough for me to know: they have grown. I can never put that fact out of my mind so I watch them every day now. Constantly. Noticing them getting larger is virtually impossible. But one thing I do know for certain is that there is never a time when I notice my breasts looking or feeling any smaller. Never. Not ever. Always larger. Always softer. (Even when the underlying muscle grows firmer.) I am in the best shape of my life. I have my waist back. My tummy is almost flat now and... hello... I have boobs. Boobs that are still more-or-less concealable, thankfully, but that seem to be here to stay and are getting bigger all the time. I keep waiting for it, but for some reason that moment of "Oh shit. This really is getting out of control" never seems to arrive. Besides, if it's out of control, that means; it's out of control. Out of MY control anyhow. So I tell myself I'm helpless to do anything but watch and wait. Thanks to sites like this however, I have become addicted to my perverse desire to grow my breasts larger still. Addicted to addiction! So I still listen to the files (Breast Growth Curse, Super Female Whammy, Nipple Growth, Butt Growth, Dream 2 Reality Breasts, Curse Milky).

Of course I still tell myself "If they start to get too big, I'll stop." But I don't know what "too big" would even look or feel like at this point. I love my boobs. And the bigger they get the more I love them. And the more I love them, the bigger I wish they were. My mind is warped. And my total preoccupation with them is making me stupid, vain, weak. I think about my appearance all the time now, always wondering if people notice my tits, like a common bimbo. And I love it. Now that I can grab onto them—strange new appendages to what was previously a flat and featureless part of my body—now that I can hold something, feel them finally beginning to fill my hands, now that they actually bounce and jiggle softly with my footsteps... it is unreal to me, surreal, and at the same time all TOO real. Real and tangible enough to feel completely natural and normal. It's ironic. I love what's happening to my body and my mind. And as for "stopping", who am I kidding...

Oh, and yes I have noticed some relocation of fat to my hips and buttocks. Not a lot, and frankly I do not monitor those areas like I do my chest. But it is noticeable. My butt is quite round now. I feel like if I bought a pair of women's jeans that my ass would look much better.

No penis shrinkage or loss of function (that I have noticed).
No voice softening (that I have noticed).

I am a hetero and happily-married forty-something and I have had these thoughts since childhood. They say "be careful what you wish for". And I think I have been careful. Very careful and persistent. I've been wishing for this for over thirty years.

I know it sounds ridiculous. Pathetic. Insane. How can any man (gay OR straight) want such a thing or find pleasure in such a self-destructive fantasy. I suspect that it is the girl inside me who wants it, not the man. It is for HER satisfaction, not mine. She has been there my whole life, mute, helpless, yearning to be seen and known, dwelling in my shadow, going along with whatever I wanted to do, whether it was what SHE wanted or not. I have always been ashamed of that part of me and tried to keep it hidden. As a boy I had long hair and pretty facical features and was sometimes mistaken for a girl. I have often thought that maybe I was intended to BE a girl and that my emergence as a boy was a fluke. (One of my testicles was slow to descend. My beard is thin. My testosterone is in the very low range of what is considered normal.) If so, if my being born a boy WAS a fluke, I imagine "she" is pissed off, vengeful, if not toward me then toward nature itself. Toward the roll of the dice that gave HIM the upper hand, that made "us" a man. I suppose any and every little bit of opportunity I can give her or allow her (like listening to these files repeatedly, massaging HER breasts, encouraging blood flow where it is needed, finding new dietary sources of phytoestrogen, soy, wild yam, black cohosh, and incorporating them into OUR diet) she will latch onto and take full advantage of. And maybe she DOES mean me a kind of harm. Maybe she DOES resent the 40-odd years of lazy freedom I have enjoyed while she has been consigned to a non-existence. Compromised. Powerless. The best years of her life, squandered on the likes of me! (?) And maybe all those years of subordination and neglect have hardened her, steeled her resolve, made her hungry, more determined, in that "eye of the tiger" way, to take advantage of MY weakness just as soon as I presented it to her. She knows I'm weak anyhow. Weak, lazy, unambitious, soft, ineffectual. Not a "real man", at least not the kind of man that a "real woman" wants and respects. Is she a "real woman"? Maybe she is. Or, maybe she has no way of knowing, no way of ever hoping to find out what kind of a woman she is or could have been—just unrealized female potential—and this fuels her contempt for me, makes her resent me all the more. Maybe now that I am moving into middle age and my testosterone levels are waning, in danger now of dipping below normal, she sees her chance. The chance she's been waiting for. A chance to come forward, emerge from the shadows and boldly take control of the weak body and mind that has always held her back. And if she IS a prisoner in a man's body, maybe she DOES relish the idea of somehow making that man a prisoner too, just like her, making him feel what she feels, turning the tables on him, quieting HIM, gagging him with his own perverted self-indulgence, encouraging him to gorge himself to the point of choking on his pornographic thoughts and visions ("Go ahead, listen to those files some more. You know you want to. Have another bong hit while you're at it, stupid.") until he makes himself even weaker, in body and in mind, crippling him, restricting HIS movement in the world for a change, forcing HIM to hide himself away while shining the spotlight instead on HER, on the Woman, not the inner woman, not some abstract "feminine side" which he claims pathetically to be "in touch with", but the EMERGENT PHYSICAL WOMAN whose best and most immediate means of getting herself noticed, finally, is with the help of a nice big pair of tits.

Last edited by jarvisteflon on October 31st, 2006, 4:08 pm, edited 26 times in total.
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Postby baby_jessica75 » October 30th, 2006, 6:26 am

my fantasy is probably common but here goes.

I would like for my wife to transform me into a very sexy girl c-cup breast measurements of 36-24-26 with a very sexy ass cute face sexy legs. I already have the long hair I would like a more femm hairstyle though. then she would dress me as a toatal slut and use me as her lesbian lover (which she already does) but also she would pass me around to whomever she wanted men or women. make me blow the pizza delivery guy as a tip she would make me put out to cops to get her out of speeding tickets hell she could even pass me around to the aliens if she wanted. :twisted:
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Postby baby_jessica75 » October 30th, 2006, 6:32 am

sorry measurements was supposed to be 36-24-36 :oops:
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Postby ruinix » October 31st, 2006, 9:35 pm

My motto is "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll end up among stars."

For me, this means to visualize abundance, to be the best I can be.
Strong people, Intelligent people, wise people, motivated people.. those are the people I respect and try to be.

I want to brainwash myself intensely to become genuinely the person that I have created in my mind. I want to become an attractive woman who is bubbley but gentle. Gracefully, I want to move like a cat, practicing yoga and Kung fu to keep my catlike reflexes and flexability up, while maintaining a refined composure. An affinity for fasion is always fun
It frustrates me that I can't acheive true womanhood, so I want to amplify that and vent it by focusing my will towards nanoscience. I would like to have installed a deep desire for knowledge, soaking up information wherever it may be found, precious like polished nuggets of knowledge in my treasury of memories.
I also have artistic interests as well, so I also want to develop an obsession for growing artisticly in both my visual work and my musical work.

I want to integrate all of this into myself, and express myself as an artist through my thoughts, actions, and roll as a woman in my daily life.
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Postby Vicky_Mephit » November 2nd, 2006, 12:03 pm

My fantasy is a bit different, it involves being deprogramed/re-educated into a proper Victorian Lady. [url=]Victorian Yearnings: Enforcement of Disciplined Formality[/url] covers things rather well. Summed up in short a Victorinan or Neo-Victorian society where the 'weaker' sex is based on the subject being domminant or submissive, rather than gender. So dominate women are 'gentlemen' alongside equally dominate men, and submissive males are 'ladies' along with other submissive women.

Physcially the school uses intense corset training and other braces or restraints to condition students into proper Victorian behaviors and mannerisms. Males are feminized, but not necessarily made fully female. She males perhaps to give them feminie curves. Mentally while conditioned to be submissive and accept a Victorian Lady's place, including social and legal restrictions on 'herself' and her activites gender and sexual orientation is not changed, save that only dominate 'husbands' are arrousing. Ladies are not discouraged from feeling sexual arrousal or pleasure, mearly conditioned so that self-pleasuring is considered shameful and selfish,sexual release can only be accepted if given them. Humiliation at her current state isn't part the conditioning, ladies are taught that there state is natural for them. There is social and peer pressure at ladies trying to be 'falsely masculine', taking charge, dressing without skirts and the like.

A more elaborate form of this fantasy would involve be relocated to the school in a kind of 'Neo-Victorian Stepford', where modern technology is not used or carefully disguised from the general public. Male only bastions are allowed more leway, but ladies are forbidden modern communication and information sources.
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Postby Triggernewbie » November 7th, 2006, 5:27 am

I have a complete other fantasy. I have a special scenario in mind, which should be like this.

I get hypnotized at a show which plants me several triggers. The first word force me to strip till i'm complete naked. The second word makes me horny and i must begin to mastrubate. I can't stop when i started it. Then i will get some fluid with nanobots injected that will be activate when i cum. With that fluid i will change into a female sexdoll.
After the planting of the triggers i'm ordered to log into a chatroom after a few days and to forget the session.

After the few days i log into that chatroom and begin to chat with several people. One of them begin to chat with me in private. After a little conversation the first triggerword falls and i begin to strip naked. The conversation continues and i remain naked. After several minutes the second triggerword falls and i get horny and begin to mastrubate. Then the conversation changes and i'm ask what i'm doing. I tell that i must mastrubate. Then i'm told that if i cum i would change. I try not to cum but at some point there is no other possibility then to cum. I tried to beg to let me not cum but i have no chance to stop it. I feel how i change into that female sexdoll. I feel everything and my mind change to think only a few thoughts. I feel like i get packed and transported into a sexshop. There i'm placed into the displaywindow and getting to be used as testobject for several buyers.
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Postby willingsub » November 7th, 2006, 4:20 pm

Triggernewbie wrote:I feel how i change into that female sexdoll. I feel everything and my mind change to think only a few thoughts. I feel like i get packed and transported into a sexshop. There i'm placed into the displaywindow and getting to be used as testobject for several buyers.

That reminds me of a commodity in the virtual world Second Life. In some locations there are 'real slut' displays. You (your avatar) strip naked, get wrapped in plastic, and have a microchip fitted in your brain. You become a 'real' (as real as Second Life gets) sex doll. Customers may try the merchandise. Then, when you're bought, you new owner will have a remote control that will simply make you mindlessly perform as an advanced sex doll, from being fucked to fist fucking yourself by the flick of a switch. Of course in a virtual world you can decide to be female or male, or shemale, or just switch according to whim from the start.

I may be female from birth, but the rest of the fantasy still turns me on. :)

By the way, I notice I have the same, but reversed experience with looking at women some of the men here have. You guys often look at a woman because think you want to be with her, but then realise you want to be her. I used to think I looked at a woman because I wanted to look like her, but later realised I wasn't as straight as I used to think; I actually wanted to be with her...
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Postby xthr » November 10th, 2006, 12:55 am

ive started listening to female transformation file..i recently watched a christina aguilera video and ever since wanted to become her. her femininity and sexuality is iresistable to me. i would love to wake up one day,just one day, and be her the whole day.even have a man over and let him take me.just the thought of being her excites me very much.when i become her,i feel i would be very submissive to a man. i would be very content to just stay inside all day and try on differerent sexy outfits and dance and tease some lucky guy. thats mine...
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Postby BadKera » November 18th, 2006, 8:19 pm

My own fantasy, though not a FULL feminization one, is pretty much in the realm. What I would like, would be to undergo BE. *Or in longhand, Breast Expansion*. And not just like, over a period of days. I'd like to wake up one night, to the feeling of tingling on my chest, and pull my shirt off just in time to witness my breasts start to grow. To hold they as they first become a handfull, then an armfull, and finally, a lap-full. To be able to touch and caress them as they swell forth, getting bigger, and to know that it's ME that's growing. In possesion of my own pair of swelling breasts... yeah, I'd like that.
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Postby asdf » December 6th, 2006, 1:10 am

Vicky_Mephit wrote:My fantasy is a bit different, it involves being deprogramed/re-educated into a proper Victorian Lady. Victorian Yearnings: Enforcement of Disciplined Formality covers things rather well. Summed up in short a Victorinan or Neo-Victorian society where the 'weaker' sex is based on the subject being domminant or submissive, rather than gender. So dominate women are 'gentlemen' alongside equally dominate men, and submissive males are 'ladies' along with other submissive women.

Physcially the school uses intense corset training and other braces or restraints to condition students into proper Victorian behaviors and mannerisms. Males are feminized, but not necessarily made fully female. She males perhaps to give them feminie curves. Mentally while conditioned to be submissive and accept a Victorian Lady's place, including social and legal restrictions on 'herself' and her activites gender and sexual orientation is not changed, save that only dominate 'husbands' are arrousing. Ladies are not discouraged from feeling sexual arrousal or pleasure, mearly conditioned so that self-pleasuring is considered shameful and selfish,sexual release can only be accepted if given them. Humiliation at her current state isn't part the conditioning, ladies are taught that there state is natural for them. There is social and peer pressure at ladies trying to be 'falsely masculine', taking charge, dressing without skirts and the like.

A more elaborate form of this fantasy would involve be relocated to the school in a kind of 'Neo-Victorian Stepford', where modern technology is not used or carefully disguised from the general public. Male only bastions are allowed more leway, but ladies are forbidden modern communication and information sources.

I have similar fantasies. Care to chat? ;)

Frankly, I don't think about fantasy very often. I'm too busy living reality. Transitioning is hard, and there's no room for fantasy. Sex complicates things too much for me right now. I don't associate myself with "masculinity" in any way, so why should I indulge in masculine sexuality?
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Nurse a Baby

Postby kennifersecret » February 26th, 2007, 5:12 pm

I already have larger fantasy is to take a hormone so I could nurse babies......and of course have bigger breasts
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Nurse Babies

Postby kennifersecret » February 26th, 2007, 5:17 pm

My fantasy is......I want to take whatever hormone that would make me produce milk so i could nurse babies...I already have larger breasts
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Re: Nurse Babies

Postby oh2bpreg » February 26th, 2007, 5:41 pm

kennifersecret wrote:My fantasy is......I want to take whatever hormone that would make me produce milk so i could nurse babies...I already have larger breasts

There is a drug called motilium that allows most people to produce milk. Some women even use it to increase their milk supply. You can find it online.
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Postby mr_pink » February 26th, 2007, 6:14 pm

I imagine this a lot:

I meet an (unbeknownst to me) super-dominant female who invites me back to her place for some fun. We drink and chat for a while, but just as we're about to head upstairs I pass out; the wine was drugged.

I wake up tied to the bed, not knowing how much time has passed, but I'm aware that I've been flitting in and out of consciousness for some time.

Everything feels a bit strange and I feel groggy, but she unties me and asks me to stand up and look in the mirror - I am compelled to obey because she has been using hypnotic and subliminal programming on me for the unspecified period.

Looking in the mirror, my body has had complete electrolysis performed all over it, apart from on my head hair and she's used an electric muscle toner to give me a slim feminine figure. There must be super strong hormones involved too as I'm now a C cup. She's tattooed high arched eyebrows on to me, injected my lips full of collagen so they're perfect and plump, and also inserted an irremovable Monroe piercing above my top lip and big chunky gold hoops earrings. My hair has grown over this time, and she's changed it into a peroxide ringlets and curls. Dressed in a padlocked corset with stockings and padlocked heels, I'm forced by her to service anyone who she brings to me. I cannot disobey because of the hypnotic conditioning.

In time, a wealthy friend of hers pays for me to undergo a full sex change, and I settle into my new life of subordinate pleasure.
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Postby Kalendaine » March 10th, 2007, 2:22 am

hm. Interesting reading, here :p I have a fantasy as well - mine isn't about hormones, hypnosis, or SRS or anything though - i tend to view those as a cheat. I'd prefer to have the body of a woman - like, woman from birth. :D The first fantasy is to somehow learn to do remote viewing or astral projection and just trade bodies with someone willing (a HOT someone, hopefully), which would allow me to switch back at some point in time should i desire. The second is to somehow invent time travel - or have a time machine - and go back and reengineer my own zygote.

In the second case, i usually imagine that the timeline rushes to catch up; basically, within a few minutes of my making the adjustment, my body starts to fill out in some ways and shrink in others... etc. and that all the knowledge of being a woman as well as the knowledgte of being a man is retained.

*sighs* i've woken up from dreams that have run along one of those two lines before and cried on seeing i was back to my own body....

*is now sad*
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Postby little_n » March 20th, 2007, 6:57 pm

my fantasy is about being a business woman, wearing fitted ladies business suits and high heel boots.

my wife would slowly change me into a nympho who craves mens attention, I would slowly change from business woman to platform boot slut
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Postby Patience_endures » March 20th, 2007, 11:14 pm

My fantasy is to be in a loving lesbian relationship.

I really dont care the specfics of how I look as far as bust/weight/hips size or hair/eyecolor/weight. As long as she knows my origins and accepts me as the weird me in female form.

The only thing stopping me from going out for years of counseling, meds, and surgery is that even after all that, i wont have a womb. I wont be able to carry a child for her.
The faeries it is said
Drop maple leaves into the streams
to dye thier waters red.
-translated haiku from japanese, author unknown
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Postby Kalendaine » March 21st, 2007, 2:37 am

i hear you, Patiences_Endures. That's sort of my 'genuine' woman feeling. Why go for SRS, hormones, uproot myself and change gender and all (although i'd actually love to, provided) if you can't do *everything* a woman can? I'd love to be able to bear children someday... if it's scientifically feasable, you know?

Of course, the few women i've told about my desires think i'm insane. :p
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Postby 55555 » March 27th, 2007, 7:35 pm

ive had a couple fantasies, most of which involve having my period. the first one is making a deal with a hot girl that i would trade bodies with her during her period for the rest of our lives. when shes not on her period i would trade back.
the other is more general, and is more a desire. i would like to be a girl who is just seeing the benefits of puberty, small boobs, new to periods all that. that way, as my new body would begin to discover these new things, so would i
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Postby azimiut » June 5th, 2007, 1:21 am

mine is that I would become a cross dresser. not by choice really. more forced apon. like I had a dream that I was mistakenly listed as a varsity chearleader in high school( I had this dream in high school). I was told that I had to be a chearleader or I would not graduate since it was on my schedule and was required to finish. The only uniform they had was for a girl so I had to wear it. I had nothing to wear under panties. all I had were my boxers. one of the girls said they had an extra pair of panties for me that would probably fit, and since I had to be in uniform i had to wear a sports bra too. so I had a full uniform from underwear to top and sexy cheer skirt.
it became to the point where the more I wore it and was around the other girls the more of a woman I became. I acted more feminine, dressed feminine even outside of school. I ven carried my books between class more feminine. my breasts began to become larger, not from me but the other girls in the squad were putting breat growth hormones in my water and food during break. I did not know it untill it was too late. I basically became one of the girls and I was ok with it. wearing a bra and panties, short skirt and sexy top. I had no choice. it was already to late.
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Postby VeryGnawty » June 5th, 2007, 2:59 am

Mine's a bit different, as it evolved over time. Originally my quest for femininity followed a dream I had where I actually was a female. However, my quest became more focused on avoiding manhood (which I found displeasing at the time). I have sinced learn the difference between wanting to be female, and wanting to run away from being a man. Not as easy to distinguish as it may seem. But there is a very important difference.

My quest for femininity now has changed much in structure. Now I want to be female just for the experience of it. And now I'm also much more concerned with the physical aspects than the mental/emotional, as I have already reached a conscious level which I feel works for me, and I don't really discriminate emotional processes between genders, as I feel it is a fabrication of human society, and not a natural experience.

I remain adamant in my decision to try to alter my body slowly through the power of thought alone. It's kind of a life's quest of mine to discover the true extent of conscious power. I'm drawn to studying it like a magnet. I've experienced many profound effects of mind over matter. Still, my quest for major changes in physical appearance is elusive. Most of my successful trance work has resulted more internally on the way the body functions. That alone has been worth my quest. But recently I have felt drawn to reinvigorate my old dream of creating an even more dramatic change.

Only time will tell if I will succeed, or if I will throw away vast amounts of time and energy for small pearls of wisdom.
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Postby CuriousG » June 11th, 2007, 3:29 pm

I wish to be somehow magically transformed into a sexy, high-libido woman. I'd then like to have all kinds of sex with a variety of females, shemales, and maybe even a few regular males.
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Postby wootness » August 14th, 2007, 2:08 am

I have several, but my most recent one is to have sex with a girl as a guy, and for that girl to suck my dick. It would feel more intense than anything I've ever felt before, and the pleasure would keep growing and growing. Once the pleasure has reached a pinnacle I would lose all sense of space and time and become dissoriented in pure ecstacy. And once I've opened my eyes, I would find myself in the girl's body with my own dick in my mouth. Needless to say, I'd be shocked, but also strangely arroused :) I would then go down on myself and get pregnant with my own baby, and be stuck in the girl's body forever :D
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Postby hellion0 » August 14th, 2007, 5:43 am

Mine would probably be to suddenly begin growing younger (say, a year per week), and have all physical masculinization reverse along the way (hell, I'd even trade the physical feminization I've achieved along the way as well), then once prepubescent, to find my male parts changing (gradual, sudden, don't care which) to female ones. Once I've grown down far enough (toddler age), then that process would reverse and I'd age again, at normal speed, but keeping my newfound female body as I grow up, eventually hitting a female puberty, then living out the rest of my life completely female.
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Postby pantislave » August 14th, 2007, 11:42 am

i think my feminization fantasy would go something like this:

i’m traveling to a conference or convention of some type (doesn’t matter if it is for work or for pleasure or whatever)…the shuttle to the train station crashes…just as an alien spaceship is passing near our planet for an initial surveying mission, before making first contact…the life-sciences officer aboard the alien ship scans the wreckage of the shuttle-van i was aboard and find one weak life-sign…me. i am transported aboard their ship, and given the best of their medical treatment, but because they have never met an earth-human before, the only treatment available that the ship’s surgeon is certain of not killing me with is nanites…he—or is it she—injects me with a large quantity of nanoprobes that set to work stabilizing my physiological processes, the re-constructing my shattered body…but because the aliens only have a single gender, their nanoprobes don’t know that humans come in two varieties. As a result, my body is rebuilt with both male and female reproductive organs, as well as a pair of big tits, which i estimate to be about 40-C and very perky. Somehow, i am now able to understand the language of these aliens who have become my accidental saviors, probably because of their nanites, and i am told that i will be able to manifest either a penis or a vagina at will, but the breasts will always be there, they will not recede into my chest, nor will i grow any body hair. They also tell me that i will be able to impregnate myself, but that to do so will require intense concentration, and i will be physically exhausted after doing so. i find that by concentrating, I can change the length and colour of my hair at will, as well. Eventually, after they re-teach me how to walk, i am returned to earth, at what was to be my destination for the conference.
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Postby Josh_artist » August 14th, 2007, 8:40 pm

Jacara wrote:Strictly in the realm of fantasy, I wish I could magically turn into a woman (and back again) whenever I wanted - but I'd spend most of my time as a woman :P
I don't really have any detailed fantasies for what I'd do as one when it happened, I just would feel more right that way.

i agree 100% with you becoming female at will, then reverting back :3
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Postby CycoMelody » December 18th, 2007, 9:37 am

Aside from seeing tv and porn stars I fantasize about being, I would love to have the body of Helen Parr from the incredibles movie. I cant help it, they just made her so hot in my eyes. The only thing Id change is the breast size cause I would want larger breasts.
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Postby l3ishop » December 18th, 2007, 6:30 pm

I have a couple of feminisation fantasies, but they all involve me being shemale with a lesbian lover/dominant woman. I've loved femdom for as long as I remember.

The first one involves pure hypnosis, in which I'm given an alternate, female personality that surfaces whenever I trigger her. The catch is, once she surfaces she's completely in control and only relinquishes it when she wants. She's a tall, blonde woman with gorgeous breasts and tanned skin. She loves sex and enjoys dominating men and women. The incentive for this transformation though is that while keeping my regular male mind and seeing myself as a man, I hallucinate that I have a pussy. It's my female alter-ego who controls my penis, and can do whatever she likes with it.

The other fantasy involves a girlfriend or wife who likes dominating me. She brainwashes me into being her perfect little slave and even hypnotises me into wanting desperately to be a woman. She buys me frilly clothes and hormonal treatment, and in the end I end up looking like a gorgeous brunette with 34D breasts, trim waist, nice ass and silky smooth hairless skin. I spend all my days as her sexy goth maid, wearing restraining rubber and latex uniforms and behave as a good little sissy shemale maid.

Another fantasy I got from A woman introduced to me at a bar takes me to a backroom. I see a woman strapped into the machine and she comes furiously. I'm strapped into the machine, tightly restrained, and suddenly my mind is flooded with images of cocks and coming, lips wrapped around them and dripping pussies being pounded. I come to an earth-shattering orgasm and pass out. When I wake up there's a blonde woman next to me, playing with herself while watching a porn movie on TV. I find it difficult to think, my nipples are sensitive, all body hair has fallen out and my penis -while sensitive- looks smaller. My female host walks in and asks if I enjoyed that. I immediately want to try it again. This time she straps me in and then informs me of the machine's side-effects. It'll reduce my IQ each time while raising my sex drive, and turning me into more and more of a bimbo until I can't think anymore and desire nothing but sucking cock and taking it into me. I protest and struggle, but each orgasm reduces my will a little more.

Final fantasy involves prostate milking, and aliens. When I'm alone a woman in a bodysuit (think the symbiote from Spider-man) approaches me to collect a sample. The suit melds into a rack that I'm forced on and forms a penis that enters my ass. Once inside it grows fingers that massage my prostate. My cum eventually leaks out with a subdued orgasm, to be collected for testing. She wipes my memory of the events, but leaves the suggestion that I enjoyed it and that I'll be responsive next time. This goes on for some time, with each transformation milking me of my male essence until after the fifth time she says they need more agents in the field. I struggle, but she overpowers me and grows a penis which she proceeds to shove up my rear and rape me with. When she comes, however, the suit shoots its seed into me and transforms me into 'one of them'. I do what she did to me to other unsuspecting men.

Woah, long posts...thanks for bearing with me. ;)
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Postby dangel » March 22nd, 2008, 7:56 pm

I've had a recent fantasy where I finally pluck up the courage to go see a shemale.
I tell her that I'm confused about liking shemales, she tells me its because I'm gay and in denial, I completely disagree and deny this.
She then pulls her thick cock out her knickers and makes me beg for it, she says I can only suck it if I admit I'm gay.
I feel so horny, I realise the humiliation is turning me on.
I finally admit that I must be gay and she slides her thick juicy cock into my mouth.
I'm lost in bliss as she fucks my face, she eventually cums in my mouth as it slides down my throat my body tingles and I slowly change into a busty shemale.
After we've finished I realise I can't continue my old life so I become the shemales slave and she trains me how to pleasure both sexes, I particularly enjoy giving long wet blowjobs and tit wanks.
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Postby Lorry » June 16th, 2008, 2:28 pm

How about this suggestion for a new file:
you meet a gorgeous woman, the woman of your dreams. you share an interest and she invites you back to her place where you uses her psychic ability to tender to your deepest desires. she transforms you by offering you to consume her love juices, which (you do not know this) are super concentrated hormones. The more you consume, the faster you go and the more you want to consume. by the time you realise what's happening you love it and wind up being her twin sister (or lesbian lover)
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Postby shemale_dreamer » June 19th, 2008, 8:58 am

Nice dicussion!!!
My fantasy is to end up as a shemale with full lactatin giant breasts, and a tiny unusable manhood cause mistress can hummiliate me, and her customers and friends will laugh and cum over it, to make me feel useless like a man but great as the shemale whore Mistress wants me to be

It will start on a doctors studio...i find three nurses..that knows my secret, if anyone wants to share....please do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby PS360 » June 23rd, 2008, 5:08 pm

My Fantasy is that i was chosen to participate in a brain transplant. Only thing is that all the subjects i could choose to switch to are all women! I pick one with c cups and a thin waist. i go into surgery. i wake up as a woman, training to become a woman and much more.
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Postby Jane_the_Bane » July 23rd, 2008, 5:00 am

baby_jessica75 wrote:my fantasy is probably common but here goes.

I would like for my wife to transform me into a very sexy girl c-cup breast measurements of 36-24-26 with a very sexy ass cute face sexy legs. I already have the long hair I would like a more femm hairstyle though. then she would dress me as a toatal slut and use me as her lesbian lover (which she already does) but also she would pass me around to whomever she wanted men or women. make me blow the pizza delivery guy as a tip she would make me put out to cops to get her out of speeding tickets hell she could even pass me around to the aliens if she wanted. :twisted:

I can *definitely* relate to that. I'm not really into the whole humiliation-gig, but the thought of being my wife's sexy lesbian lover is *definitely* one of my favourite fantasies.

Sadly, most triggers suggest a kind of femininity that I do not find all that appealing: lots of makeup, very little brain, "Barbie"-chic, high heels, pink clothes...

Honestly, if I'd have to choose between the big-breasted cheerleader bimbo and the cute computer nerd wallflower (think: Alyson Hannigan), I'd DEFINITELY favour the latter - both as far as picturing myself in such a way is concerned as well as imagining her as my lover. I'm not into the whole "brainless blonde"-gag.
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Postby Cade » July 23rd, 2008, 11:14 am

i agree with that completly x3 i like thinking to much to become a brainless bimbo.. (that and i don't care for blonde hair...)
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Postby sabrinaselentra » July 29th, 2008, 4:19 am

totally amazing.... I have had my fun read for the evening....
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Postby JessicaDrew » August 6th, 2008, 6:48 am

Fantasy 1:

My wife hires a witch to try and seduce me to see if I would ever cheat on her. I end up having sex with the witch, which is when my wife walks in on us both. The two women reveal that it had all been a test to see if I would have the affair. As per my wife's instruction, the witch casts a spell to turn me into a woman us punishment.

I watch as my body slowly begins to change. I hold my arms out, watching as the hair starts to receed, my skin becoming softer and more smooth. My hands start to become more slender, my fingernails elongating and taking on a bright pink sheen. My hair begins to spill forth from my scalp, lightening into golden blonde as it tickles its way past my shoulders and down my back. I reach up to my face feeling it reshape itself into a soft heart, my five o' clock shadow fading to nothing. Then down to my neck, feeling the remains of my Adam's Apple smoothing away. I cry out, my voice now higher in pitch.

I look down, my long blonde hair falling across my face. My whole body seems to be getting smaller and more slender. My clothes starting to become baggy, my shirt sleeves hanging off of me. I watch with horror as my chest starts to swell, ballooning outwards from my chest. My top two shirt buttons pop open revealing a line of cleavage between my growing breasts. At the same time I can feel my ass and hips swelling, straining my pants, becoming curvacious and feminine. As i cup my new breasts helplessly I feel a deep lurching within my tummy. I gasp as I feel my crotch pulling tighly inwards, as if turning inside out.

My chest heaves as I gasp for breath, looking up at my wife and the Witch. The witch smiles and my wife pays her the money for the service and leaves.

My wife then takes on an uncharactersitcally dominate manner, dressing in PVC leathers. She forces me to strip out of my male clothes and then get dressed in slutty lingerie and clothing. All the while teasing me with uncouth words as she pinches my sensitive nipples. She then takes me to a bar and I am made to flirt with men, and then take one back to our house. Once there the man fucks me whilst my wife looks on, playing with herself.

Fantasy 2

My other fantasy is much more passive. What if something happened where I was to change into a girl over the course of the next year. So today is 6th August. On 6th August 2009 the transformation would be complete and I would be 100% female.

What's more is that everyone knows that this is going to happen to me. All my friends and family, everyone at work. They would watch me week in , week out, seeing if I look any different.

Imagine reaching 6 months when I'm now 50% male and 50% female. From every day after that I would be more female than male. My family and wife would probably be supportive, even buying me female clothes and toiletries in readiness.

As I approach the 9 month stage I'd probably start dressing more feminine, even wearing skirts and heels, until at 12 months I'm finally a full woman.
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